
Insurance Coverage For Weight Loss Drugs - Elevance, CVS Health Become First To Extend Coverage To Novo Nordisk's Successful Wegovy For Certain Patients

Insurance Coverage For Weight Loss Drugs - Elevance, CVS Health Become First To Extend Coverage To Novo Nordisk's Successful Wegovy For Certain Patients

減肥藥物的保險承保範圍——Elevance、CVS Health成爲第一個將承保範圍擴大到諾和諾德成功推出的針對某些患者的Wegovy的公司
Benzinga ·  03/28 22:25

Some major U.S. health insurers, including CVS Health Inc (NYSE:CVS), Elevance Health Inc (NYSE:ELV), and Kaiser Permanente will start reimbursing for Novo Nordisk A/S's (NYSE:NVO) Wegovy, a popular anti-obesity drug, for specific individuals on Medicare who have heart-related conditions.

一些主要的美國健康保險公司,包括CVS Health Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:CVS)、Elevance Health Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:ELV)和凱澤永久,將開始爲患有心臟相關疾病的特定醫療保險人群報銷廣受歡迎的抗肥胖藥物諾和諾德A/S(紐約證券交易所代碼:NVO)Wegovy。

These insurers have committed to covering Wegovy for individuals meeting specific criteria, including those with cardiovascular disease and meeting body-weight standards under Medicare drug-benefit plans.


Additionally, Elevance Health has extended coverage to individuals insured by commercial plans.

此外,Elevance Health已將承保範圍擴大到商業計劃所保險的個人。

This move marks a significant shift as weight-loss drugs, including Wegovy, had previously been excluded from Medicare coverage due to U.S. legislation, and private health plans had been reluctant to reimburse them due to their high costs.


The decisions by these insurers aim to alleviate the financial burden on individuals who were previously paying over $1,000 out of pocket monthly due to lack of coverage, potentially increasing access to those unable or unwilling to bear the hefty expense.


The broader coverage of Wegovy by these insurers may prompt other Medicare and commercial health plans to follow suit, the Wall Street Journal noted, potentially leading to a substantial increase in drug spending for insurers already grappling with escalating healthcare costs.


Wegovy, priced at around $1,349 per patient per month, presents a significant financial consideration for insurers.


The insurers' decisions come following new guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), permitting coverage of anti-obesity medications like Wegovy for additional medically accepted uses, such as reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes in individuals with a history of heart disease and elevated body mass index.


Earlier this month, the FDA approved Wegovy for expanded use in obesity and cardiovascular disease management.


In August 2023, Novo Nordisk released the headline results from the SELECT cardiovascular outcomes trial.


The trial achieved its primary objective by demonstrating a statistically significant and superior reduction in MACE of 20% for people treated with semaglutide 2.4 mg compared to placebo.

該試驗實現了其主要目標,證明與安慰劑相比,接受2.4 mg索馬魯肽治療的受試者的MACE降低了20%,這在統計學上顯著且優異。

As coverage expands, Elevance Health's CarelonRx unit, responsible for managing pharmacy benefits, has approved Wegovy to reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events, with plans to roll out coverage to commercial and Medicare Part D plans.

隨着承保範圍的擴大,Elevance Health負責管理藥房福利的CarelonRX部門已批准Wegovy降低重大心血管事件的風險,並計劃爲商業和醫療保險D部分計劃提供保險。

Similarly, Kaiser Permanente and CVS Health have announced their plans to offer Part D coverage of Wegovy in alignment with CMS guidance, with Humana Inc (NYSE:HUM) reviewing the new guidelines.

同樣,凱澤永和CVS Health也宣佈計劃根據CMS的指導方針爲Wegovy提供D部分保險,Humana Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:HUM)正在審查新的指南。

Price Action: NVO shares are up 0.83% at $129.11 on the last check Thursday.


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