
Q4HE Initiative Recognized for Efforts To Reduce Health Disparities

Q4HE Initiative Recognized for Efforts To Reduce Health Disparities

Q4HE 計劃因努力縮小健康差異而獲得認可
Accesswire ·  04/15 21:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 15, 2024 / Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) was recently honored by the Y in Central Maryland for its grant funding of health equity coalition efforts at the Y in Druid Hill.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月15日/Quest for Health Equity(Q4HE)最近獲得了馬里蘭州中部Y的表彰,以表彰其爲德魯伊山Y的健康公平聯盟活動提供撥款。

Bob Kocher, Laboratory Manager at Quest's Baltimore rapid response lab, accepted the Healthy Living award at the organization's MLK Memorial Breakfast on behalf of Q4HE. The award is given in appreciation each year to a collaborator who is focused on reducing the degree of health disparities experienced by underserved populations in Baltimore City.

Quest巴爾的摩快速反應實驗室經理鮑勃·科徹接受了 健康生活 代表Q4HE在該組織的MLK紀念早餐會上頒獎。該獎項每年頒發給致力於減少巴爾的摩市服務不足人口所經歷的健康差異程度的合作者。

"We are thrilled to announce this collaboration and deeply appreciative of Quest for Health Equity's leadership. This joint effort goes right to the heart of our mission and strategy focusing on building healthy, inclusive, and connected communities for all, not just for a fortunate few," said John Hoey, President & CEO of the Y in Central Maryland. "Given this incredible commitment and investment, the Y was pleased to present Quest for Health Equity with the Healthy Living Award at our annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast at the Y in Druid Hill."

“我們很高興宣佈這項合作,並對Quest for Health Equity的領導地位深表感謝。這種共同努力正是我們使命和戰略的核心,重點是爲所有人建立健康、包容和互聯的社區,而不僅僅是少數幸運的人。” 馬里蘭州中部的Y總裁兼首席執行官約翰·霍伊說。“鑑於這一令人難以置信的承諾和投資,Y很高興在我們的年度小馬丁·路德·金博士上向追求健康公平頒發健康生活獎。在德魯伊山的Y餐廳享用紀念早餐。”

Through a grant from the Quest Diagnostics Foundation as part of the Q4HE initiative, the Y in Druid Hill will strengthen its healthy equity coalition by expanding capacity building for community agencies, and providing no-cost services and programs that address social determinants of health to help improve outcomes for community residents. The coalition will focus its efforts on 4 key areas: care coordination, mental and behavioral health, chronic disease prevention and management, and regranting to community-based partners with missions aligned to addressing these areas.

作爲Q4HE計劃的一部分,通過Q4HE計劃的一部分,Quest Druid Hill的Y將通過擴大社區機構的能力建設來加強其健康公平聯盟,並提供針對健康社會決定因素的免費服務和計劃,以幫助改善社區居民的健康狀況。該聯盟將把工作重點放在四個關鍵領域:護理協調、心理和行爲健康、慢性病預防和管理,以及向肩負着解決這些領域任務的社區合作伙伴重新撥款。

"We made a commitment to help address the systemic inequity fueling health disparities, and we value the contributions and expertise of our grantees, who have deep roots in their communities and can help us make a difference through the power of collective impact," said Michael Floyd, Executive Director of Q4HE. "By collaborating with the team at the Y in Druid Hill, we are confident we can work together to improve health outcomes in the Central Maryland area, one life at a time."


As part of the joint effort, Quest Diagnostics will also provide no-cost Blueprint for Wellness testing at select community health events identified by Y in Druid Hill throughout the year. Through Blueprint for Wellness, local community members can gain access to a comprehensive health screening designed to empower people with the knowledge they need to take more control of their health. Blueprint for Wellness provides a set of clinical laboratory tests and measurements that highlight personal health strengths and risks.

作爲共同努力的一部分,Quest Diagnostics還將免費提供健康藍圖 全年在 Y 在 Druid Hill 確認的特定社區健康活動中進行檢測。通過 Blueprint for Wellness,當地社區成員可以獲得全面的健康篩查,該篩查旨在讓人們掌握更多控制自己的健康所需的知識。Blueprint for Wellness 提供了一系列臨床實驗室測試和測量結果,以突出個人健康優勢和風險。

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Spokesperson: Quest Diagnostics


SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

來源:Quest 診斷

