
Mon Power Employees Support Workforce Development Competition for West Virginia's Best Technical Students

Mon Power Employees Support Workforce Development Competition for West Virginia's Best Technical Students

Mon Power 員工支持西弗吉尼亞州最佳技術學生的勞動力發展競賽
第一能源 ·  04/16 12:00

man and woman working

As a career electrician with 30 years under his belt, Harrison Power Station's Stewart Whitehair believes he has a responsibility to educate future generations about opportunities in the field.


That's why he serves on the Marion County Technical Center's Advisory Council for its electrical program and, in recent years, became involved in helping to facilitate an annual competition held by a workforce development organization, SkillsUSA.

這就是爲什麼他在馬裏恩縣技術中心的電氣項目諮詢委員會任職,並在近年來參與幫助推動勞動力發展組織舉辦的年度競賽, SkillsUSA

The organization hosts events across the country that showcase the best career and technical education students. Contests begin at the local level and progress through state and national levels. Over the past two years, Whitehair has served as a judge for the electrical portions of the SkillsUSA Competition in West Virginia at the Marion County Technical Center.


"We need to get more young people interested in pursuing careers in vocational and technical jobs," said Whitehair. "SkillsUSA is dedicated to developing students for jobs in a variety of career fields, such as carpentry, culinary arts, electrical construction wiring, industrial motor control, plumbing and welding. The organization's goal is to help strengthen the next generation of our nation's workforce."

懷特海爾說:“我們需要讓更多的年輕人對從事職業和技術工作感興趣。”“SkillsUSA 致力於培養學生從事各種職業領域的工作,例如木工、烹飪藝術、電氣施工佈線、工業電機控制、管道和焊接。該組織的目標是幫助加強我們國家的下一代勞動力。”

In March, Whitehair and his fellow Harrison Power Station electrician, Tim Lee, assisted in judging both the Electrical Construction Wiring and Industrial Motor Control competitions, which are designed to test participants' physical abilities.


"I enjoyed judging these competitions last year, but it was an even greater experience to participate alongside a friend and colleague this year," Whitehair said. "It gets us excited to see young minds work to wire circuits, bend conduit and troubleshoot motor control circuits."


Stewart used company-issued "Volunteer Time Off" (VTO) to judge the competitions, which took place during regular work hours. Mon Power employees are allotted 16 hours of VTO each year to participate in volunteer events sponsored by 501(c)(3) organizations that matter to them and help strengthen the community they serve.

斯圖爾特使用公司發佈的 “志願者休假”(VTO)來評判在正常工作時間內舉行的比賽。Mon Power 員工每年獲得 16 小時的 VTO,讓他們參與由 501 (c) (3) 個組織贊助的志願者活動,這些活動對他們很重要,有助於加強他們所服務的社區。

"I appreciate that Mon Power gives employees opportunities to use our knowledge and experience to help prepare students and shape their futures," said Whitehair. "College isn't for everyone, and young people interested in pursuing careers in vocational and technical jobs can make a good salary and earn a good living."

懷特海爾說:“我很感激Mon Power讓員工有機會利用我們的知識和經驗來幫助學生做好準備並塑造他們的未來。”“大學並不適合所有人,有興趣從事職業和技術工作的年輕人可以獲得豐厚的薪水並過上美好的生活。”

The winners of the state competition will represent West Virginia at the national SkillsUSA Championships in Atlanta this summer.


For information about FirstEnergy's internship and career opportunities, visit the Student Opportunities section on the company's webpage. To learn about FirstEnergy's current job opportunities, visit the company's Career page.

有關 FirstEnergy 的實習和職業機會的信息,請訪問 學生機會 公司網頁上的部分。要了解FirstEnergy目前的工作機會,請訪問該公司的 職業頁面

MEDIA CONTACT: Hannah Catlett, (440) 554-5346

媒體聯繫人:漢娜·卡特利特,(440) 554-5346

