
Earnings Call Summary | ALSEA SAB DE CV(ALSSF.US) Q1 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | ALSEA SAB DE CV(ALSSF.US) Q1 2024 Earnings Conference

業績電話會議摘要 | ALSEA SAB DE CV (ALSSF.US) 2024 年第一季度業績會議
富途資訊 ·  04/25 09:02  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Alsea, S.A.B. De C.V. (ALSSF) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Alsea、S.A.B. De C.V.(ALSSF)2024年第一季度業績電話會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Alsea's total Q1 2024 sales increased by 2.7% YoY, reaching MXN18 billion, or a 12.2% increase excluding FX effects.

  • EBITDA grew by 12.4% YoY, reaching MXN2.6 billion.

  • Same-store sales grew by 10.1% YoY.

  • Digital orders comprised 30.3% of total sales, totaling MXN5.5 billion.

  • Net income decreased by 22% YoY to MXN 440 million while EPS rose to MXN 3.36, a 58% YoY increase.

  • CapEx for the quarter amounted to 940 million pesos, and Pre-IFRS gross debt increased 1.7 billion pesos YoY.

  • Alsea 2024 年第一季度的總銷售額同比增長了 2.7%,達到 MXN18 億美元,不包括外匯影響,增長了 12.2%。

  • 息稅折舊攤銷前利潤同比增長12.4%,達到26億墨西哥披索。

  • 同店銷售額同比增長10.1%。

  • 數字訂單佔總銷售額的30.3%,總額爲55億墨西哥披索。

  • 淨收入同比下降22%,至4.4億墨西哥披索,而每股收益上升至3.36墨西哥披索,同比增長58%。

  • 該季度的資本支出爲9.4億披索,國際財務報告準則之前的總債務同比增長了17億披索。

Business Progress:


  • 27 corporate units and 9 franchises were opened primarily under the Starbucks and Domino's brands.

  • Alsea's digital strategy accounted for 30.3% of all Q1 2024 sales.

  • Loyalty program sales rose by 21.7%, accounting for 20.6% of total sales.

  • They advanced ESG initiatives, with Mexico and Iberia locations branded as green stores, using 70% and 50% of clean energy respectively.

  • They suffered from foreign exchange losses in Argentina due to the cash conversion difference.

  • They were named Franchisee of the Year by Starbucks International in Mexico and Spain.

  • Expected digital sales to reach around 50% by the end of the year to boost customer loyalty.

  • They are optimistic about the economics in Argentina despite the devaluation of the peso.

  • Alsea intends to complete minority stake payments by Q1 2025, aided by a working capital injection from acquiring the remaining part of the European entity.

  • They have secured the supply chain for mozzarella cheese, crucial for Domino's operations, till late 2024.

  • Based on different FX effects, they have prepared their budget and guidance and do not anticipate significant appreciation of the Mexican peso.

  • 主要以星巴克和達美樂品牌開設了27個公司單位和9個特許經營店。

  • Alsea的數字戰略佔2024年第一季度所有銷售額的30.3%。

  • 忠誠度計劃的銷售額增長了21.7%,佔總銷售額的20.6%。

  • 他們推進了ESG計劃,將墨西哥和伊比利亞的分店命名爲綠色門店,分別使用70%和50%的清潔能源。

  • 由於現金兌換差額,他們在阿根廷遭受了外匯損失。

  • 他們被星巴克國際評爲墨西哥和西班牙的年度特許經營商。

  • 預計到今年年底,數字銷售額將達到50%左右,以提高客戶忠誠度。

  • 儘管披索貶值,他們仍對阿根廷的經濟持樂觀態度。

  • Alsea打算在收購該歐洲實體剩餘部分所產生的營運資金注入的幫助下,在2025年第一季度之前完成少數股權的支付。

  • 他們已經確保了對達美樂業務至關重要的馬蘇裏拉奶酪的供應鏈,直到 2024 年底。

  • 根據不同的外匯影響,他們已經準備了預算和指導方針,預計墨西哥披索不會大幅升值。

More details: ALSEA SAB DE CV IR


Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


