
Roku and the Handy Foundation Announce Expanded Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

Roku and the Handy Foundation Announce Expanded Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

Roku 和 Handy 基金會宣佈擴大多元化和包容性計劃
Roku Inc ·  03/28 12:00

Strategic partnership brings underrepresented workers below-the-line opportunities on more Roku Original productions

戰略合作伙伴關係爲代表性不足的員工提供了觀看更多 Roku Original 作品的機會

SAN JOSE, Calif. – March 28, 2024 – Today, Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU), the # 1 TV streaming platform in the U.S.*, announced that Roku Originals, together with The Handy Foundation, will help provide underrepresented communities more opportunities in the entertainment and film industry for below-the-line jobs, including assistant editors, production coordinators, digital imaging technicians, production audio, and makeup artists. To date, apprenticeships have been provided on popular series, including "Honest Renovations," "Meet Me in Rome," and "Morimoto's Sushi Master."

加利福尼亞州聖何塞——2024年3月28日——今天,美國排名第一的電視流媒體平台Roku(納斯達克股票代碼:ROKU)宣佈,Roku Originals將與漢迪基金會一道,爲娛樂和電影行業中代表性不足的社區提供更多機會,從事線下工作,包括助理編輯、製作協調員、數字影像技術人員、製作音頻和化妝師。迄今爲止,《Honest Renovations》、《在羅馬見我》和《森本的壽司大師》等熱門劇集都提供了學徒機會。

"As our original programming continues to grow in both popularity and scale, the choice is clear for Roku: Take the opportunity now to champion greater inclusion in our industry," said David Eilenberg, Head of Content, Roku Media. "The Handy Foundation's work with underrepresented or overlooked professionals makes them a fantastic partner for us, and we are thrilled to take on this significant, expanded initiative."

Roku Media內容主管戴維·艾倫伯格表示:“隨着我們的原創節目在知名度和規模上持續增長,Roku的選擇顯而易見:抓住機會倡導我們行業的更大包容性。”“Handy Foundation與代表性不足或被忽視的專業人士的合作使他們成爲我們的絕佳合作伙伴,我們很高興能夠採取這一重大的、擴大的舉措。”

The collaboration between The Handy Foundation and Roku Originals, led by Melissa Hamilton, Head of Production, seeks to grant access to a diverse array of expertise within Hollywood's trade craft. In its efforts to connect below-the-line workers with job opportunities in the entertainment industry, the Handy Foundation has made notable strides, providing training and professional development while also advancing diversity and inclusion across the broader industry.

漢迪基金會與Roku Originals之間的合作由製作主管梅利莎·漢密爾頓領導,旨在爲獲得好萊塢貿易手藝中的各種專業知識提供機會。Handy Foundation努力將線下員工與娛樂行業的就業機會聯繫起來,取得了顯著的進步,提供了培訓和專業發展,同時還促進了整個行業的多元化和包容性。

"This announcement marks a pivotal moment in our partnership with Roku, which initially began with placing one Handy Foundation fellow on 'Un Millón De Gracias!' in 2023. The expansion of our collaboration with Roku Originals reinforces our mission to uplift underrepresented talent in the film and entertainment industry," said Handy Foundation CEO, Ri-Karlo Handy. "With Roku's support, we are excited to continue strategizing on how we extend our impact even further, empowering individuals from all walks of life to share their stories and contribute to a more inclusive cultural landscape."

“這一宣佈標誌着我們與Roku合作的關鍵時刻,最初是讓一位Handy基金會研究員加入'Un Millo'n De Gracias!'在 2023 年。漢迪基金會首席執行官Ri-Karlo Handy表示,擴大與Roku Originals的合作強化了我們的使命,即提升電影和娛樂行業中代表性不足的人才。“在Roku的支持下,我們很高興能繼續就如何進一步擴大影響力制定戰略,使各行各業的人能夠分享他們的故事,爲更具包容性的文化景觀做出貢獻。”

*By hours streamed (Hypothesis Group: Q4 2023)

*按直播時間劃分(假設組:2023 年第四季度)

About The Handy Foundation


Established in 2020 by veteran film and television executive Ri-Karlo Handy, SVP Creative, Unscripted at Blink49 Studios. The Handy Foundation is at the forefront of driving diversity and inclusion in Hollywood. Partnering with esteemed organizations such as the California Film Commission, NAACP, Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), studios, production companies, unions, and guilds, The Handy Foundation is dedicated to providing training, mentorship, and career advancement opportunities for below-the-line positions. Bridging the gap between marginalized communities and job opportunities in the entertainment industry, the Foundation serves as a catalyst for change, empowering aspiring untapped production talent and connecting studios and networks to a wider talent base, The Handy Foundation ensures that the voices behind the camera reflect the rich diversity of society. For more information on programs and initiatives, visit

由資深影視高管、Blink49 Studios創意高級副總裁、Unscripted於2020年創立。漢迪基金會處於推動好萊塢多元化和包容性的最前沿。Handy Foundation與加州電影委員會、全國有色人種協進會、娛樂業基金會(EIF)、製片廠、製作公司、工會和公會等受人尊敬的組織合作,致力於爲線下職位提供培訓、指導和職業發展機會。Handy Foundation彌合了邊緣化社區與娛樂行業就業機會之間的差距,是變革的催化劑,賦予有抱負的未開發製作人才並將工作室和網絡與更廣泛的人才基礎聯繫起來,確保鏡頭背後的聲音反映出社會的豐富多樣性。有關計劃和舉措的更多信息,請訪問

About Roku, Inc.

關於 Roku, Inc.

Roku pioneered streaming on TV. We connect users to the content they love, enable content publishers to build and monetize large audiences, and provide advertisers with unique capabilities to engage consumers. Roku TV models, Roku streaming players, and TV-related audio devices are available in various countries around the world through direct retail sales and/or licensing arrangements with TV OEM brands. Roku-branded TVs and Roku Smart Home products are sold exclusively in the United States. Roku also operates The Roku Channel, the home of free and premium entertainment with exclusive access to Roku Originals. The Roku Channel is available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Roku is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., U.S.A.

Roku開創了電視直播的先河。我們將用戶與他們喜愛的內容聯繫起來,使內容發佈商能夠吸引大量受衆並從中獲利,併爲廣告商提供吸引消費者的獨特能力。Roku TV 型號、Roku 流媒體播放器和與電視相關的音頻設備可通過直接零售和/或與電視 OEM 品牌的許可安排在世界各地購買。Roku品牌的電視和Roku智能家居產品在美國獨家銷售。Roku還經營Roku頻道,這是免費和高級娛樂的發源地,可以獨家訪問Roku Originals。Roku Channel 可在美國、加拿大、墨西哥和英國播出。Roku 總部位於美國加利福尼亞州聖何塞。

Media Contacts




Sophia Economou


The Handy Foundation


Tosha Whitten Griggs


