
Ballard Announces Largest Order In Company History, 1,000 Engines To Power Solaris Buses Across Europe; No Financial Terms Disclosed

Ballard Announces Largest Order In Company History, 1,000 Engines To Power Solaris Buses Across Europe; No Financial Terms Disclosed

Benzinga ·  2024/04/01 20:16

Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) (TSX:BLDP) today announced the signing of a Long Term Supply Agreement ("LTSA") with its customer Solaris Bus& Coach sp. z o.o. ("Solaris"; ), a leading European bus manufacturer, for the supply of 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell engines through 2027 for the European transit bus market.

巴拉德動力系統(納斯達克股票代碼:BLDP)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BLDP)今天宣佈與其客戶歐洲領先的客車製造商Solaris Bus&Coach sp. z o.o.(“Solaris”;)簽署長期供應協議(“LTSA”),到2027年爲歐洲公交車市場供應1,000臺氫燃料電池發動機。

The LTSA consolidates existing orders for approximately 300 fuel cell engines, while adding after-market and extended warranty services to such existing orders, with a new supply commitment for an incremental approximately 700 fuel cell engines and related after-market extended warranty services. This consolidated order represents the largest order of fuel cell engines in Ballard's history and marks a significant step forward in the relationship with Solaris. The 1,000 units will be made up of approximately 80% FCmove-HD 70 kW and 20% FCmove-HD+ 100 kW engines to address both the 12-metre and 18-metre bus markets, with delivery starting in 2024 and running through the end of 2027.

LTSA合併了約300臺燃料電池發動機的現有訂單,同時在這些現有訂單的基礎上增加了售後市場和延長保修服務,並承諾增加約700臺燃料電池發動機和相關的售後延長保修服務。該合併訂單是巴拉德歷史上最大的燃料電池發動機訂單,標誌着與Solaris的關係向前邁出了重要一步。這1,000臺將由大約80%的FCmove-HD 70 kW和20%的FCmove-HD+ 100 kW發動機組成,以滿足12米和18米客車市場的需求,交付將於2024年開始,一直持續到2027年底。

These engines are expected to be deployed in buses across Europe where Solaris buses powered by Ballard fuel cell engines currently operate in over 22 European cities. Supported by policy tailwinds and regulations to decarbonize public urban transport fleets, the transition to zero emission city buses has accelerated in recent years as the value proposition of hydrogen fuel cells are increasingly understood– zero emissions, quick refueling, and long range, without impact to performance or duty cycle.

這些發動機預計將部署在歐洲各地的公交車上,目前由巴拉德燃料電池發動機提供動力的 Solaris 客車在超過 22 個歐洲城市運行。在政策利好因素和公共城市交通車隊脫碳法規的支持下,近年來,隨着氫燃料電池的價值主張越來越爲人們所理解,向零排放城市公交車的過渡加快了——零排放、快速加油、長續航里程,不影響性能或工作週期。

"This landmark agreement embarks on the next phase of Ballard and Solaris' partnership to accelerate fuel cell bus adoption in Europe, leveraging Ballard's proven product performance, as the energy transition gains momentum," said Randy MacEwen, Ballard President and Chief Executive Officer. "This LTSA is a testament to our collaborative efforts with Solaris spanning over a decade in bringing safe, competitive, durable, zero emission solutions to transit operators across Europe. We are on the road to achieving scaled deployment of fuel cell buses, which is a critical lever to facilitate economies of scale and cost down initiatives, driving improved economics and reduced emissions for fleet operators."


"We are excited to continue our work with Ballard and further our progress in the rapidly growing European hydrogen fuel cell bus market as fuel cell vehicles become an increasingly significant share of our production mix. Solaris has become a leader in deploying hydrogen technology in public transport and an experienced partner for European operators. To date, we have delivered nearly 200 hydrogen-powered buses and another over 500 units are in our orderbook for next two years," said Javier Iriarte, Solaris Chief Executive Officer.

“隨着燃料電池汽車在我們生產結構中佔據越來越重要的份額,我們很高興能繼續與巴拉德合作,並在快速增長的歐洲氫燃料電池客車市場進一步取得進展。Solaris已成爲在公共交通中部署氫氣技術的領導者,也是歐洲運營商經驗豐富的合作伙伴。迄今爲止,我們已經交付了近200輛氫動力公交車,未來兩年的訂單中還有500多輛。” Solaris首席執行官哈維爾·伊里亞爾特說。

