
Amazon Music Launches Maestro, A New AI Playlist Generator, Maestro Now Available On All Amazon Music Tiers In Beta To A Subset Of U.S. Customers On iOS And Android

Amazon Music Launches Maestro, A New AI Playlist Generator, Maestro Now Available On All Amazon Music Tiers In Beta To A Subset Of U.S. Customers On iOS And Android

Benzinga ·  2024/04/16 20:57

Maestro is now available on all Amazon Music tiers in beta to a subset of U.S. customers on iOS and Android.


Today, Amazon Music announces a new feature that uses AI technology to make it easier and way more fun to build playlists you want, when you want. Meet Maestro: An AI playlist generator that helps you create any playlist you can think of—plus all the ones you can't. This feature is rolling out in beta to a small number of U.S. customers on all tiers of Amazon Music.

今天,亞馬遜音樂宣佈了一項新功能,該功能使用人工智能技術,讓您在需要時創建想要的播放列表變得更容易、更有趣。認識 Maestro:一款 AI 播放列表生成器,可幫助您創建任何你能想到的播放列表,以及所有你無法想到的播放列表。此功能正在測試版中向亞馬遜音樂所有等級的少數美國客戶推出。

