
BlackRock's Bitcoin Bet Pays Off As IBIT ETF Crushes Records, Leaves CEO Larry Fink 'Pleasantly Surprised'

BlackRock's Bitcoin Bet Pays Off As IBIT ETF Crushes Records, Leaves CEO Larry Fink 'Pleasantly Surprised'

隨着IBIT ETF打破紀錄,貝萊德的比特幣賭注得到了回報,首席執行官拉里·芬克 “驚喜不已”
Benzinga ·  03/28 13:51

BlackRock Inc. (NYSE:BLK) CEO Larry Fink is "surprised" with the performance of the company's Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) focused ETF IBT (NASDAQ:IBIT).

貝萊德公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:BLK)首席執行官拉里·芬克對該公司專注於比特幣(加密貨幣:BTC)的ETF IBT(納斯達克股票代碼:IBIT)的表現感到 “驚訝”。

What Happened: During a conversation with Fox Business on Wednesday, Fink said "IBIT is the fastest growing ETF in the history of ETFs. Nothing has gained assets as fast as IBIT in the history of ETFs."


BlackRock's IBIT ETF outperformed expectations in its first 11 weeks, pulling in $13.5 billion, with a record one-day peak of $849 million on March 12. Averaging more than $260 million in daily inflows, the success of the ETF caught even Fink by surprise, who admitted, "I'm pleasantly surprised. I would never have predicted it before we filed it that we were going to see this type of retail demand."

貝萊德的IBIT ETF在前11周的表現超出預期,籌集了135億美元,3月12日創下了創紀錄的單日峯值8.49億美元。該ETF的平均每日流入量超過2.6億美元,其成功甚至讓芬克大吃一驚,他承認:“我很驚喜。在我們提交之前,我從來沒有預料到我們會看到這種類型的零售需求。”

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Why It Matters: When prompted about whether he foresaw IBIT's success to be good, but not to the extent it has reached, Fink responded affirmatively, "Yes, definitely."


Fink also reiterated his positive outlook regarding Bitcoin, saying, "I'm very bullish on the long-term viability of Bitcoin."


The trust has proven to be a formidable player in the market, holding $17.1 billion in Bitcoin according to BitMEX Research. Its journey to $10 billion in managed assets was swift, reaching this landmark in two months, a feat that the first gold ETF achieved over two years.

根據BitMEX Research的數據,該信託基金已被證明是市場上強大的參與者,持有171億美元的比特幣。其管理資產規模迅速達到了100億美元,在兩個月內達到了這一里程碑,這是第一隻黃金ETF在兩年內實現的壯舉。

Meanwhile, BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund (BUIDL) saw over $160 million pour in. BUIDL, as BlackRock is expanding its reach with new investments from Ondo Finance, a tokenized real-world asset platform.

同時,貝萊德美元機構數字流動性基金(BUIDL)注入了超過1.6億美元。BUIDL,因爲貝萊德正在通過代幣化的現實世界資產平台Ondo Finance的新投資來擴大其覆蓋範圍。

Last week marked the debut of BUIDL as reported by Bloomberg on Wednesday, quickly raising $160 million. Further boosting its prospects, Ondo Finance announced in a recent blog post its intention to invest "a substantial portion" of its own tokenized ETF – the short-term U.S. Treasury bills fund (OUSG) – into BUIDL.

據彭博社週三報道,上週是BUIDL的首次亮相,迅速籌集了1.6億美元。Ondo Finance在最近的一篇博客文章中宣佈,它打算將自己的代幣化ETF——短期美國國庫券基金(OUSG)——的 “很大一部分” 投資於BUIDL,這進一步提振了其前景。

Price Action: At the time of writing, BTC was trading at $69,729 down 0.66% in the last 24 hours.


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