
Cove Brands Launches to Deliver Quality Products for Consumers

Cove Brands Launches to Deliver Quality Products for Consumers

Cove Brands推出爲消費者提供優質產品
PR Newswire ·  03/28 21:30

The company will focus on consumer brands in beauty, wellness, and home


NEW YORK, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cove Brands, a digitally-native consumer brands company, today announced its launch to incubate and manage top consumer brands across the beauty, wellness, and home industries. The company acquired Benitago, an e-commerce brand incubator and aggregator. The Cove Brands leadership team includes David Kaplowitz as CEO and Bryan Kryzda as CFO & COO.

紐約,2024年3月28日 /PRNewswire/ — 數字原生消費品牌公司Cove Brands今天宣佈成立,旨在孵化和管理美容、健康和家居行業的頂級消費品牌。該公司收購了電子商務品牌孵化器和聚合器Benitago。Cove Brands的領導團隊包括擔任首席執行官的大衛·卡普洛維茨和擔任首席財務官兼首席運營官的布萊恩·克雷茲達。

With a focus on the beauty, wellness, and home industries, Cove Brands is nurturing in-house brands and enhancing acquired ones to deliver value to consumers. The company manages 14 brands, including top-selling skincare, essential oil, and vitamin lines.

Cove Brands專注於美容、健康和家居行業,正在培育內部品牌並強化收購的品牌,爲消費者創造價值。該公司管理着14個品牌,包括最暢銷的護膚品、精油和維生素系列。

David brings to the company a background in retail and e-commerce, with notable experience at companies including Macy's, Birchbox, and Lululemon. Bryan brings diverse experience in operations, finance, and private equity, with significant roles at Bain & Company and J.P. Morgan.

大衛爲公司帶來了零售和電子商務的背景,在梅西百貨、Birchbox和Lululemon等公司擁有豐富的經驗。Bryan 在運營、財務和私募股權領域擁有多元經驗,曾在貝恩公司和摩根大通擔任重要職務。

"What distinguishes our team is our core focus on business fundamentals, allowing us to make great products that are accessible to everyone," said David Kaplowitz, CEO of Cove Brands. "We are thrilled by the opportunity to do this at scale and are confident in this approach as we develop and amplify the success of real consumer brands."

Cove Brands首席執行官戴維·卡普洛維茨表示:“我們團隊的與衆不同之處在於我們對業務基礎的核心關注,這使我們能夠生產每個人都能獲得的優質產品。”“有機會大規模實現這一目標,我們感到非常興奮,在我們發展和擴大真正的消費品牌成功的過程中,我們對這種方法充滿信心。”

"As a digitally-native consumer retail company, we are not just familiar with the online world, we're at home in it," said Bryan Kryzda, CFO and COO of Cove Brands. "This digital-first approach is pivotal to our operations and strategy, allowing us to better connect, learn from, and serve our customers across the ecosystem."

Cove Brands首席財務官兼首席運營官Bryan Kryzda表示:“作爲一家數字原生消費零售公司,我們不僅熟悉在線世界,而且在網絡世界中如家一樣。”“這種數字優先的方法對我們的運營和戰略至關重要,使我們能夠在整個生態系統中更好地聯繫、向客戶學習和服務。”

The Cove Brands team includes 50+ globally distributed employees across over 15 countries. The company's HQ is in New York, NY.

Cove Brands團隊包括分佈在全球超過15個國家的50多名員工。該公司的總部位於紐約州紐約。

About Cove Brands
Cove Brands is a digital-native company managing top consumer brands across the beauty, wellness, and home industries. Whether nurturing in-house brands or enhancing acquired ones, Cove Brands believes in the power of simplicity for value creation: making great products accessible to everyone. For more information visit

關於 Cove 品牌
Cove Brands是一家數字原生公司,管理美容、健康和家居行業的頂級消費品牌。無論是培育內部品牌還是強化收購的品牌,Cove Brands都堅信簡單創造價值的力量:讓所有人都能獲得優質的產品。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

SOURCE Cove Brands

來源 Cove Brand

