
CES Audit Confirms Decision Makers Flocked to 2024 Show

CES Audit Confirms Decision Makers Flocked to 2024 Show

CES 審計證實決策者蜂擁而至 2024 年展會
PR Newswire ·  03/28 23:03

Third party audit reveals 15% spike in senior executive attendance, record startup participation


LAS VEGAS, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) announced its final attendance data for CES 2024—the world's most powerful tech event—revealing 15% growth in the number of senior-level executives attending the show compared to the previous year. 138,739 participants from across the globe converged in Las Vegas to explore groundbreaking technologies across 40+ categories. A record 1442 companies exhibited on the show's startup floor, Eureka Park.

拉斯維加斯,2024年3月28日 /PRNewswire/--消費者技術協會(CTA)公佈了2024年CES(世界上最強大的科技盛會)的最終出席數據,顯示與去年相比,參加該展會的高級管理人員人數增長了15%。來自全球的138,739名參與者聚集在拉斯維加斯,探索40多個類別的突破性技術。創紀錄的1442家公司在展會的創業大廳尤里卡公園展出。

"Our annual show audit proves CES is where business gets done," said Gary Shapiro, CEO, CTA. "Executives and business decision makers see the value in face-to-face meetings and access to global media, which only a show like CES can provide. Nothing can replace these moments of serendipity."


CES 2024—the world's most powerful tech event—saw 15% growth of senior executives and 138,739 total global participants.

CES 2024是世界上最強大的科技盛會,其高級管理人員增長了15%,全球參與者總數爲138,739人。

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Additional attendance numbers include:


  • 56,432 (40%) international attendees, representing 161 countries, regions and territories
  • 4312 registered exhibitors, a more than 10% increase year over year
  • 5355 members of the media
  • 302 of the Fortune Global 500 companies represented
  • 191 government guests from across the globe participated in CTA's Leaders in Technology program
  • 來自 161 個國家、地區和地區的 56,432 名 (40%) 名國際參會者
  • 4312 家註冊參展商,同比增長超過 10%
  • 5355 名媒體成員
  • 302 家《財富》全球 500 強公司派代表參加
  • 來自全球各地的191位政府嘉賓參加了 CTA 的 “技術領袖” 計劃

"We were thrilled not just to welcome more than 138,000 people to CES 2024, but to back up those numbers with an independent audit," said Kinsey Fabrizio, President, CTA. "Transparency is part of our ethos as an association, and it is a best practice for the events industry as exhibitors and attendees evaluate value and impact. By every measure, CES provides an unparalleled experience."


As one of the most transparent trade shows, CES adheres to rigorous auditing standards established by UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. To maintain the integrity of its reports, CES engages independent auditors, fostering trust among stakeholders.


The CES 2024 Audit is available here.

CES 2024 審計報告可在此處獲取。

Read an article in Trade Show Executive on the CES audit process and an op-ed from Gary Shapiro and Kinsey Fabrizio on the value of independent audits as an events industry best practice.


CES 2025 will return to Las Vegas from January 7-10, 2025, promising another groundbreaking showcase of innovation and collaboration.

CES 2025將於2025年1月7日至10日重返拉斯維加斯,有望再次展示創新與合作的開創性。

About CES
CES is the most powerful tech event in the world – the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. This is where the world's biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), CES features every aspect of the tech sector. CES 2025 will take place Jan. 7-10 2025, in Las Vegas. Learn more at and follow CES on social.

關於 CES
CES是世界上最強大的科技盛會——突破性技術和全球創新者的試驗場。這是世界上最大的品牌開展業務和結識新合作伙伴的地方,而最敏銳的創新者則登上了舞臺。CES由消費者技術協會(CTA)擁有和製作,涵蓋了科技行業的方方面面。CES 2025 將於 2025 年 1 月 7 日至 10 日在拉斯維加斯舉行。在CES.tech上了解更多信息,並在社交媒體上關注CES。

About Consumer Technology Association
As North America's largest technology trade association, CTA is the tech sector. Our members are the world's leading innovators – from startups to global brands – helping support more than 18 million American jobs. CTA owns and produces CES – the most influential tech event in the world. Find us at Follow us @CTAtech.

作爲北美最大的技術貿易協會,CTA 科技行業。我們的成員是世界領先的創新者——從初創企業到全球品牌——爲超過1800萬個美國工作崗位提供了支持。CTA擁有並舉辦CES,這是世界上最具影響力的科技盛會。在 上找到我們。關注我們 @CTAtech。

SOURCE Consumer Technology Association


