
Quest Diagnostics Adds P-tau217 Blood Biomarker Testing to Suite of Services Designed to Assess Risk and Help Aid Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Quest Diagnostics Adds P-tau217 Blood Biomarker Testing to Suite of Services Designed to Assess Risk and Help Aid Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Quest Diagnostics在旨在評估風險和幫助診斷阿爾茨海默氏病的服務套件中增加了p-tau217血液生物標誌物測試
PR Newswire ·  04/22 19:53

Company's AD-Detect Portfolio Offers AB 42/40 and Other Plasma Biomarker Testing, Alongside Traditional Cerebrospinal Fluid and Genetic Tests, to Provide Robust Offering in Brain Health

公司的AD-Detect產品組合提供AB 42/40和其他血漿生物標誌物測試,以及傳統的腦脊液和基因檢測,爲大腦健康提供強大的服務

SECAUCUS, N.J., April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX), a leader in diagnostic information services, today announced the launch of a new blood biomarker test for phosphorylated tau 217, or p-tau217. P-tau217 is a biomarker associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), supported by research as useful for an early diagnosis of AD.

新澤西州錫考克斯,2024年4月22日 /PRNewswire/ — 診斷信息服務領域的領導者Quest Diagnostics(紐約證券交易所代碼:DGX)今天宣佈推出一項針對磷酸化tau 217或p-tau217的新血液生物標誌物測試。p-tau217是一種與阿爾茨海默病(AD)相關的生物標誌物,經研究支持,可用於 AD 的早期診斷。

The test is the latest addition to the AD-Detect portfolio of blood tests for assessing the risk of Alzheimer's Disease, which also includes testing for an array of AD biomarkers, including p-tau181 and amyloid beta (AB) proteins, as well as Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) isoform and plasma testing, for patients with cognitive impairment. With a physician's test order, patients may provide a blood draw for testing from any of Quest's 2,000 patient service centers in the United States. The test is expected to be available for ordering on April 26, 2024.


Quest Diagnostics continually seeks to expand access for patients and providers to innovations in the field of dementia, including AD, through advanced diagnostic solutions. The addition of p-tau217 to Quest's existing portfolio of neurology testing supports a comprehensive offering, including not only the groundbreaking use of blood tests to evaluate risk of AD, but also cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tests to help providers assess amyloid beta 42, tau and ApoE genetic risk status.

Quest Diagnostics不斷尋求通過先進的診斷解決方案,擴大患者和提供者獲得癡呆領域創新的渠道,包括AD。將p-tau217添加到Quest現有的神經病學測試產品組合中,支持全面的服務,不僅包括開創性地使用血液檢查來評估AD風險,還包括腦脊液(CSF)測試,以幫助提供者評估β澱粉樣蛋白42、tau和ApoE的遺傳風險狀態。

"By expanding our test availability to include p-tau217 and other blood-based biomarkers, Quest has invested significantly in providing insights to aid risk assessment and early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease," said Kathleen Valentine, Vice President and General Manager, Neurology, Quest Diagnostics. "We know diagnosing AD is challenging, and believe our AD Detect services can help individuals better understand their possible risk."

Quest Diagnostics副總裁兼神經病學總經理凱瑟琳·瓦倫丁表示:“通過擴大我們的測試可用性,將p-tau217和其他血液生物標誌物包括在內,Quest 投入了大量資金,以提供有助於風險評估和早期診斷阿爾茨海默氏病的見解。”“我們知道診斷AD具有挑戰性,並相信我們的AD Detect服務可以幫助個人更好地了解他們可能的風險。”

While amyloid PET imaging is an established method for aiding the diagnosis of AD, it is significantly more expensive, invasive and specialist-dependent than blood tests. Through its proprietary AD-Detect line of blood tests, Quest enables access for patients and providers to quality laboratory innovations for Alzheimer's Disease on a broad national scale.


"Testing to assess Alzheimer's disease has changed rapidly in the last few years, and we expect this area to continue evolving," said Michael Racke, MD, Medical Director of Neurology at Quest Diagnostics. "The future of assessing risk or diagnosing AD will likely include a variety of testing modalities and biomarkers, including blood, to help clinicians identify patients in the early stages of disease progression. When examined with cognitive test results, p-tau217 has the potential to aid diagnosis, and will play a valuable role in assessing patients with cognitive impairment, especially when combined with other tests."

Quest Diagnostics神經病學醫學總監邁克爾·拉克醫學博士說:“在過去的幾年中,評估阿爾茨海默氏病的測試發生了迅速的變化,我們預計這一領域將繼續發展。”“評估風險或診斷AD的未來可能包括各種測試模式和生物標誌物,包括血液,以幫助臨床醫生識別處於疾病進展早期階段的患者。當使用認知測試結果進行檢查時,p-tau217有可能輔助診斷,並且將在評估認知障礙患者方面發揮寶貴的作用,尤其是與其他測試結合使用時。”

Nearly 7 million Americans have Alzheimer's, the most prevalent dementia, a number projected to reach 14 million by 2060. New blood tests offer the potential for primary care physicians as well as specialists to identify people at risk for Alzheimer's Disease even before symptoms manifest. Seventy-seven percent of physicians say new therapies will transform Alzheimer's into a chronic, manageable disease, according to a special report from Quest based on a survey by Harris Poll.

近700萬美國人患有阿爾茨海默氏症,這是最常見的癡呆症,預計到2060年,這一數字將達到1400萬。新的血液檢查使初級保健醫生和專家有可能在症狀出現之前就識別出有阿爾茨海默病風險的人。Quest根據Harris Poll的一項調查發佈的特別報告顯示,77%的醫生表示,新療法將使阿爾茨海默氏症轉變爲一種慢性的、可控制的疾病。

A leader in neurology, Quest Diagnostics is committed to developing innovative laboratory services to aid in evaluating patient risk of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias. Through its courier network and 2,000 patient service centers in the U.S, Quest is uniquely positioned to collect blood specimens, with a physician's order, and provide advanced laboratory testing on a national scale.

作爲神經病學領域的領導者,Quest Diagnostics致力於開發創新的實驗室服務,以幫助評估患者患阿爾茨海默氏病和其他癡呆的風險。通過其快遞網絡和美國的2,000個患者服務中心,Quest具有獨特的優勢,可以根據醫生的命令收集血液樣本,並在全國範圍內提供先進的實驗室檢測。

Recently published research in the Journal of Investigative Medicine, Frontiers in Neurology and Alzheimer's & Dementia demonstrates the value of the company's AD-Detect amyloid beta test in aiding risk assessment of AD. The company also continues to explore the potential of other biomarkers for assessing AD risk that may complement its existing portfolio. For more information, visit .

最近發表的研究報告發表在 《調查醫學雜誌》神經病學前沿阿爾茨海默症和癡呆症 證明了該公司AD-Detect β澱粉樣蛋白測試在幫助評估AD風險方面的價值。該公司還繼續探索其他生物標誌物在評估AD風險方面的潛力,這些生物標誌物可能會補充其現有產品組合。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Quest Diagnostics
Quest Diagnostics works across the healthcare ecosystem to create a healthier world, one life at a time. We provide diagnostic insights from the results of our laboratory testing to empower people, physicians and organizations to take action to improve health outcomes. Derived from one of the world's largest databases of de-identifiable clinical lab results, Quest's diagnostic insights reveal new avenues to identify and treat disease, inspire healthy behaviors and improve healthcare management. Quest Diagnostics annually serves one in three adult Americans and half the physicians and hospitals in the United States, and our nearly 50,000 employees understand that, in the right hands and with the right context, our diagnostic insights can inspire actions that transform lives and create a healthier world. .

Quest Diagnostics在整個醫療保健生態系統中開展工作,致力於創造一個更健康的世界,一次又一次的生活。我們根據實驗室測試結果提供診斷見解,使個人、醫生和組織能夠採取行動改善健康狀況。Quest的診斷見解來自世界上最大的可識別臨床實驗室結果數據庫之一,揭示了識別和治療疾病、激發健康行爲和改善醫療保健管理的新途徑。Quest Diagnostics每年爲三分之一的美國成年人和一半的美國醫生和醫院提供服務,我們的近50,000名員工明白,只要有正確的手和正確的背景,我們的診斷見解可以激發人們採取行動,改變生活,創造一個更健康的世界。

SOURCE Quest Diagnostics

來源 Quest Di

