
Burrell Communications Group Launches 'KAI 1, The Origin Story,' Their First Creative for the New ANTA KAI 1 'Enlightened Warrior' Shoe

Burrell Communications Group Launches 'KAI 1, The Origin Story,' Their First Creative for the New ANTA KAI 1 'Enlightened Warrior' Shoe

Burrell Communications Group 推出 “KAI 1,起源故事”,這是他們爲全新 ANTA KAI 1 “Enlightened Warrior” 鞋子設計的首款
PR Newswire ·  04/13 00:00

Agency's groundbreaking animated spot artfully leverages AI in a captivating storytelling campaign for NBA star Kyrie Irving's signature line

該機構的開創性動畫片巧妙地利用了人工智能 NBA 球星凱里·歐文的標誌性臺詞的引人入勝的講故事活動

CHICAGO, April 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Burrell Communications Group, one of the world's most highly regarded Black-owned advertising agencies, today announced the release of "KAI 1, The Origin Story," the first advertising campaign for the signature ANTA KAI 1 basketball shoe. The inaugural campaign from Burrell supports the newly released "Enlightened Warrior," the second colorway of the ANTA KAI 1, inspired by ANTA Chief Creative Officer and global basketball icon Kyrie Irving. ANTA U.S. and Burrell's partnership began in February of this year.

芝加哥,2024年4月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球最受推崇的黑人旗下廣告公司之一伯勒爾通訊集團今天宣佈發佈 “KAI 1,起源故事”,這是標誌性安踏KAI 1籃球鞋的首個廣告活動。伯勒爾的首場廣告支持新發布的 “啓蒙勇士”,這是安踏KAI 1的第二種配色,靈感來自安踏首席創意官兼全球籃球偶像凱里·歐文。安踏美國和伯勒爾的合作始於今年2月。

"The Enlightened Warrior," inspired by ANTA Chief Creative Officer and global basketball icon Kyrie Irving.

The spot, chronicling Irving's ethos, takes audiences through a vivid visual timeline of his life beginning in childhood, and walking through his personal journey to swift collegiate stardom and finally the pro sports ranks, his success anchored by his mother's constant spiritual presence and his father's steady guidance. The storytelling is rendered in a dynamic and colorful fusion of live action, AI and anime-influenced animation, artfully integrating ancient African and indigenous cultural imagery transitioning to the modern day—the narration documents his ascent to emerging as both an inspirational NBA icon and Chief Creative Officer of ANTA.

該廣告記錄了歐文的精神,帶領觀衆了解了他從童年時代開始的人生軌跡,並回顧了他迅速成爲大學明星並最終登上職業體育行列的個人旅程,他的成功建立在母親持續的精神存在和父親的堅定指導下。故事以動感多彩的形式呈現,融合了真人表演、人工智能和受動畫影響的動畫,巧妙地融合了向現代過渡的古代非洲和本土文化意象——敘事記錄了他崛起成爲鼓舞人心的 NBA 偶像和安踏首席創意官的過程。

Burrell CCO Khari Streeter led the project for the agency in collaboration with Group Creative Director Corey Seaton, Creative Director Desmond Williams and Senior Art Director Claudio Garcia. Natalie Lum Freedman served as executive producer, teamed with Taryn Haughton, producer; Ruben Emmanuel as project manager; Corey Phifer account director and account manager Megan Bryant. The production company for the campaign was ThinkDiffusion, a Black‐owned technology company and emerging leader in AI who pioneered new techniques combining AI, CGI, motion graphics and compositing. Streeter also served as co-director on the project.


"KAI 1, The Origin Story" launched today in tandem with the "The Enlightened Warrior" shoes' availability at retail, an unprecedented speed-to-market since the Burrell-ANTA partnership was only announced in February. The new product complements the initial ANTA KAI 1 colorway introduced earlier this year, with this latest iteration echoing mysticism and magic in African culture, coupled with a deference to physical, mental and spiritual symbolism drawn directly from Irving's own lineage and heritage.

“KAI 1,The Origin Story” 於今天推出,同時 “啓蒙勇士” 鞋的零售上市,這是自2月份才宣佈與Burrell-Anta的合作伙伴關係以來前所未有的上市速度。新產品補充了今年早些時候推出的ANTA KAI 1最初的配色,最新版本呼應了非洲文化中的神祕主義和魔法,同時尊重了直接來自歐文自己的血統和遺產的身體、心理和精神象徵意義。

ANTA Sports is a leading international brand of sportswear that has been engaged in the design, development, production and marketing of the ANTA series of sports equipment since the company's founding in 1991. ANTA provides customers with professional sports products including footwear, apparel and accessories. NBA All-Star Kyrie Irving of the Dallas Mavericks was named the company's Chief Creative Officer in 2023 to shepherd ANTA's foray into the American market.


"Our agency is excited for this first opportunity to showcase our work with our ANTA brand partners and the Irving family. We're proud of the team's efforts," says Khari Streeter, Burrell CCO. "We delivered on the spirit of the Enlightened Warrior story by bringing to life the authentic identity of the basketball legend and cultural warrior that is Kyrie Irving."

“我們的機構很高興有機會首次有機會展示我們與安踏品牌合作伙伴和歐文家族的合作。我們爲團隊的努力感到自豪。” 伯勒爾首席運營官哈里·斯特里特說。“我們通過將籃球傳奇人物和文化勇士凱里·歐文的真實身份變爲現實,傳承了《啓蒙勇士》故事的精神。”

"This newest shoe offering is deeply rooted in cultural symbolism, color psychology and trending fashion, conceived to pay homage to Kyrie's gifts, his heritage, legacy-in-the-making and his identity," states noted Black footwear Design Director Jared Subawon of ANTA U.S. "What we wanted to rise to the fore was a treatment that pushed the boundaries of design, and at the same time showcased ANTA's commitment to uplifting talent and narratives across the sneaker space, coupled with our investment in diverse, progressive representation. The vibrant new 'KAI 1, The Origin Story' spot seamlessly completes our product vision."

安踏美國黑鞋設計總監賈裏德·蘇巴旺指出:“這一最新鞋履產品深深植根於文化象徵主義、色彩心理學和潮流時尚,旨在向凱里的天賦、傳統、造型遺產和身份致敬。我們想要脫穎而出的是突破設計界限的待遇,同時展現安踏對提升人才的承諾。以及整個運動鞋領域的敘事,再加上我們對多元化、漸進式代表性的投資。充滿活力的全新 “KAI 1,The Origin Story” 廣告無縫地完成了我們的產品願景。”

"At A11Even Sports, we're committed to cultivating partnerships that reflect the pulse of our audience—delivering beyond the expected into the realm of the groundbreaking," said Shetellia Riley Irving, CEO. "Our latest collaboration with Burrell Communications Group wasn't just about pushing boundaries. It was about offering a platform for voices and talents that resonate deeply with sneaker and basketball culture—creating work that authentically represents their vibrancy and spirit."

首席執行官謝特莉亞·萊利·歐文表示:“在A11Even Sports,我們致力於建立能夠反映觀衆脈搏的合作伙伴關係,爲突破性領域提供超出預期的體驗。”“我們與伯勒爾通訊集團的最新合作不僅僅是突破界限。它旨在爲與運動鞋和籃球文化產生深刻共鳴的聲音和才華提供一個平台,創作出真實地代表他們活力和精神的作品。”

Burrell Communications Group was founded in 1971 by renowned ad man Tom Burrell, who led the company for 33 years. Today, Burrell Communications Group is the largest U.S. Black-owned agency specializing in understanding and speaking to today's market, one that is more diverse and more multicultural than ever before in our country's history. The agency boasts a roster of premiere, blue-chip clients that lead in their respective categories, including McDonald's, Toyota, Comcast, Fidelity, Coca-Cola, Unilever and the American Red Cross. For more information, visit

伯勒爾通訊集團由著名廣告人湯姆·伯勒爾於1971年創立,他領導公司33年。如今,Burrell Communications Group是美國最大的黑人獨資機構,專門了解當今市場並與之溝通,這個市場在我國曆史上比以往任何時候都更加多元化和多元文化。該機構擁有一系列在各自類別中處於領先地位的頂級藍籌客戶,包括麥當勞、豐田、康卡斯特、富達、可口可樂、聯合利華和美國紅十字會。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

ANTA is committed to innovation, inclusivity and the continuous pursuit of athletic footwear and apparel excellence. With a global presence and a deep respect for diverse talents and stories, ANTA empowers athletes everywhere.


SOURCE Burrell Communications


