
Encouragement Ink. Announces a New Genre of Children's Books That Combines History, Psychology, and Art and Targets Left and Right Brain Integration

Encouragement Ink. Announces a New Genre of Children's Books That Combines History, Psychology, and Art and Targets Left and Right Brain Integration

PR Newswire ·  04/23 20:47

NEW YORK, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Mary C. McCluskey, psychotherapist, and author revitalizes Dr. Alfred Adler, the "Pioneer in the Prevention of Mental Health Disorders" and Dr. Pierre Janet "Father of Trauma Treatment Theory" using a time-traveling hot air balloon to create a new genre of children's books. This book series integrates history, psychology, and art, and its activities are designed to stimulate and enhance the integration of the creative, emotional right brain and the practical, analytical left brain. Scientists have found integration of both sides of the brain is optimal for resilience and mental health.

紐約,2024 年 4 月 23 日 /PRNewswire/ — 心理治療師兼作家瑪麗·麥克盧斯基博士重振了阿爾弗雷德·阿德勒博士 “預防心理健康障礙的先驅還有皮埃爾·珍妮特博士 “創傷治療理論之父使用穿越時空的熱氣球創作一種新類型的兒童讀物。該系列叢書整合了歷史、心理學和藝術,其活動旨在刺激和增強創造性、情感性的右腦和實用的分析性左腦的融合。科學家發現,大腦兩側的整合是增強適應力和心理健康的最佳選擇。

Dr. McCluskey, who will be including children's artwork as part of her next book about healing using color and sound, visits Poland and does an art workshop with Ukrainian children who read her book, Bubbles, Balloons and Birds. Children spontaneously shared the meaning of their masks using google translate.
Dr. McCluskey who will be including children's artwork as part of her next book about healing using color and sound, visits Poland and does an art workshop with Ukrainian children who read her book, Bubbles, Balloons and Birds. Children spontaneously shared the meaning of their masks using google translate.

In her most recent book, now available for presale on, Bubbles, Balloons and Birds: Learning to Thrive-Helpings Kids Cope With Adversity (BBB) creatively shows how an eleven-year-old survivor of the Franco-Prussian War grew up to become one of the most important psychologists of all time! The book's foreword was written by Mariel Hemingway, actress, author, and mental health advocate. Her grandfather Ernest Hemingway, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was renowned for his writings about war. Now, Mariel speaks candidly about the difficulties of growing up in a famous family who struggled with mental illness and addiction. She shares how she coped as a child using both nature and mindfulness. The narrative of the children's story that follows includes these themes and shows how they can be used as tools for coping with adversity. Kirkus says BBB is "A conversation starter for social-emotional provided encourages readers to take part in the conversation." - Kirkus Reviews.

在她的最新著作中,該書現已在亞馬遜上預售, 泡泡、氣球和小鳥:學會茁壯成長幫助孩子應對逆境(BBB) 創造性地展示了普法戰爭的11歲倖存者是如何成長爲有史以來最重要的心理學家之一的!這本書的前言由演員、作家和心理健康倡導者瑪麗爾·海明威撰寫。她的祖父歐內斯特·海明威是普利策獎得主的作家,以其關於戰爭的著作而聞名。現在,瑪麗爾坦率地談到了在一個飽受精神疾病和成癮困擾的著名家庭中成長的困難。她分享了她小時候如何運用自然和正念來應對。接下來的兒童故事敘述包括這些主題,並展示瞭如何將它們用作應對逆境的工具。柯庫斯說 BBB“社交情感學習的對話開端... 提供的空間鼓勵讀者參與對話。”-Kirkus Reviews

Bubbles, Balloons and Birds was translated into Ukrainian and distributed to Ukrainian families in Eastern Europe by Community Organization Relief Effort (CORE), the global humanitarian organization co-founded by Sean Penn and Ann Lee. In addition, it was distributed by the Siemacha Association in Krakow, Poland. McCluskey, who is also one of the book's illustrators (her mom and daughter are the other illustrators of her book series) recently facilitated an art workshop and book signing in Krakow, Poland with the children who had read her book. The children whose ages ranged from 8 to 16 worked on various art activities while listening to Chopin's piano music including mask-making. The participants spontaneously expressed using Google Translate the emotional meaning behind their masks. One child said, "My mask shows that sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad and so lost." One child translated (BBB) from Ukrainian into Polish for her Polish friends. She shared that reading the book about a child war survivor made her feel understood, and less alone. Some of the children's artwork will appear in McCluskey's third book "A Mouse Named Pigment in Chopin's Piano: The Healing Power of Color and Sound."

泡泡、氣球和小鳥 由肖恩·潘和安·李共同創立的全球人道主義組織社區組織救濟工作(CORE)翻譯成烏克蘭語並分發給東歐的烏克蘭家庭。此外,它由波蘭克拉科夫的Siemacha協會分發。麥克盧斯基也是該書的插畫家之一(她的媽媽和女兒是她系列叢書的其他插畫家),最近在波蘭克拉科夫爲讀過她書的孩子們主持了一次藝術工作坊和簽書會。年齡在8至16歲之間的孩子們一邊聽肖邦的鋼琴音樂,包括面具製作,一邊從事各種藝術活動。參與者自發地使用谷歌翻譯表達了面具背後的情感意義。一個孩子說:“我的面具表明有時候我們很開心,有時候我們很傷心,很失落。”一個孩子翻譯 (BBB) 爲她的波蘭朋友從烏克蘭語翻譯成波蘭語。她分享說,讀這本關於兒童戰爭倖存者的書會讓她感到被理解,不那麼孤單。一些兒童作品將出現在麥克盧斯基的第三本書中 “肖邦鋼琴中一隻名叫顏料的老鼠:色彩和聲音的治癒力。”

Dr. McCluskey, a parent herself, knows the instinct to shield kids from scary things, but in the current climate of information overload, she urges parents to be the first to talk to their kids about overwhelming things. This book series is designed to help facilitate these types of conversations and is meant to be read by parents/caregivers and children and used as a platform for family discussions about complex and often anxiety-producing topics. They are meant to enhance family bonds and child creativity, resilience, and self-confidence. The books are interactive, and prompts are designed to encourage readers to express themselves either with words, drawings, color expression, songs, poems, and/or bilateral tapping (the child chooses).


Dr. McCluskey specializes in trauma treatment and is certified in Attachment-Focused EMDR and trauma-informed art therapy and is in training to be a certified sound healer. She teaches social work at New York University and owns a group therapy practice, The Empowerment Opportunity LCSW PLLC treating children, adolescents, and adults. She was recently interviewed on Hemingway's podcast, Out Comes the Sun.

McCluskey博士專門從事創傷治療,並獲得了以依戀爲中心的EMDR和創傷信息藝術療法的認證,並且正在接受培訓,成爲一名經過認證的聲音治療師。她在紐約大學教授社會工作,並擁有一家團體治療診所, 賦權機會 LCSW PLLC 治療兒童、青少年和成人。她最近在海明威的播客上接受了採訪 太陽出來了

Media Contact:
Mary McCluskey
[email protected]


SOURCE Encouragement Ink. LLC


