
Cochlear Receives FDA Clearance to Lower the Age for the Osia System to 5-years-old

Cochlear Receives FDA Clearance to Lower the Age for the Osia System to 5-years-old

Cochlear 獲得 FDA 批准,將 Osia 系統的年齡降低至 5 歲
PR Newswire ·  04/19 23:43
  • In the United States, the Osia System is now cleared for children ages 5 and older
  • The Osia System, which launched commercially in 2020, is indicated for people with conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss and single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD)
  • The Osia System has been shown to provide clinically significant improvements in high frequency hearing for children.2,3,4
  • 在美國,Osia系統現已批准適用於5歲及以上的兒童
  • Osia System於2020年上市,適用於傳導性聽力損失、混合性聽力損失和單側感音神經性耳聾(SSD)患者
  • Osia 系統已被證明可提供 兒童高頻聽力的臨床顯著改善。2,3,4

LONE TREE, Colo., April 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- - Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH), the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, obtained U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance to lower the age of the Cochlear Osia System from 12 years-old to 5-years-old for children with conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss and single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD).

科羅拉多州孤樹,2024年4月19日 /PRNewswire/--植入式聽力解決方案領域的全球領導者科利爾有限公司(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:COH)獲得了美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的許可,將傳導性聽力損失、混合性聽力損失和單側感音神經性耳聾(SSD)兒童的Cochlear Osia系統的年齡從12歲降低到5歲。

"The Osia System has truly been life changing," Dea R., parent to 8-year-old Adrian said.


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Adrian with her Osia System.
阿德里安和她的 Osia 系統。

The Osia System is a new category of bone conduction hearing solutions that uses digital piezoelectric stimulation to bypass damaged areas of the natural hearing system to send sound vibrations directly to the inner ear (cochlea). It is the first and only active bone conduction system that allows patients to undergo MRI scans at both 1.5 T and 3.0 T without the need for surgery.1

Osia System 是一種新的骨傳導聽力解決方案,它使用數字壓電刺激來繞過自然聽覺系統的受損區域,將聲音振動直接發送到內耳(耳蝸)。它是第一個也是唯一一個允許患者無需手術即可在1.5 T和3.0 T的溫度下進行磁共振成像掃描的主動骨傳導系統。1

Now children as young as 5 will be able to have full access to the Osia System's unique technology that is optimized to deliver high power and clarity, especially in high-frequency sounds, which are important for hearing what others are saying.

現在,年僅5歲的孩子將能夠完全使用Osia System的獨特技術,該技術經過優化,可提供高功率和清晰度,尤其是在高頻聲音中,高頻聲音對於聽到他人說的話很重要。

"I love my Osia System. It's given me the confidence to succeed in school. I can hear everything my teacher and my friends say," Adrian R., 8-year-old Osia System recipient said.

“我喜歡我的 Osia 系統。這給了我在學校取得成功的信心。我能聽見我的老師和朋友所說的一切。” 8歲的Osia System接收者Adrian R. 說。

Adrian was diagnosed with hearing loss at age 4 and started with the Baha Sound Processor with a Baha Softband before transitioning to the Osia System at age 6.


"It has been amazing to see the transformation in Adrian. She has been doing so well in school and is able to keep up with her friends both in school and out. She is even learning the piano now and I never thought I would be able to say that. It has truly been life changing," Dea R., parent to 8-year-old Adrian said.

“看到阿德里安的轉變真是太神奇了。她在學校表現非常出色,無論是在學校還是在校外,她都能與朋友保持聯繫。她現在甚至在學鋼琴,我從沒想過我能這麼說。這確實改變了生活。” 8歲阿德里安的家長Dea R. 說。

The Osia System has been shown to provide clinically significant improvements in high frequency hearing for children.2,3,4


"I choose the Osia System for my pediatric patients because it really made the difference in terms of the sound clarity. It is absolutely incredible," Dr. Daniela Carvalho, Pediatric Otolaryngologist at Rady Children's Hospital said.

“我之所以爲我的兒科患者選擇Osia系統,是因爲它確實在聲音清晰度方面發揮了重要作用。這絕對不可思議。” 雷迪兒童醫院的小兒耳鼻喉科醫生丹妮拉·卡瓦略博士說。

"All of my patients with the Osia System have come back to my office saying it's the first time they've heard the birds chirping or other high-frequency sounds."


Cochlear's product portfolio is inspired by meaningful innovation and a core belief that technology is only as useful as the benefit it provides.


"The Osia System is transformative technology, and we're pleased that it's now accessible for children as young as 5. This aligns with our commitment to empower people across all stages of life to stay connected and thrive," Lisa Aubert, President, Cochlear North America said.

“Osia系統是一項變革性技術,我們很高興它現在可供5歲以下的兒童使用。這符合我們的承諾,即賦予人生各個階段的人們保持聯繫和茁壯成長的能力。” Cochlear北美總裁麗莎·奧伯特說。

About Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH)
People have always been Cochlear's inspiration, ever since Professor Graeme Clark set out to create the first multi-channel cochlear implant after seeing his father struggle with hearing loss. Since 1981, Cochlear has provided more than 750,000 devices in more than 180 countries, helping people of all ages around the world to hear. As the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, Cochlear connects people with life's opportunities, and welcomes them to the world's largest hearing implant community.

關於 Cochlear Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:COH)
自從格雷姆·克拉克教授在看到父親與聽力損失作鬥爭後,着手創建第一個多通道人工耳蝸植入物以來,人們一直是Cochlear的靈感來源。自 1981 年以來,Cochlear 已在 180 多個國家提供了 750,000 多臺設備,幫助全球所有年齡段的人聽見。作爲植入式聽力解決方案的全球領導者,Cochlear 將人們與生活中的機遇聯繫起來,並歡迎他們加入世界上最大的聽力植入社區。

Cochlear has a global workforce of around 4,800 people, with a passion for progress, who strive to meet the needs of people living with hearing loss. The company continually innovates to anticipate future needs, investing more than AUD$2.7 billion to date in research and development to push the boundaries of technology and help more people hear.

Cochlear 在全球擁有約 4,800 名員工,他們熱衷於進步,努力滿足聽力損失患者的需求。該公司不斷創新以預測未來的需求,迄今爲止在研發上投資了超過27億澳元,以突破技術界限,幫助更多人傾聽。



  1. Ellsperman SE, Nairn EM, Stucken EZ. Review of Bone Conduction Hearing Devices. Audiol Res. 2021;11(2):207-219.
  2. ClinicalTrials.Gov ID NCT 0500931
  3. You, P., A. Choi, J. Drob, S. M. Hunsaker, Y. C. Liu, and R. Silva. 2022. 'Early Outcomes of a New Active Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Implant in Pediatric Patients', Otol Neurotol, 43: 212-18.
  4. Florentine, M. M., J. Virbalas, and D. K. Chan. 2022. 'Early surgical and audiologic outcomes of active, transcutaneous, osseointegrated bone-conduction hearing device (Osia 2 system) placement', International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 156.
  1. Ellsperman SE、Nairn EM、Stucken EZ。骨傳導聽力設備綜述。Audiol Res.2021;11 (2): 207-219。
  2. ID NCT 0500931
  3. 你、P.、A. Choi、J. Drob、S.M. Hunsaker、Y.C. Liu 和 R. Silva。“一種新的活性經皮骨傳導植入在兒科患者中的早期療效”,Otol Neurotol,43:212-18。
  4. Florentine、M.、J. Virbalas 和 D.K.Chan。2022年。“主動式、經皮、骨整合式骨傳導聽力設備(Osia 2 系統)放置的早期手術和聽力學結果”,《國際小兒耳鼻喉科學雜誌》,156。

Cochlear, 科利耳, コクレア, 코클리어, Hear now. And always, Osia, SmartSound, the elliptical logo, and marks bearing an or symbol, are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Cochlear group of companies (unless otherwise noted).

Cochlear、corliear、coliear、cochlear、coliear、coliear、kow thear,立即收聽。而且,Osia、SmartSound、橢圓形徽標和帶有或符號的商標始終是 Cochlear 集團公司的商標或註冊商標(除非另有說明)。

In the United States and Canada, the Osia System is indicated for ages 5 and older.

在美國和加拿大,Osia 系統適用於 5 歲及以上的兒童。

Cochlear Limited 2024. All rights reserved.

2024 年 Cochlear 限量版版權所有。

"This material is intended for health professionals. If you are a consumer, please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Always read the instructions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information."

“該材料是爲衛生專業人員準備的。如果您是消費者,請向您的健康專業人員尋求有關聽力損失治療的建議。結果可能會有所不同,您的健康專業人員將就可能影響您預後的因素向您提供建議。請務必閱讀使用說明。並非所有產品在所有國家/地區都可用。請聯繫當地的 Cochlear 代表,了解產品信息。”

SOURCE Cochlear North America

來源 Cochlear 北美

