
Taco Bell's Women's History Month Spotlight - Amy D.

Taco Bell's Women's History Month Spotlight - Amy D.

塔可貝爾的女性歷史月聚光燈——Amy D.
Accesswire ·  03/29 03:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / March 28, 2024 / Yum! Brands
Taco Bell blog

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 28 日/好極了!品牌

Another month, another celebration! March is dedicated as Women's History Month in the U.S., United Kingdom, Australia and many other parts of the world. In 1982, Women's History Week was officially launched in the United States, and eventually turned into a month-long event in 1987.

再過一個月,又一個慶祝活動!三月的主題是 女性歷史月 在美國、英國、澳大利亞和世界許多其他地區。1982年,女性歷史周在美國正式啓動,最終在1987年變成爲期一個月的活動。

This year's theme for Women's History Month and International Women's Day is Inspire Inclusion. So, to honor and celebrate the courageous women of the world (and at The Bell!), we will continue to tell their stories and amplify their voices. We hope that they not only educate, but also inspire inclusion and drive positive impact in your community to uplift those around you.

今年的婦女歷史月和國際婦女節的主題是 激發包容性。因此,向世界上的勇敢女性致敬和慶祝(還有在鐘樓!),我們將繼續講述他們的故事並擴大他們的聲音。我們希望他們不僅能提供教育,還能激發包容性,並在您的社區中產生積極影響,以提升您周圍的人。

Amy D. (She/Her/Hers) - Chief Marketing Officer, Taco Bell International

Amy D.(她/她/她的)— 塔可貝爾國際首席營銷官

Mother of three, wife, and Taco Bell International's Chief Marketing Officer, Amy D., was born and raised in Greenfield, Massachusetts. The northeast was her home as she moved to Boston for undergrad and then New York for her MBA.

三個孩子的母親、妻子兼塔可貝爾國際首席營銷官艾米·D. 在馬薩諸塞州格林菲爾德出生和長大。當她移居波士頓讀本科生時,東北是她的家,然後移居紐約攻讀工商管理碩士。

Then, she left for a completely different country.


"I only left the Northeast when my husband (boyfriend at the time) convinced me to move to Brazil and go on an adventure. It was a life-changing event for me. In Brazil, I learned so much about new cultures, languages and ways of working that it got me interested in working outside the U.S."


After her travels abroad, Amy found herself back in the States where she learned what it meant to be with a company that aligned with her values.


"Early on in my career, I noticed that the focus for many companies was on the savings and not on the people or the brands. It encouraged people to grow at the expense of others, which really challenged my value system. So, I decided to leave and look for a company that shared my values and focused on a culture of collaboration. That's how I found my way to Yum!"


Amy started with Yum! Latin America doing consumer insights for Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut. She then moved to KFC Latin America & The Caribbean to work in insights, innovation and marketing.


"I spent six years there until I got pulled over to KFC Global in Dallas where I led retail marketing. Then, I got an opportunity at Taco Bell, which brought me here to California."

“我在那裏呆了六年,直到我被調到達拉斯的肯德基環球公司,在那裏我領導零售營銷。然後,我有機會在 Taco Bell 工作,這讓我來到了加利福尼亞。”

Amy's career within Yum! had her traveling and working on many exciting projects on an international scale. However, she faced her own challenges.


"When I first started at Yum!, my role revolved around insights. As I grew, I knew that I had an option to stay hyper focused on insights or stretch myself into a broader marketing role. Doing that meant stepping into an area that wasn't as comfortable. However, my coach, Javier B. in KFC LA&C really encouraged me to do more. When I decided to move into my global role at KFC, they wanted me to lead retail, which was an area of growth for me, but I leaned into yes."

“當我第一次加入百勝時!,我的角色圍繞着見解展開。隨着我的成長,我知道自己可以選擇保持高度專注於洞察力,也可以將自己擴展到更廣泛的營銷職位。這樣做意味着要進入一個不那麼舒適的區域。但是,我的教練,肯德基LA&C的Javier B. 確實鼓勵我做更多的事情。當我決定進入肯德基的全球職位時,他們希望我領導零售業,這對我來說是一個增長領域,但我傾向於是。”

"Lean into Yes" is Amy's mantra that has taken her to greater heights. After reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, Amy was inspired to change her outlook on decision making, especially in her career.

“Lean into Yes” 是艾米的口頭禪,它使她走向了更高的高度。讀完之後 向內傾斜 受到雪莉·桑德伯格的啓發,艾米改變了自己的決策觀,尤其是在她的職業生涯中。

"The idea in the book is that women need to lean into the current moment. Women tend to make decisions in their current career based on potential things that could happen in the future. For example, a woman might decide not to take a promotion because she might have a child next year. Meanwhile, she is not pregnant and, even if she is, why would a promotion conflict with that? I merged this advice with the idea of just saying 'yes' because doing so can take you down a path you didn't think existed. So, when you have the urge to overthink and question your capability or logistics, and your reaction is an immediate no, please LEAN INTO YES."

“書中的想法是,女性需要傾向於當下。女性傾向於根據未來可能發生的潛在事情在當前的職業生涯中做出決定。例如,女性可能決定不升職,因爲她明年可能會生孩子。同時,她沒有懷孕,即使她懷孕了,爲什麼晉升會與此相沖突呢?我把這個建議和只說 “是” 的想法合二爲一,因爲這樣做可以讓你走上你認爲不存在的道路。因此,當你有過度思考和質疑自己的能力或後勤的衝動,而你的反應是 “不” 時,請傾向於 “是”。”

Not only has Amy found guidance through the literature she's read, but also from trailblazing women in society and around her.


"When it comes to pop culture, two influential leaders are former Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham and former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Both women are examples of leadership that came against social headwinds but ended with creating many firsts for women on a global platform."


Closer to home and within the Yum! system, one of Amy's former coaches, Catherine G., General Manager of KFC Canada, has been a true inspiration who has helped Amy become the leader she is today.


"First, Catherine is incredibly smart, and I always learn something from every conversation that I have with her. Second, she is authentically herself with her wild curly hair and approachable leadership style. But lastly, and most importantly, she's never said 'no' to me. Catherine always encouraged me to take an idea and run with it, and for that I am forever thankful. I am a better leader and I take bigger swings because of her."

“首先,凱瑟琳非常聰明,我總能從與她的每一次對話中學到一些東西。其次,她有着狂野的捲髮和平易近人的領導風格,是真實的她自己。但最後,也是最重要的是,她從來沒有對我說 “不”。凱瑟琳一直鼓勵我採納一個想法並付諸實踐,爲此我永遠心存感激。我是一個更好的領導者,因爲她,我能做出更大的努力。”

Looking to the future, Amy hopes to inspire inclusivity and provide women in leadership a new perspective on work.


"I hope that I can pave the way for young female leaders within Yum! to see that leadership can look and feel differently. You can have a family and still opt-in to challenging roles."


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SOURCE: Yum! Brands


