
Karma Wallet Revolutionizes Sustainable Consumerism With Groundbreaking Acquisition of DoneGood

Karma Wallet Revolutionizes Sustainable Consumerism With Groundbreaking Acquisition of DoneGood

Karma Wallet 開創性地收購 DoneGood,徹底改變了可持續消費主義
PR Newswire ·  04/15 21:00

Karma Wallet Acquires DoneGood, Integrating Next Generation Impact Finance with Sustainable Shopping Options

Karma Wallet 收購 DoneGood,將下一代影響力金融與可持續購物選項相結合

RALEIGH, N.C., April 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Karma Wallet, a trailblazer in the financial ecosystem with a focus on sustainable consumer spending, today proudly announces its acquisition of DoneGood, a prominent marketplace for sustainable shopping. This promises to redefine ethical consumerism by combining Karma Wallet's unique data platform, brand insights, and financial products with DoneGood's marketplace, which has over 100 sustainable and ethical brands and a diverse range of products. Consumers will now be able to seamlessly translate their values into impactful shopping choices, with substantial benefits enabled by the Karma Wallet membership.

北卡羅來納州羅利,2024 年 4 月 15 日 /PRNewswire/-- Karma 錢包是金融生態系統的開拓者,專注於可持續的消費者支出,今天自豪地宣佈收購 DoneGood,一個重要的可持續購物市場。這有望通過將Karma Wallet獨特的數據平台、品牌見解和金融產品與擁有100多個可持續和道德品牌以及各種產品的DoneGood市場相結合,重新定義道德消費主義。消費者現在將能夠無縫地將自己的價值轉化爲有影響力的購物選擇,Karma Wallet會員資格將帶來大量好處。

DoneGood: Powered by Karma Wallet
DoneGood:由 Karma 錢包提供支持

A New Era of Consumerism


Designed to disrupt the fintech status quo, Karma Wallet offers an easy mechanism for consumers to understand the true impact of their spending habits. This acquisition unites Karma Wallet's expertise in financial ecosystems with DoneGood's expansive merchant network, signaling a transformative shift that brings simplicity to ethical consumer practices.

Karma Wallet旨在顛覆金融科技的現狀,爲消費者提供了一種簡單的機制,讓他們了解其消費習慣的真正影響。此次收購將Karma Wallet在金融生態系統方面的專業知識與DoneGood龐大的商戶網絡結合在一起,標誌着一種變革性轉變,爲合乎道德的消費者行爲帶來了簡便性。

Jayant Khadilkar, CEO of Karma Wallet, shares, "This is a significant step forward in actualizing our vision of blending ethical practices with everyday financial choices. It symbolizes our dedication to a future where financial empowerment and sustainable living are one and the same."

Karma Wallet首席執行官賈揚特·哈迪爾卡爾分享說:“這是我們在實現將道德實踐與日常財務選擇相結合的願景方面向前邁出的重要一步。它象徵着我們對財務賦權和可持續生活融爲一體的未來的奉獻精神。”

Key Benefits of the Acquisition


  • Empowering Consumers: The expanded offerings foster positive global impact through everyday purchasing decisions.
  • Affordable Sustainability: The partnership introduces incentives like free shipping and cash back, democratizing access to sustainable products.
  • Seamless Integration: The inclusion of DoneGood's marketplace into Karma Wallet's platform simplifies the sustainable shopping process.
  • Expanded Choice: Offers an extensive range of sustainable and ethical products from DoneGood to Karma Wallet's member base, aligning shopping experiences with personal values.
  • Beyond Shopping: Karma Wallet now empowers DoneGood shoppers through access to Company Ratings, insights into their purchases, and exclusive cashback rewards.
  • 賦予消費者權力: 擴大的產品通過日常購買決策促進了積極的全球影響力。
  • 經濟實惠的可持續發展: 該合作伙伴關係引入了免費送貨和現金返還等激勵措施,使獲得可持續產品的機會大衆化。
  • 無縫集成: 將DoneGood的市場納入Karma Wallet的平台簡化了可持續購物流程。
  • 擴展選擇: 提供從 DoneGood 到 Karma Wallet 會員群的各種可持續和合乎道德的產品,使購物體驗與個人價值觀保持一致。
  • 除了購物: 現在,Karma Wallet通過訪問公司評級、深入了解購物情況和獨家現金返還獎勵,爲DoneGood購物者提供支持。

Karma Wallet is launching the Karma Wallet Card*, a prepaid, reloadable debit card, alongside a Membership program, in late April. The DoneGood acquisition allows Karma Wallet to give members a comprehensive ecosystem for ethical spending, from brand ratings to cashback.

Karma Wallet將在4月下旬推出Karma Wallet Card*,這是一種預付的、可充值的借記卡,同時還推出了會員計劃。收購DoneGood使Karma Wallet能夠爲會員提供從品牌評級到現金返還的全面的道德支出生態系統。

Karma Wallet Membership Benefits

Karma 錢包會員權益

  • The Karma Wallet Card: a prepaid, reloadable debit card
  • Social and environmental ratings for 18,000+ companies
  • You buy gas with the Karma Wallet Card, we donate to reforestation
  • You dine out with the Karma Wallet Card, we donate to hunger alleviation
  • Up to 20% cashback** on thousands of merchants through the Karma Wallet app
  • Earn up to 10% cashback on every DoneGood purchase with the Karma Wallet Card
  • Free shipping on every DoneGood purchase with the Karma Wallet Card
  • 這個 Karma 錢包卡: 預付的、可充值的借記卡
  • 18,000 多家公司的社會和環境評級
  • 您使用 Karma 錢包卡購買汽油,我們爲植樹造林捐款
  • 您使用 Karma 錢包卡外出用餐,我們爲減輕飢餓捐款
  • 通過 Karma Wallet 應用程序,成千上萬的商家可獲得高達 20% 的現金返還**
  • 使用 Karma 錢包卡每次購買 DoneGood 均可獲得高達 10% 的現金返還
  • 使用 Karma 錢包卡購買每次 DoneGood 均免運費

The Future Ahead


Both organizations share a commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and consumer empowerment. DoneGood CEO, Cullen Schwarz, adds, "We've always believed that the dollars people spend can be the world's most powerful force for change. When consumers demand products made with living wages and climate change-fighting practices, the market supplies more living wage jobs and products that fight climate change. Karma Wallet shares our belief in that theory of change. We believe our alliance with Karma Wallet can now help far more people wield their purchasing power even more effectively."

兩個組織都致力於可持續發展、道德實踐和消費者賦權。DoneGood首席執行官卡倫·施瓦茨補充說:“我們一直認爲,人們花的錢可以成爲世界上最強大的變革力量。當消費者需要以生活工資和應對氣候變化的做法生產的產品時,市場會提供更多的生活工資就業機會和應對氣候變化的產品。Karma Wallet 和我們一樣相信這種變革理論。我們相信,我們與Karma Wallet的聯盟現在可以幫助更多的人更有效地運用購買力。”

Karma Wallet co-founder, Kedar Karkare, PhD, reflects, "As a family-founded company, DoneGood resonates deeply with our core values. We started Karma Wallet with the vision of integrating ethical choices into everyday finances, and this is a significant milestone on that journey."

Karma Wallet聯合創始人、Kedar Karkare博士反映:“作爲一家家族創辦的公司,DoneGood與我們的核心價值觀產生了深刻的共鳴。我們創立Karma Wallet的願景是將道德選擇整合到日常財務中,這是這段旅程中的一個重要里程碑。”

*The Karma Wallet Visa Prepaid Card is issued by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. The Karma Wallet Visa Prepaid Card is powered by Marqeta. The Karma Wallet Visa Prepaid Card can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted.

*Karma Wallet Visa預付卡由北卡羅來納州Pathward成員聯邦存款保險公司根據美國Visa公司的許可發行。Karma Wallet Visa預付卡由Marqeta提供支持。Karma Wallet Visa 預付卡可以在任何接受 Visa 借記卡的地方使用。

**This optional offer is not a Pathward product or service nor does Pathward endorse this offer. Up to 20%* cashback with eligible brands.

**此可選優惠不是 Pathward 產品或服務,Pathward 也不認可此優惠。符合條件的品牌可獲得高達 20% *的現金返還。

About Karma Wallet

關於 Karma 錢包

Karma Wallet is a financial platform that leverages a first of its kind data platform to give consumers tools to be sustainable. The company evaluates thousands of companies on their social and environmental impact — using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework.

Karma 錢包 是一個金融平台,它利用同類數據平台爲消費者提供可持續發展的工具。該公司以聯合國可持續發展目標(SDG)爲框架,評估數千家公司的社會和環境影響。

Karma Wallet enables consumers to get personalized data around their carbon footprint, insights into their shopping habits, cash back, and sustainable rewards.

Karma Wallet 使消費者能夠獲得有關其碳足跡的個性化數據、對購物習慣的見解、現金返還和可持續的獎勵。

About DoneGood

關於 doneGood

DoneGood is an e-commerce marketplace where every purchase you make does good for people and the planet. On DoneGood, you can buy thousands of products from over 100 brands that have been thoroughly vetted to ensure ethical & sustainable practices.

DoneGood 是一個電子商務市場,您的每一次購買都有益於人類和地球。在DoneGood上,您可以購買來自100多個品牌的數千種產品,這些產品已經過全面審查,以確保符合道德和可持續的做法。

For more information, visit and

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 和。

Media Contacts:


Juliet Payne, Karma Wallet
[email protected]

朱麗葉·佩恩,Karma Wallet

Blair Huddy, Hudson Davis Communications
[email protected]


SOURCE Karma Wallet

來源 Karma Wallet

