
Blue Goes Big: Blueprint Prep's AI MCAT Tutor Now Covers Entire MCAT Exam and Makes MCAT Prep More Efficient

Blue Goes Big: Blueprint Prep's AI MCAT Tutor Now Covers Entire MCAT Exam and Makes MCAT Prep More Efficient

Blue Goes Big:Blueprint Prep 的 AI MCAT 導師現在涵蓋了整個 MCAT 考試,並提高了 MCAT 備考的效率
PR Newswire ·  03/29 02:15

LOS ANGELES, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Building on its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for enhanced learning experiences, Blueprint Prep is proud to announce a significant expansion in the capabilities of its AI-powered tutor, Blue. Initially launched to provide personalized support for the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) Section of the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Blue has evolved into a comprehensive MCAT tutor offering increasing support for all sections of the MCAT, covering all the sciences.

洛杉磯,2024 年 3 月 28 日 /PRNewswire/ — 在承諾利用先進技術增強學習體驗的基礎上, 藍圖準備 自豪地宣佈其人工智能導師Blue的能力得到了顯著擴展。Blue最初是爲了爲醫學院入學考試(MCAT)的批判分析和推理技能(CARS)部分提供個性化支持而推出的,現已發展成爲一名全面的MCAT導師,爲MCAT的各個部分提供越來越多的支持,涵蓋所有科學。

An essential, yet time-consuming, task for all MCAT students involves extensively reviewing practice exams and determining which areas require further attention. This can take hours or days to complete. Blue personalizes and simplifies this process, streamlining a student's preparation by creating actionable review tasks and "lessons learned notes" in the student's Lessons Learned Journal (LLJ), resulting in more efficient and effective study sessions.

對於所有MCAT學生來說,一項必不可少但耗時的任務包括廣泛審查模擬考試並確定哪些領域需要進一步關注。這可能需要數小時或數天才能完成。Blue 個性化並簡化了這一流程,通過在學生的經驗教訓日誌 (LLJ) 中創建切實可行的複習任務和 “經驗教訓筆記” 來簡化學生的準備工作,從而提高學習課程的效率和效力。

The premed community has already begun to reap the benefits of Blue's expanded capabilities.


"The AI tutor is very helpful! Also, the feature to have the AI tutor put together an LLJ based on our conversation is HUGE," remarks Blueprint MCAT student Hannah P.

“AI 導師非常有幫助!此外,讓人工智能導師根據我們的對話整理一篇LLJ的功能非常棒。” Blueprint MCAT 的學生 Hannah P.

Yashav P. said, "I love Blue! He is so helpful and he saves me so much time!"

Yashav P. 說:“我喜歡 Blue!他非常樂於助人,爲我節省了很多時間!”

On average, MCAT students dedicate about 300 hours to preparation. Students strive to maximize their time efficiency as they balance undergraduate studies, extracurriculars, and the pursuit of a strong GPA. Whether tackling the MCAT solo or as part of a Blueprint class, Blue adds a layer of tailored support around the clock, ensuring help is always available when students need it most.

平均而言,MCAT 學生花費大約 300 小時進行準備。學生在平衡本科學習、課外活動和追求高GPA的同時,努力最大限度地提高時間效率。無論是單獨學習 MCAT 還是作爲藍圖課堂的一部分,Blue 都會全天候增加一層量身定製的支持,確保在學生最需要的時候隨時提供幫助。

"Integrating Blue with the Lessons Learned Journal means that learners can really make the most of their exams," said Lauren White, Director of Undergraduate Content. "Instead of coming up with and writing out what they've learned, Blue can help draft that LLJ entry so students can save time and get the most out of every question they do!"

本科課程總監勞倫·懷特說:“將Blue與經驗教訓日記相結合,意味着學習者可以真正充分利用考試。”“Blue 可以幫助起草 LLJ 的參賽作品,這樣學生就可以節省時間,充分利用他們所做的每道問題,而不是想出和寫出所學內容!”

Leveraging the latest sophisticated AI technology, trained and tested by Blueprint's team of instructors, tutors, and content experts, Blue has become an indispensable resource for students seeking a highly personalized and efficient study experience.

Blue 利用最新的尖端人工智能技術,經過 Blueprint 講師、導師和內容專家團隊的培訓和測試,已成爲尋求高度個性化和高效學習體驗的學生不可或缺的資源。

Another Blueprint MCAT student, Davis K., shared, "This is a complete game changer for my studying!"

另一位 Blueprint MCAT 學生 Davis K. 分享說:“這對我的學習來說完全改變了遊戲規則!”

With a history of industry-leading score increases, Blueprint Prep remains dedicated to improving how learners prepare for high-stakes exams. The expansion of Blue's capabilities is just the latest in Blueprint's ongoing efforts to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in education, ensuring that students have the most advanced tools at their fingertips.

Blueprint Prep 有着業界領先的分數增長曆史,一直致力於改善學員爲高風險考試做準備的方式。Blue 能力的擴展只是Blueprint持續努力保持在教育技術進步的最前沿,確保學生擁有觸手可及的最先進的工具的最新舉措。

To learn more about Blueprint's AI chatbot tutor, visit their website.

要了解有關 Blueprint 人工智能聊天機器人導師的更多信息,請訪問他們的 網站

About Blueprint Prep


Founded in 2005, Blueprint Prep is the leading platform for high-stakes test prep in the U.S., offering live and self-paced online courses, private tutoring, self-study materials, and Qbanks for pre-law, pre-med, and medical school students, as well as for residents, practicing physicians, PAs, and NPs via its acquisition of Rosh Review and Sarah Michelle NP Reviews. Blueprint Prep leverages a unique approach that combines unparalleled expertise in content creation, engaging video production techniques, the latest adaptive learning technology, and personalized study planning tools. Blueprint Prep has produced unrivaled outcomes for its learners, including industry-leading score increases and pass rates for learners taking standardized entrance exams and licensure certification exams. For more information, visit

Blueprint Prep成立於2005年,是美國高風險備考的領先平台,通過收購Rosh Review和Sarah Michelle NP Reviews爲法學預科、醫學預科和醫學院學生以及住院醫生、執業醫生、PA和NP提供直播和自學輔導、自學材料和Qbanks。Blueprint Prep 利用一種獨特的方法,結合了內容創作方面無與倫比的專業知識、引人入勝的視頻製作技術、最新的自適應學習技術和個性化學習計劃工具。Blueprint Prep 爲其學員創造了無與倫比的成績,包括爲參加標準化入學考試和執照認證考試的學員提高分數和及格率。如需了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Blueprint Test Preparation


