

Zhongyuan Securities released a research report on April 17 stating that Kangli Elevator (002367.SZ) was rated as increasing its holdings. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the completion of the real estate “insurance building” accelerated, and

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 18 10:52
Zhongyuan Securities released a research report on April 17 stating that Kangli Elevator (002367.SZ) was rated as increasing its holdings. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the completion of the real estate “insurance building” accelerated, and the vertical elevator business increased by 14.8%; 2) raw material prices declined, and the company's gross profit margin and net interest rate rose markedly; 3) completion was still resilient in the context of real estate insurance, and the company was ordering 7.2 billion dollars to ensure business continuity; 4) the transformation, renewal, and maintenance of old elevators catalyzed new needs in the elevator industry; 5) the company's operation was stable, and the dividend ratio and dividend ratio were high. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)

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