
Xiaomi's SU7 Sedan Aims To Challenge Tesla's Model S With Price Lower Than Entry-Level Model 3

Xiaomi's SU7 Sedan Aims To Challenge Tesla's Model S With Price Lower Than Entry-Level Model 3

小米的SU7轎車旨在以低於入門級Model 3的價格挑戰特斯拉的Model S
Benzinga ·  03/29 12:26

Chinese tech giant Xiaomi (OTCPK: XIACF) on Thursday revealed the official pricing of its first EV- the SU7 sedan. The car, touted to be a rival to Tesla Inc's Model S and the Porsche Taycan, is priced way lower than the two.

中國科技巨頭小米(OTCPK:XIACF)週四公佈了其首款電動汽車——SU7轎車的官方定價。這輛車被吹捧爲特斯拉公司的Model S和保時捷Taycan的競爭對手,其價格遠低於兩者。

What Happened: The vehicle will have a starting price of 215,900 yuan (about $28,872), Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun said at the launch event on Thursday. The pricier variants of the sedan, called Pro and Max, will start at 245,900 ($34,022) and 299,900 yuan ($41,494), respectively.


The car was first unveiled in December, with Xiaomi aiming to become one of the world's top five automakers. During the unveiling event, the CEO compared the vehicle to the Porsche Taycan and the Tesla Model S, creating expectations for the vehicle to be a higher-end EV.

該車於12月首次亮相,小米的目標是成爲全球前五大汽車製造商之一。在發佈會上,首席執行官將該車與保時捷Taycan和特斯拉Model S進行了比較,這使人們對該車成爲更高端的電動汽車產生了期望。

The official pricing sets the Xiaomi SU7 at 30,000 yuan ($4,151) less than Tesla's most affordable option. In China, Tesla's Model 3 base model begins at 245,900 yuan ($34,025), with the Long Range version available for 285,900 yuan ($39,559). The lower-priced variant of the Model S is still 399,000 yuan ($55,210) more expensive than SU7's higher-end variant.

官方定價使小米SU7的價格比特斯拉最實惠的選擇低3萬元人民幣(合4,151美元)。在中國,特斯拉的Model 3基本車型起價爲245,900元人民幣(合34,025美元),長續航版本的起價爲285,900元人民幣(合39,559美元)。價格較低的Model S版本仍比SU7的高端版本貴39.9萬元人民幣(合55,210美元)。

More About SU7: Xiaomi started taking orders for the car on Thursday and received over 50,000 orders in less than half an hour. Deliveries will commence in late April.


The vehicle is available in 9 colors, including radiant purple and lava orange, and boasts a maximum range of 810 km, significantly higher than the Model 3's 606 km.

該車有9種顏色可供選擇,包括輻射紫色和熔岩橙色,最大續航里程爲810千米,明顯高於Model 3的606千米。

"The essence of EVs lies in three key elements: car, electric, and intelligent. Over the past decade, we've witnessed tremendous progress in overcoming the challenges of vehicle electrification. In the next decade, I believe the focus is rapidly shifting towards intelligence. This is where the next battleground for the EV market is," Lei Jun said.

“電動汽車的本質在於三個關鍵要素:汽車、電動和智能。在過去的十年中,我們目睹了在克服汽車電氣化挑戰方面取得的巨大進展。我相信在接下來的十年中,重點將迅速轉移到情報上。這是電動汽車市場的下一個戰場,” 雷軍說。

Founders of popular Chinese EV startups including Nio, XPeng, and Li Auto attended the event on Thursday. Chairmans of BAIC Motor and Great Wall Motor were also present.


Price Action: Hong Kong-listed shares of Xiaomi rose 1.22% to close at HK$14.94 ($1.91) on Thursday. The stock is down nearly 3.5% year-to-date.


