
国投证券4月14日发布研报称,给予南方传媒(601900.SH)买入评级,目标价格为17.7元。评级理由主要包括:1)固主业根基,出版发行彰显强韧性;2)以主业为锚,积极拓展 AI+教育新业态。(每日经济新闻)

SDIC Securities released a research report on April 14 stating that it gave Southern Media (601900.SH) a purchase rating, and the target price was 17.7 yuan. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) strengthening the foundation of the main business, sh

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 14 09:25
SDIC Securities released a research report on April 14 stating that it gave Southern Media (601900.SH) a purchase rating, and the target price was 17.7 yuan. The main reasons for the rating include: 1) strengthening the foundation of the main business, showing resilience in publishing and distribution; 2) using the main business as an anchor to actively expand the new AI+ education business format. (Mainichi Keizai Shimbun)

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