
Ocean-Made Weed Vapes And A Plastic Negative Certification: The Future Of Eco-Conscious Cannabis?

Ocean-Made Weed Vapes And A Plastic Negative Certification: The Future Of Eco-Conscious Cannabis?

Benzinga ·  03/29 21:00

PAX, a well-known cannabis-vaporization company, has unveiled its partnership with rePurpose Global, establishing itself as the first-ever cannabis brand to achieve Plastic Negative certification across its lineup. This groundbreaking achievement covers fan favorites like the sleek PAX Mini, robust Plus, the innovative Era, 1G pods and even its flavorful Gummies, introducing a new era where each purchase pulls double its weight in plastic out of nature's embrace.

知名的大麻蒸發公司PAX宣佈與RePurpose Global建立合作伙伴關係,將自己確立爲有史以來第一個在其產品陣容中獲得塑料負片認證的大麻品牌。這一突破性成就涵蓋了粉絲的最愛,例如光滑的 PAX Mini、堅固耐用的 Plus、創新的 Era、1G Pod 甚至其美味的 Gummies,開啓了一個新時代,即每次購買都會將兩倍的塑料重量從大自然的懷抱中消失。

In an equally impressive stride toward a greener future, PAX announced the debut of the PAX Trip, a marvel of eco-conscious engineering. This all-in-one vape, crafted from ocean-bound plastic, stands as the industry's maiden plastic negative offering, marrying PAX's signature pure cannabis oils with an eco-friendly conscience. With its sights set on Massachusetts for its premiere, and plans to weave through California and New York shortly after, the PAX Trip will sell for a welcoming $35, inviting eco-aware consumers to partake in a sustainable puff of change.

PAX宣佈首次推出具有生態意識的工程奇蹟——PAX Trip,這是朝着更綠色未來的方向邁出的同樣令人印象深刻的進步。這款多合一電子煙由海洋塑料製成,是該行業的首款塑料負片產品,將PAX的標誌性純大麻油與環保意識相結合。PAX Trip的首發目標是馬薩諸塞州,並計劃在不久之後穿越加利福尼亞和紐約,售價爲35美元,邀請具有生態意識的消費者參與可持續的變革。

"The cannabis industry, entangled in sustainability challenges, from fluctuating markets to social equity, beckoned for our action," said


Laura Fogelman, PAX's vice president of communications and public affairs reflects on the journey to this moment. She muses on the drive to pioneer a path of sustainability within the industry, hoping to inspire a ripple effect of green innovation.


Digging into the mechanics of this initiative, Scott Collins, the brain behind PAX's hardware product and design, sheds light on the meticulous efforts to phase out plastic usage, emphasizing the pivotal role of partnerships in spearheading a future where circular solutions aren't just imagined but implemented. This vision takes tangible form in support of rePurpose Global's Paraíso de Ballenas project, aimed at reviving the whale-rich coastlines of Colombia, currently marred by the blight of plastic waste.

PAX硬件產品和設計背後的大腦斯科特·柯林斯深入研究了該計劃的機制,他闡明瞭爲逐步停止使用塑料所做的細緻努力,強調了夥伴關係在引領循環解決方案不僅可以想象而且可以實施的未來中的關鍵作用。這一願景以切實的形式支持Repurpose Global的帕拉伊索·德·巴倫納斯項目,該項目旨在振興哥倫比亞目前飽受塑料垃圾困擾的富含鯨魚的海岸線。

Rooted in more than a decade of championing sustainability, PAX's latest venture is a continuation of its commitment to the plant and the planet. With a future lineup set to feature packaging infused with post-consumer recycled materials and a longstanding dedication to durable product design, PAX redefines what it means to enjoy cannabis responsibly.


In the world of cannabis, PAX not only dreams of a greener future but actively constructs it, inviting us all to partake in the journey towards a more sustainable, plastic-free world.


Photo: Courtesy


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