
Global Education Communities Corp. Formally Adds GEC Kingsway to Its Portfolio

Global Education Communities Corp. Formally Adds GEC Kingsway to Its Portfolio

全球教育社區公司正式將GEC Kingsway添加到其投資組合中
Accesswire ·  2024/04/17 05:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 16, 2024 / Global Education Communities Corp. ("GECC" or the "Company") (TSX:GEC)(OTCQX:GECSF) is pleased to report that its subsidiary has signed a formal Master Lease Partnership Program agreement ("MLPP") with a local developer to master lease its property located at 4589 Gladstone Street (corner of Kingsway and Gladstone), Vancouver, B.C. This agreement is valid for five years with an option to renew for five more years. In addition to a discounted lease rate, GECC will be entitled to a future profit sharing in the event of a property sale during the lease period. The possession date for this property is expected to be June 1, 2024, and the property is expected to be fully operational under the GEC model by August 1, 2024.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月16日/全球教育社區公司(“GECC” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GEC)(OTCQX: GECSF)欣然報告,其子公司已與當地開發商簽署了正式的主租賃合作計劃協議(“MLPP”),以主租賃其位於溫哥華格拉德斯通街 4589 號(金斯威和格拉德斯通的拐角處)的房產,不列顛哥倫比亞省本協議有效期爲五年,可以選擇再續訂五年。除了折扣租賃費率外,如果在租賃期內出售房產,GECC還將有權獲得未來的利潤分成。該物業的擁有日期預計爲2024年6月1日,該物業預計將於2024年8月1日在GEC模式下全面投入運營。

About GEC Kingsway:

關於 GEC Kingsway:

GEC Kingsway will be a six-storey building spanning nearly one city block, with over 103,000 buildable square feet and 78,000 SF residential area. The facility will accommodate 284 beds, with amenities including a fitness centre, student lounge, roof deck patio, and underground parking. Customary to all GEC branded properties, accommodations at GEC Kingsway will be fully furnished with kitchen utensils, bedding supplies, fibre optic internet, monitored surveillance, all utilities included, weekly housekeeping and resident caretakers.

GEC Kingsway將是一座六層高的建築,橫跨近一個城市街區,可建建築面積超過10.3萬平方英尺,住宅區面積爲78,000平方英尺。該設施將容納284張牀位,設施包括健身中心、學生休息室、屋頂露臺和地下停車場。按照所有GEC品牌物業的慣例,GEC Kingsway的住宿設施將配備齊全,包括廚具、牀上用品、光纖互聯網、監控監控、包括所有公用設施、每週客房清潔和居民看護人。

Located at the corner of Kingsway Avenue and Gladstone Street, the future home of GEC Kingsway is on a main thoroughfare, approximately 8 minutes' walk from the Nanaimo SkyTrain station, and within 10 minutes of downtown Vancouver via SkyTrain, where hundreds of public and private institutions are located. In addition, GEC Kingsway is at the centre of Vancouver with easy access to Metrotown and BCIT in Burnaby, and Vancouver Community College on East Broadway in Vancouver.

GEC Kingsway的未來所在地位於金斯威大道和格拉德斯通街的拐角處,位於一條主幹道上,步行約8分鐘即可到達納奈莫輕軌站,乘坐輕軌不到10分鐘即可到達溫哥華市中心,那裏有數百家公共和私人機構。此外,GEC Kingsway位於溫哥華市中心,可輕鬆前往本那比的Metrotown和BCIT,以及溫哥華東百老匯的溫哥華社區學院。

Pictures of GEC Kingsway are available via this link:

GEC Kingsway 的照片可通過以下鏈接獲得:

"Since 2015, we have launched 15 GEC branded buildings including a downtown hotel, with over 1.43 million square feet of facilities, seven of which are currently in operation and seven under development; the hotel was sold in November 2023" said Toby Chu, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of GECC. "Since the announcement of this property in September 2023, we have received many inquiries from GEC partner schools, online media, and GECC's 2,000+ agents' network from around the world to pre-book the available beds at this location. We expect to be fully booked by the summer of 2024, with an annual revenue projection of over $5 million from this property."

GECC主席、總裁兼首席執行官Toby Chu表示:“自2015年以來,我們已經推出了15座GEC品牌建築,包括一家市中心酒店,設施超過143萬平方英尺,其中7座正在運營,7座在開發中;該酒店於2023年11月出售。”“自2023年9月宣佈該物業以來,我們收到了來自GEC合作學校、在線媒體和GECC來自世界各地的2,000多名代理網絡的許多詢問,要求預定該地點的可用牀位。我們預計到2024年夏天將全部預訂,該物業的年收入預計將超過500萬美元。”

About GECC:

關於 GECC:

GECC is one of Canada's largest education and student housing investment companies focused on the domestic and global education market since 1994. GECC operates business and language colleges, student-centric rental apartments, recruitment centres and corporate offices at 41 locations in Canada and abroad. Its education subsidiaries include Sprott Shaw College Corp. (established in 1903), Sprott Shaw Language College, Vancouver International College Career Campus, and CIBT School of Business & Technology Corp. GECC offers over 150 educational programs in healthcare, business management, e-commerce, cyber-security, hotel management, emergency paramedic, and language training through these schools. In fiscal 2023, GECC serviced over 14,277 domestic and international students through its educational, rental housing and recruitment subsidiaries.

自1994年以來,GECC是加拿大最大的教育和學生住房投資公司之一,專注於國內和全球教育市場。GECC在加拿大和國外的41個地點經營商業和語言學院、以學生爲中心的出租公寓、招聘中心和公司辦公室。其教育子公司包括Sprott Shaw College Corp.(成立於1903年)、Sprott Shaw語言學院、溫哥華國際學院職業校園和CIBT商業與技術學院公司。GECC通過這些學校提供150多個醫療保健、企業管理、電子商務、網絡安全、酒店管理、緊急護理人員和語言培訓方面的教育課程。在2023財年,GECC通過其教育、租賃住房和招聘子公司爲超過14,277名國內和國際學生提供服務。

GECC owns Global Education City Holdings Inc. ("GECH"), an investment holding and development company focused on education-related real estate, such as student-centric rental apartments and education super-centres. In fiscal 2023, GECH operated fifteen properties under the GEC brand in Metro Vancouver and provided accommodation services to 92 partner schools serving 3,200 students from 71 countries. The total portfolio and development budget under the GEC brand exceeds $1.3 billion.


GECC also owns Global Education Alliance Inc. ("GEA") and Irix Design Group Inc. ("IRIX"). GEA recruits international students for elite kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities in North America. Irix is a leading design and advertising company based in Vancouver, Canada. Visit us online and watch our corporate video at .

GECC還擁有全球教育聯盟公司(“GEA”)和艾裏克斯設計集團公司(“IRIX”)。GEA 爲北美的精英幼兒園、中小學、學院和大學招收國際學生。Irix 是一家領先的設計和廣告公司,總部位於加拿大溫哥華。在線訪問我們並觀看我們的公司視頻,網址爲.

For more information, contact:


Toby Chu
Chairman, President & CEO
Global Education Communities Corp.

Toby Chu

Investor Relations Contact: 1-604-871-9909 extension 319 or | Email:

投資者關係聯繫人:1-604-871-9909 分機 319 或 | 電子郵件



Some statements in this news release contain forward-looking information (the "forward-looking statements") about GECC and its plans. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, without limitation, the statement as to the expected annual revenue from GEC Kingsway. The forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors (collectively, the "Risks") that could cause the Company's actual results or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by forward-looking statements. The Risks include, without limitation, national and global economic factors and the other risk factors identified in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the financial year ended August 31, 2023. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, opinions and expectations of the Company's management at the time they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update its forward-looking statements if those beliefs, opinions or expectations, or other circumstances should change, except as may be required by law.

本新聞稿中的一些陳述包含有關GECC及其計劃的前瞻性信息(“前瞻性陳述”)。前瞻性陳述是不是歷史事實的陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於關於GEC Kingsway預期年收入的聲明。前瞻性陳述受各種風險、不確定性和其他因素(統稱爲 “風險”)的影響,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績或成就與前瞻性陳述中表達或暗示的業績或成就存在重大差異。風險包括但不限於國家和全球經濟因素以及公司管理層在截至2023年8月31日的財政年度的討論和分析中確定的其他風險因素。前瞻性陳述基於公司管理層發表時的信念、觀點和期望,除非法律要求,否則如果這些信念、觀點或預期或其他情況發生變化,公司不承擔任何更新其前瞻性陳述的義務。

SOURCE: Global Education Communities Corp.


