
Upstart Suburban Pizza Shop Eclipses All Other Famous Players: Selected Best Pizza in Chicago by "Chicago's Pizza Madness"

Upstart Suburban Pizza Shop Eclipses All Other Famous Players: Selected Best Pizza in Chicago by "Chicago's Pizza Madness"

Upstart Suburban Pizza Shop 讓所有其他知名玩家黯然失色:被《芝加哥瘋狂披薩》評選爲芝加哥最佳披薩
PR Newswire ·  04/09 21:34

CHICAGO , April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This news is being written during the eclipse, an event that will not occur again for another 20 years. Ironically the news here is that the small suburban Antioch Pizza Shop ECLIPSED all other famous pizza brands in the greater Chicago area to win the 2nd Annual 2024 "WGN Radio's Chicago's Pizza Madness" Tournament. Sponsored by Career Vision. The event began on March 14th and the winner was named on April 4th.

芝加哥,2024 年 4 月 9 日 /PRNewswire/ — 這則新聞正在撰寫中 在日食期間,這一事件在接下來的20年內不會再發生。具有諷刺意味的是,這裏的消息是,安提阿郊區的小披薩店 黯然失色 大芝加哥地區的所有其他著名披薩品牌將贏得第二名 2024 年度 “WGN 電臺的芝加哥瘋狂披薩” 錦標賽。由《職業願景》贊助。該活動於3月14日開始第四 獲勝者是在4月4日被提名的第四

Based on the March Madness Model, 68 pizzerias from I-80 to the Illinois/Wisconsin border are divided into four categories. 2024 Chicago Pizza Madness Tournament had 7 rounds, 271,351 votes.


  1. Local chain
  2. Northern suburbs
  3. South and southwest suburbs
  4. City region
  1. 本地連鎖店
  2. 北部郊區
  3. 南部和西南部的郊區
  4. 城市區域

Antioch Pizza Shop was founded in 1977 but has grown under the ownership of husband-and-wife duo, Art and Karen Wicklein, who took a shot on a product they loved and bought the existing brand in 2008. They've now expanded from one location to ten, and have recently launched a franchise expansion plan.

安提阿披薩店成立於1977年,但在夫妻二人組Art和Karen Wicklein的所有權下發展壯大,他們購買了自己喜歡的產品,並於2008年收購了現有品牌。他們現在已經從一個地點擴展到十個地點,最近還啓動了特許經營擴張計劃。

"We were blown away when we received the call that we had won this whole thing!" said Art Wicklein, co-owner of Antioch Pizza Shop, which is known for its authentic flavors and community-centered approach.


"Antioch Pizza Shop isn't about just serving great food", said co-owner Art Wicklein, "it's about fostering connections, creating memories, and becoming an integral part of the communities it serves. What an honor to be considered among the greats in pizza names. Chicago is a famous pizza town, so this is even more spectacular". Wicklein admits to being creative and assertive to encourage votes. "Customers seemed more excited initially than we were. They kept coming up to our registers telling us where we stood in the brackets. Many of them are also fans of the traditional March Madness games and so they were beyond enthused. They told us they voted and are telling their friends to vote. They also encouraged us to put a table tent type sign at our registers with a QR Code, which made it easier for those who wanted to do so quickly."

共同所有人Art Wicklein說:“安提阿披薩店不僅僅是提供美味的食物,還要促進人際關係,創造回憶,併成爲其所服務社區不可分割的一部分。能被視爲披薩名列前茅真是太榮幸了。芝加哥是一個著名的披薩小鎮,所以這裏更加壯觀”。威克萊因承認自己在鼓勵投票方面富有創造力和自信。“客戶最初似乎比我們更興奮。他們不斷來到我們的登記處,告訴我們在方括號中的位置。他們中的許多人也是傳統的瘋狂三月遊戲的粉絲,因此他們非常熱情。他們告訴我們他們投了票,並告訴朋友們投票。他們還鼓勵我們在收銀臺上貼上帶有二維碼的桌帳型標誌,這讓那些想快速完成的人更容易做到。”

For more information on Antioch Pizza Shop, visit Antioch Pizza Shop. For more information on the multiple options for a franchise visit Antioch Pizza Shop Franchise.


SOURCE Antioch Pizza Shop


