
Golden Goliath Corporate Update

Golden Goliath Corporate Update

newsfile ·  04/16 21:20

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 16, 2024) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSXV: GNG) (OTC Pink: GGTHF) (FSE: GGZA) ("Golden Goliath" or the "Company").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 16 日)- Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GGTHF)(FSE:GGZA)(“黃金巨人” 或 “公司”)。

Golden Goliath Resources is pleased to update our plans for the 2024 field program. The Company's main focus will be on our 100% owned Wish Ore Gold property located just off the Trans-Canada highway 60 km north of Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. The Company also intends to do a program of stripping / trenching and sampling on two of its REE properties located near the Manicouagan impact crater in Eastern Quebec

Golden Goliath Resources很高興更新我們的2024年實地項目計劃。該公司的主要重點將放在我們擁有100%股權的Wish Ore Gold物業上,該物業位於蘇聖城以北60公里處的橫貫加拿大高速公路旁。安大略省瑪麗該公司還打算對其位於魁北克東部Manicouagan撞擊坑附近的兩處稀土礦物進行剝離/挖溝和取樣項目

The Wish Ore property is 14 kilometers long and is underlain by the Batchewana Green Stone belt. The southwest to northeast trending belt is comprised of intermediate to mafic Archean aged volcanic rocks with intermixed metasediments. Also included in the package are units of banded to massive iron formation. This package is cut along strike by the deep-seated and long-lived Carp River fault. On the south side of the Carp River fault it is mirrored by a 100 to 200 meter wide high strain zone that is believed to be an Archean aged structural feature. This feature is characterized by structural complexity and moderate to intense quartz carbonate alteration. Erratic gold values up to 25 gpt have been returned from within this high strain zone across 6 kilometers of strike length.

Wish Ore地產長14公里,位於巴奇瓦納綠石帶的下層。從西南到東北的趨勢帶由中到鎂鐵質太古時代的火山岩和混合的變沉積物組成。包裝中還包括帶狀到大量鐵的形成單元。這個一攬子計劃是由於根深蒂固和長期存在的卡普河斷層而被切斷的。在卡普河斷層的南側,它被一個100至200米寬的高應變帶所鏡像,該應變帶被認爲是太古時代的結構特徵。該特徵的特徵是結構複雜和中度至強烈的石英碳酸鹽蝕變。在6千米的走向長度內,從這個高應變區域返回了不穩定的金值,最高可達25 gpt。

Figure 1: Regional Map of Wish Ore Property

圖 1:Wish Ore 地產區域地圖

In late 1989 INCO Gold drilled two BQ holes near the southwest end of the mapped high-strain zone. The holes were drilled at azimuth 330 degrees and 45 degree dip. The holes cut ~250 meters of the quartz carbonate altered intermediate to mafic volcanics and associated metasediments. Both holes intersected numerous sections of anomalous gold values associated with increased sulfide content. High values included 1.15 gpt over 0.7 meters, and 0.87 gpt over 0.8 meters.

1989 年底,INCO Gold 在測繪的高應變區的西南端附近鑽了兩個 BQ 孔。這些孔是在方位角 330 度和 45 度傾角處鑽的。這些孔切開了大約 250 米的石英碳酸鹽經過改變的中間體到鐵質火山岩和相關的變質沉積物。兩個孔都與硫化物含量增加相關的許多異常金值部分相交。較高的值包括超過 0.7 米的 1.15 gpt 和超過 0.8 米的 0.87 gpt。

Local prospector Mike Tremblay re-staked the property in 2016 and located two new showings along strike from the INCO work. The New Zone is located within the high strain zone ~1.75 kilometers to the northeast and the Trench zone is located a further 3 kilometers along strike.


Golden Goliath optioned the property in 2018 and now holds 100%. Work on the two showings returned values from trenching up to 2.65 gpt over 5 meters. In 2022 Golden Goliath drilled two holes in each of the showings and returned values similar to the INCO drilling with broad zones, up to 40 meters, of anomalous gold values with a high value of 1.13 gpt over 1 meter. The gold values are associated with increased sulfide content, primarily pyrite with minor amounts of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite.

金巨人於2018年選擇了該物業,現在持有100%的股權。對這兩幅圖進行研究,在 5 米處挖溝時返回的值高達 2.65 gpt。2022年,Golden Goliath在每個礦井中都鑽了兩個洞,返回的值與INCO鑽探相似,其異常金值區域最大,最長可達40米,超過1米的高值爲1.13 gpt。金值與硫化物含量的增加有關,主要是含有少量黃銅礦和亞硫鐵礦的黃鐵礦。

The 2024 program will focus on the 3 kilometer gap between the New Zone and the Trench Zone, which are located to the southwest and east of the target area. This is an area of more limited outcrop exposure with a significant inflection in the Carp River fault. That inflection mirrored in the high strain zone may create an excellent environment for mineralization. Prospecting in this area has returned gold values from quartz carbonate altered volcanics in float samples exposed in forestry roads up to 0.495 gpt gold.

2024年的計劃將重點關注位於目標區域西南和東部的新區域和溝槽區之間的3公里差距。這是一個露頭暴露量更爲有限的地區,卡普河斷層出現了重大變化。反映在高應變區的這種轉折可能爲礦化創造一個極好的環境。該地區的勘探表明,在林業道路上暴露的浮動樣本中,碳酸石英變火山岩的金值高達0.495 gpt。

Figure 2: 2024 Target Area

圖 2:2024 年目標區域

Our approach will be to conduct focused IP geophysics survey along the high strain zone in the three-kilometer gap between the New Zone and the Trench Zone. This should identify areas within the zone that have increased sulfide content which has been shown to be directly associated with higher gold values. Once this survey is completed, we anticipate a drill program to test the identified anomalies.


For our Quebec REE project we are planning a follow-up prospecting and sampling program to ground truth and test the excellent anomalies we have from our geophysics program. Pending results from that we envision a trenching and sampling program later in the field season.


CEO Paul Sorbara stated that, "The Wish ore property has great potential, an Archean aged greenstone belt just off the Trans-Canada highway with excellent geology alteration and structure. We have seen in the past that good persistent exploration in this kind of environment has resulted in the discovery of some of the largest gold ore bodies in Canada. The Company has already had several meetings with the indigenous communities on whose traditional lands we are working and we have their support. Once we get closer to finalizing our plans we will have further discussions with these communities and look forward to working with them in a spirit of cooperation and partnership."


This news release has been reviewed by Gordon MacKay, P.Geo., who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

本新聞稿已由P.Geo. 的戈登·麥凱審閱,他在NI 43-101的要求下擔任QP。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Paul Sorbara, MSc, PGeo


CEO, Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.


To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at .

要了解有關 Golden Goliath 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,網址爲。

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.
J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc., P.Geo
President & CEO
Phone: +1(604) 682-2950 Email:

J. Paul Sorbara,理學碩士,P.Geo
電話:+1 (604) 682-2950 電子郵件

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This news release contains forward‐looking statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or information. Forward‐looking statements and information are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "appear", "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "approximate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "potential", "targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe", "would" and similar expressions.

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Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forward‐looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, the expected timing and terms of the private placement, use of proceeds, anticipated work program, required approvals in connection with the work program and the ability to obtain such approvals. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward‐looking statements, timelines and information contained in this news release. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive.


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