

The response went up and down for two characters in a row! The quarterly A-share market began, and the net profit of 14 listed companies doubled as high as a year-on-year pre-increase ·  Apr 4 10:44

① The day after the disclosure of the quarterly report's performance forecast, Naipu mining machines hit a 20CM rise and stop. Fulai New Materials recorded two consecutive one-word gains and stops at the close of Wednesday; ② Take stock of the list of listed companies whose net profit for the first quarter of 2024 is expected to increase by more than 100% year-on-year; Take stock of the list of listed companies whose net profit for the first quarter of 2024 is expected to increase by more than 100% year on year and the latest comments from brokerage research reports (attached table).

Financial Services Association, April 4 (Editor: Asahi) The A-share quarterly report starts. Last Thursday evening, Naipu Mining Machinery, which revealed its quarterly results forecast to turn a loss into profit, hit a 20cm rise or stop in the next day. This Wednesday closed with a rise of nearly 12%. The biggest cumulative increase in stock prices in the last 4 trading days reached 32%. After disclosing the quarterly report advance announcement after trading on Monday, Fulai New Materials recorded two consecutive one-word gains and stops at the close of trading on Wednesday. The day after the announcement of the pre-increase in performance was disclosed, the Yanjin store closed up and stopped in response.

According to incomplete statistics from the Financial Federation, as of press release, a total of 42 A-share listed companies have announced their performance forecasts for the first quarter of 2024. Among them, the net profit of 14 stocks increased by more than 100% year-on-year. They were Guoguang Electric, Sanyuan Biotech, Innote, Songlin Technology, Shanghai Yanpu, Hangya Technology, Shengde Xintai, Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd., Nopsin, Fulai New Materials, Chuanhuan Technology, Wright Optoelectronics, and Diowei. The details are shown below:


Looking specifically at individual stocks, Guoguang Electric, which is mainly in the audio, electroacoustic and lithium battery business, temporarily led the way with a performance growth rate of up to 3 times. The announcement anticipates a net profit of 26 million yuan to 29.8 million yuan for the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 263.60% to 316.74% over the previous year. Guoguang Electric said that during the reporting period, the company's year-on-year sales increased, and the share of high-margin products increased, increasing the company's gross profit margin. At the same time, the company continues to implement various cost reduction and efficiency measures, improving the company's overall profitability.

Sanyuan Biotech followed with a performance growth rate of more than 2 times. The company expects net profit of 23 million yuan to 29 million yuan for the first quarter, an increase of 194.56% to 271.40% over the previous year. As for the main reason for the increase in business performance in the first quarter, Sanyuan Biotech said that it benefited from increased orders from downstream customers, increased sales of the company's main products, and a gradual increase in capacity utilization. Second, in accordance with the established development plan, the company adheres to the market-oriented and customer-first sales strategy, and actively explores the international market.

Naipu Mining Machinery revealed its performance forecast last Thursday evening and hit a 20cm intraday rise or fall. The company expects net profit of 35 million yuan to 41 million yuan for the first quarter and a loss of 12.949 million yuan for the same period last year. Naipu Mining said in the announcement that the main reason for the advance increase in performance is that in the past two years, the company has actively developed the international market in accordance with the established development strategy and achieved good results. In the first quarter of 2024, revenue is expected to increase by more than 40% year-on-year compared to last year, with export revenue accounting for more than 60%.

Liu Junqi of Northeast Securities said in an April 2 research report that Naipu mining machines are actively laying out and building production bases in developed mining industries along the Belt and Road. The factory in Zambia is progressing smoothly, and the main project has been basically completed. It is currently in the installation and commissioning stage of production equipment, which can be successfully put into operation in 2024; the Chilean plant has already entered the construction stage and is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2025. In the future, as the company continues to expand overseas markets and the share of high-margin wear-resistant spare parts products increases, the company's gross margin level is expected to improve further.

After disclosing the pre-performance increase announcement on Monday, Fulai New Materials won 2 consecutive boards at the close of the market on Wednesday, and it was 2 consecutive one-sided boards. The company expects to achieve net profit attributable to owners of the parent company in the first quarter of 2024 of 26 million yuan to 31 million yuan, an increase of 79.59% to 114.13% over the previous year. Fulai New Materials said that the company has always been market-based and focused on its main business. Production and sales revenue increased this quarter, and Zhejiang Ouren New Materials Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary engaged in R&D, production and sales of electronic grade functional materials and automotive functional films, turned a loss into a profit this quarter.

The Shiotsu store closed higher or lower the next day after disclosing the results forecast last Tuesday. The company expects net profit of 150 million yuan to 170 million yuan for the first quarter, an increase of 34.48%-52.41% year-on-year. Yanjin Shop said that during the reporting period, the company achieved rapid development in multiple channels and categories, and continued to focus on the seven core categories. In addition to maintaining the advantages of the original KA and AB supermarkets, omnichannel coverage focuses on developing e-commerce, snack stores, CVS, campus stores, etc., and has in-depth cooperation with current popular snack mass sales brands such as Snack Very Busy, Zhao Yiming, and Snack Youming. The brand influence and channel potential continue to grow on the Douyin platform.

Zhang Yujie of Oriental Securities pointed out in the April 2 research report that the Yanjin store is actively exploring and creating new growth categories, short-term snack discount/e-commerce channel dividends continue, and quantitative distribution is progressing steadily. The medium- to long-term “category brand” strategic layout continues to advance, and I am optimistic that the company's market share will continue to increase.

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