
Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Ready To Get AI Upgrade: Expect These New Features Soon

Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Ready To Get AI Upgrade: Expect These New Features Soon

Meta Ray-Ban 智能眼鏡準備升級 AI:期待即將推出這些新功能
Benzinga ·  03/29 14:14

Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) reportedly plans to unveil its artificial intelligence-integrated Ray-Ban smart glasses next month.

據報道,Meta Platforms Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:META)計劃在下個月推出其集成人工智能的雷朋智能眼鏡。

What Happened: The AI features, which include translation and identifying objects, animals, and monuments, have been in early access since December, reported The Verge (via The New York Times). Users can activate the smart assistant by saying "Hey Meta" and issuing a prompt or question. The glasses will respond through the built-in speakers.

發生了什麼:The Verge(通過《紐約時報》)報道,包括翻譯和識別物體、動物和紀念碑在內的人工智能功能自12月以來已進入搶先體驗階段。用戶可以通過說 “Hey Meta” 併發出提示或問題來激活智能助手。眼鏡將通過內置揚聲器做出響應。

The Times tested Meta AI in various scenarios, such as grocery shopping, driving, museum visits, and zoo trips. While successfully identifying pets and artwork, it struggled with distant zoo animals and misidentified an exotic fruit called cherimoya.

《泰晤士報》在各種場景中測試了 Meta AI,例如雜貨店購物、駕駛、參觀博物館和動物園旅行。在成功識別寵物和藝術品的同時,它與遙遠的動物園動物作鬥爭,並誤認了一種名爲cherimoya的異國情調的水果。

The glasses currently support English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German translations.


These features are only available to a U.S.-based early access waitlist, and according to the report, the Mark Zuckerberg-led tech giant will likely continue refining them as time passes.


Why It Matters: This development follows Meta's previous unveiling of the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses at its Connect launch event in 2023. The glasses, equipped with AI, were designed to decode anything the user was looking at, without the help of Google.

爲何重要:這一進展是在 Meta 此前在 2023 年的 Connect 發佈會上推出雷朋Meta智能眼鏡之後發生的。這些配備了人工智能的眼鏡旨在在沒有谷歌幫助的情況下解碼用戶正在看的任何東西。

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Meanwhile, Meta CEO was seen advocating for the smart glasses, even using them to show off his closet earlier this month. Zuckerberg shared multiple videos on Instagram showcasing the Ray-Ban smart glasses' capabilities.

同時,有人看到 Meta 首席執行官倡導智能眼鏡,甚至在本月早些時候用它們來炫耀自己的壁櫥。扎克伯格在Instagram上分享了多段視頻,展示了雷朋智能眼鏡的功能。

Last month, it was reported that Meta is set to reveal its first true augmented reality glasses, codenamed Orion, at its annual Connect developer event this fall. The AR glasses are separate from Meta's popular Ray-Ban smart glasses and Quest headsets. It is part of Meta's Reality Labs division, which is responsible for managing the company's AR and VR endeavors, AI development, and all initiatives related to the metaverse.

上個月,有報道稱,Meta將在今年秋天的年度Connect開發者活動上發佈其首款代號爲Orion的真正增強現實眼鏡。增強現實眼鏡與 Meta 廣受歡迎的雷朋智能眼鏡和 Quest 頭戴式耳機是分開的。它是 Meta Reality Labs 部門的一部分,該部門負責管理公司的增強現實和虛擬現實工作、人工智能開發以及與元宇宙相關的所有計劃。

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