
ONE Condoms Celebrates Foreskin Day

ONE Condoms Celebrates Foreskin Day

ONE 避孕套慶祝****日
PR Newswire ·  04/04 20:43

79% of people with a foreskin have had difficulty using condoms

79% 的****患者在使用避孕套時遇到困難

BOSTON, April 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ONE Condoms is celebrating April 4th's Foreskin Day by sharing resources and condom advice inspired by their customers. ONE is closing the "Foreskin Gap" by debunking common misconceptions, solving condom fit challenges, and sharing advice through their Foreskin Pleasure Enhancement Guide. Through this effort, ONE's goal is to also address the stat that 33% of people with a foreskin report they have been treated differently by a sexual partner as a result.

波士頓,2024 年 4 月 4 日 /PRNewswire/ — ONE 避孕套正在慶祝4月4日第四通過分享受客戶啓發的資源和避孕套建議來慶祝****日。一個 正在通過揭穿常見的誤解、解決避孕套的合身難題以及通過他們的****愉悅增強指南分享建議來縮小 “****差距”。通過這項努力,ONE的目標也是解決統計問題 有****的人中有33%的人報告說,結果,性伴侶對他們的待遇有所不同

Image Courtesy of ONE Condoms
圖片由 ONE 避孕套提供

"We've always been a brand that believes in starting conversations in an open, honest, and positive way. Customers with a foreskin frequently reach out to us for advice. When researching into the topic, we quickly realized there's a 'Foreskin Gap' when it comes to modern sexual health and condom education," said Noah LeBlanc, ONE's resident Size Specialist. "We knew it was time to kick off our Foreskin Action Plan. Luckily, a wonderful trait about our customer base is that they give amazing advice, so it all started with a survey."

“我們一直是一個堅信以開放、誠實和積極的方式開始對話的品牌。有****的顧客經常向我們尋求建議。在研究該主題時,我們很快意識到在現代性健康和避孕套教育方面存在'****差距'。” ONE的常駐尺碼專家諾亞·勒布朗說。“我們知道是時候啓動我們的****行動計劃了。幸運的是,我們客戶群的一個奇妙特徵是他們提供了很棒的建議,所以這一切都始於一項調查。”

Of the 79 percent of people who've had difficulty using condoms with their foreskin, 27 percent reported that condoms bunched up in their foreskin, creating friction and leading to slippage and even breakages. For a lot of people this issue was exacerbated by improperly fitting condoms. Regular condoms are too tight for 70 percent of people, and a condom that doesn't allow for breathing room is more likely to become entangled in the foreskin and constrict movement. That's why so many of the people surveyed preferred the MyONE Custom Fit lineup of 52 condom sizes; they were able to find a FitCode that enabled them to enjoy the natural gliding action of their foreskin without having to worry about friction and breakages. Their experience was further enhanced by adding some extra lubricant in the tip of the condom prior to putting it on.

在79%的****使用避孕套時遇到困難的人中,有27%的人報告說,避孕套聚集在****中,產生摩擦力,導致滑動甚至破裂。 對於許多人來說,避孕套安裝不當加劇了這個問題。對於70%的人來說,普通避孕套太緊了,沒有呼吸空間的避孕套更有可能被****纏住並限制運動。這就是爲什麼這麼多受訪者更喜歡 myONE 的原因 Custom Fit 系列有 52 種避孕套尺寸;他們找到了一款 FitCode,使他們能夠享受****的自然滑動動作,而不必擔心摩擦和斷裂。在戴上避孕套之前,在避孕套的尖端添加一些額外的潤滑劑,進一步增強了他們的體驗。

For those who experience a proper fit with standard sized condoms, survey respondents loved the thinner and extra lubricated styles such as Vanish, Super Sensitive, Flex, and UltraFeel. Varieties with extra space at the tip, such as Pleasure Plus, are a great option for the 26 percent of survey respondents who have experienced constricted movement of the foreskin with other condoms. As one customer says, "I like that the tip has more room for my foreskin to move naturally, without feeling tight or constricted. Makes it so that I can feel the gliding sensation while I'm having sex, which is great."

對於那些覺得標準尺寸避孕套合身的人來說,受訪者喜歡更薄、更潤滑的款式,例如 消失超級敏感屈伸,以及 UltraFeel尖端有額外空間的品種,例如 樂趣Plus是一個不錯的選擇 26% 的受訪者在使用其他避孕套時出現****活動受限。正如一位客戶所說, “我喜歡****尖端有更多的空間讓我的****自然移動,不會感到緊張或收縮。這樣我就能在做愛時感受到滑翔的感覺,這太棒了。”

Beyond condom recommendations, ONE is also celebrating the beauty of all penises – foreskin or no foreskin. The Foreskin Survey found that 33% of people with a foreskin said they have been treated differently by a sexual partner as a result. So much of the stigma surrounding foreskins is reinforced and spread through popular media portrayals. That's why ONE put together a guide debunking misconceptions, and tips inspired by customer feedback on how to pleasure those with a foreskin.

除了避孕套推薦之外,還有一個 還慶祝所有****的美麗,無論是****還是沒有****。 ****調查發現,33%的****患者表示,性伴侶因此對他們的待遇有所不同。 圍繞****的污名在很大程度上通過大衆媒體的描述得到了強化和傳播。這就是爲什麼 ONE 整理了一份揭穿誤解的指南,以及受客戶反饋啓發的關於如何取悅****患者的小貼士。

"One of the most amazing things about sexual health education is that the field is always evolving. We're always looking to improve our outreach and our resources by bringing more voices and perspectives into the conversation. Foreskin Day is another important piece of our decades' long commitment to community, creativity, and conversation," said LeBlanc.

“性健康教育最神奇的事情之一是,該領域一直在發展。我們一直在尋求通過在對話中引入更多的聲音和觀點來改善我們的宣傳和資源。****日是我們幾十年來對社區、創造力和對話的長期承諾中的又一重要部分,” 勒布朗說。

Customer feedback from our Foreskin Survey:


"The most important thing that helped me was learning that foreskins are not weird, dirty, or ugly. Bullying is a problem for some people with foreskins, especially in younger ages, and this can cause lasting trauma that affects us when we start having sex. It is important to explain that foreskins are functional, provide pleasure, and look awesome!"


"Because it's so common to be circumcised in America, many partners don't know how to work with it, usually ending in them being WAY too rough and causing pain."


"It's nice when foreskin can move while using condoms. Lube is important inside the condom."


"On the negative side I have had female friends who have been pretty outspoken about their dislike of the appearance of uncut penises. Which kind of sucks hearing a friend trash talk about people like yourself even when it's not directed at you."


"People need to know that foreskin makes no negative effect on sex, and it makes masturbation simpler actually."


Learn more:


About ONE Condoms

關於 ONE 避孕套

Established in 2004, the ONE brand of condoms and lubricants is a socially conscious company dedicated to promoting sexual health awareness, sustainability, and inclusivity. ONE is recognized for its signature round wrappers, campaigns that infuse art with sexual health education, and developing the latest technologies to create innovative pleasure products. All ONE Condoms are nontoxic, vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and free of harmful chemicals. ONE operates under the umbrella of the Global Protection Corp. family of sexual health products, founded by Davin Wedel in 1987 with a bold mission of making condoms as socially acceptable as toothpaste.

ONE 品牌的避孕套和潤滑劑成立於 2004 年,是一傢俱有社會意識的公司,致力於提高性健康意識、可持續發展和包容性。ONE因其標誌性的圓形包裝材料、爲藝術注入性健康教育的活動以及開發最新技術以創造創新的愉悅產品而獲得認可。所有 ONE 避孕套均無毒、適合素食主義者、非轉基因,不含有害化學物質。ONE在全球保護公司的性健康產品系列旗下運營,該系列由戴文·韋德爾於1987年創立,其大膽使命是讓避孕套像牙膏一樣爲社會所接受。

ONE products are available at, as well as select global retailers, such as Amazon, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. For those seeking the perfect fit, MyONE Custom Fit condoms can be found and purchased at with select sizes also available at CVS stores nationwide.

ONE產品可在onecondoms.com以及部分全球零售商處購買,例如亞馬遜、沃爾瑪、CVS和沃爾格林。對於那些尋求完美合身的人來說,可以在上找到和購買MyOne Custom Fit避孕套,精選尺寸也可以在全國的CVS商店購買。

Media Contact:
Hannah Thulin
(949) 259-6377 x 225
[email protected]

(949) 259-6377 x 225


來源 ONE 避孕套

