
天风证券4月18日发布研报称,给予瀚蓝环境(600323.SH)买入评级。评级理由主要包括:1、工程缩量结构优化,向内掘金降本增效,利润率有望持续提升。2、公司预计 2024 年解决至少 20亿存量应收账款回款,长账龄应收账款的信用减值损失有望冲回。3、所得税政策影响下,公司利润总额增速向归母净利润增速的传导可能有轻微折扣。(每日经济新闻)

Tianfeng Securities released a research report on April 18 stating that it gave Hanlan Environment (600323.SH) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1. Optimization of the project reduction structure, internal development to reduce c

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 18 10:01
Tianfeng Securities released a research report on April 18 stating that it gave Hanlan Environment (600323.SH) a purchase rating. The main reasons for the rating include: 1. Optimization of the project reduction structure, internal development to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and profit margins are expected to continue to increase. 2. The company expects to resolve the repayment of at least 2 billion accounts receivable in 2024, and credit impairment losses on long-standing accounts receivable are expected to be recovered. 3. Under the influence of income tax policies, there may be a slight discount on the transmission of the company's total profit growth rate to the growth rate of net profit due to mother. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)

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