
Champagne Telmont Adopts Transition Glass Bottles With New 193,000 Shades of Green

Champagne Telmont Adopts Transition Glass Bottles With New 193,000 Shades of Green

Champagne Telmont 採用帶有全新 193,000 種綠色色調的過渡玻璃瓶
PR Newswire ·  2024/04/17 20:58

The initiative is the Champagne House's latest installment to its 'In the Name of Mother Nature' project, aiming to be Net Positive by 2050.

該計劃是香檳酒莊的 “以大自然之名” 項目的最新一期,目標是到2050年實現淨正值。

NEW YORK, April 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With its "In the Name of Mother Nature" project, Telmont aims to produce the highest quality Champagne with the greatest respect for the environment, and to become the first Climate Positive Champagne House by 2030 and Net Positive by 2050. After eliminating superfluous gift boxes, heavy bespoke bottles and transparent glass, and initiating an unprecedented transition to the lightest bottle in Champagne, Telmont is taking a new step forward with "193,000 shades of green".

紐約,2024年4月17日 /PRNewswire/ — Telmont的目標是通過其 “以大自然的名義” 項目,生產最優質的香檳,同時最大限度地尊重環境,到2030年成爲第一家氣候積極的香檳酒莊,到2050年成爲第一家氣候積極的香檳酒莊。在取消了多餘的禮品盒、沉重的定製瓶子和透明玻璃,並開始了向香檳中最輕的瓶子前所未有的過渡之後,Telmont憑藉 “19.3萬種深淺的綠色” 向前邁出了新的一步。

Champagne Telmont embraces transition glass in multiple shades of green.
Telmont 香檳酒採用了多種深淺不一的綠色過渡玻璃。

Telmont has decided to use the glass produced during the transition between two different shades. During a conventional color transition in a glass maker's furnace, a certain amount of glass does not match chromatic standards. It's this part of the production that Telmont has decided to use to break with Champagne standards once again. This choice will bring Telmont to develop a multitude of variations on the main Champagne color transition. As a start, 193,000 bottles in shades ranging from green to cinnamon will be released each year.


It's a breakthrough for our Maison and for the ecological transition. Thanks to this innovative process, which relies on the expertise of Verallia, the European leader in glass packaging and a committed player, energy and resources will be saved. It is therefore a more virtuous production method with regards to environmental issues.


"193,000 shades of green" also demonstrates Telmont's ability to combine elegance and eco-responsibility. For our cuvées, we take what Nature has to offer. Each of our bottles, reflecting through its hue a nuance of our terroir, now tells a story - the story of our innovative ecological transition.

“193,000 種深淺不一的綠色” 也表明了泰爾蒙特將優雅與生態責任相結合的能力。對於我們的特色,我們採用大自然所能提供的一切。我們的每瓶酒都通過其色調反映出我們風土的細微差別,現在講述了一個故事——我們創新生態轉型的故事。

"In 2024, Telmont reinvents green and glass! '193,000 shades of green' exemplifies our philosophy. For us, sustainability is not a limit or a constraint, but a ground for creativity and innovation. Every shade of green is a symbol of our commitment to the environment.

“2024 年,泰爾蒙特重塑了綠色和玻璃!“193,000 種綠色色調” 體現了我們的理念。對我們來說,可持續發展不是極限或限制,而是創造力和創新的基礎。每一種綠色都象徵着我們對環境的承諾。

We're not just changing the color of our bottles, we're trying to transform the wine industry, one shade at a time. In the Name of Mother Nature!"
Ludovic du Plessis, President of Maison Telmont

Ludovic du Plessis,Maison Telmont 總裁

About Maison Telmont

關於 Maison Telmont

Founded in 1912, the Telmont Champagne House is located in Damery, near Epernay, France. Created in the wake of champagne riots by Henri Lhôpital, a brave local winegrower, the House remains familial and visionary: Bertrand Lhôpital, Cellar Master and Head of Viticulture of the Telmont House, today represents the fourth generation. The House claims a line of conduct: the wine will be good if the Earth is beautiful. Thus, after earning its first AB (organic agriculture) certification in 2017 for part of its parcels and following the acquisition of a majority stake by the Rémy Cointreau group, Telmont launched a program in 2021: "In the name of Mother Nature". The aim is to produce a very high-quality champagne while reducing as much as possible its environmental footprint. The actions undertaken concern the conversion under progress to organic viticulture of 100% of its estate and the parcels of its winegrower partners, the preservation of biodiversity and the drastic reduction of its carbon footprint. Initiatives have already been taken and will be expanded: elimination of gift boxes and other unnecessary packaging, reduction of the bottle weight, abandonment of transparent bottles containing non- recycled glass and bottles in special formats, complete stop of air freight for the transport of bottles and use of renewable energy. The company aims to be Climate Positive by 2030 and Net Positive by 2050. The House's wines are defined by an airy, structured style, between tension and freshness, and by subtle, balanced acidity, which ensures impressive length on the palate. A Telmont champagne is neither too opulent nor too vinous, but structured, accessible, and refined. It has a unique presence characterized by its paradox: a structured body and remarkable lightness.

Telmont 香檳酒莊成立於 1912 年,位於法國埃佩爾奈附近的達梅里。該酒莊由勇敢的當地葡萄種植者亨利·洛皮塔爾(Henri Lhopital)在香檳騷亂之後創建,至今仍是家族和遠見卓識:如今,Telmont House的酒窖大師兼葡萄種植主管伯特蘭·洛皮塔爾代表了第四代酒莊。衆議院宣稱有一條行爲準則:如果地球美麗,葡萄酒才是好酒。因此,在2017年獲得其部分地塊的首個AB(有機農業)認證以及Rémy Cointreau集團收購多數股權之後,Telmont於2021年啓動了一項計劃:“以大自然之名”。目標是生產出非常高質量的香檳,同時儘可能減少其環境足跡。所採取的行動涉及將其100%的莊園及其葡萄種植夥伴的土地轉爲有機葡萄種植,保護生物多樣性和大幅減少其碳足跡。已經採取並將擴大舉措:取消禮品盒和其他不必要的包裝,減輕瓶子的重量,放棄裝有不可回收玻璃的透明瓶子和特殊格式的瓶子,完全停止運輸瓶子的空運和使用可再生能源。該公司的目標是到2030年實現氣候積極性,到2050年實現淨正值。該酒莊的葡萄酒以輕盈、結構化的風格爲特徵,介於張力和清新之間,以及微妙而均衡的酸度,這確保了令人印象深刻的口感。Telmont 香檳既不太華麗也不太濃郁,而是結構分明、易於獲得和精緻。它具有獨特的存在感,其矛盾之處是:結構化的機身和非凡的輕盈感。

Social networks
@champagnetelmont @maisontelmont Champagne Telmont Champagne Telmont

@champagnetelmont @maisontelmont 香檳泰爾蒙特香檳泰爾蒙特

SOURCE Champagne Telmont

來源 Telmont 香檳

