Press Release: Sleep Number Announces Record Third Quarter 2019 Results and Raises Earnings Outlook
Sleep Number Announces Record Third Quarter 2019 Results and Raises Earnings Outlook
-- Third quarter net sales grew 14%, with a 10% comp gain and diluted EPS
growth of 81%
-- Year-to-date net sales increased 12%, operating income grew 46% and
diluted EPS increased 63%
-- Generated a 41% increase in year-to-date operating cash flows and a
trailing twelve month ROIC of 18.4%
-- Full-year outlook raised to a range of $2.45 to $2.75 per diluted share,
$2.60 at the midpoint
MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--October 15, 2019--
Sleep Number Corporation (Nasdaq: SNBR) today reported record results for the third quarter and year-to-date period ended September 28, 2019.
"Our revolutionary Sleep Number 360(R) smart beds are delivering life-changing sleep and drove double-digit demand growth on top of double-digit demand growth the prior year. Our multi-year initiatives are resulting in the sales and profit growth we anticipated," stated Shelly Ibach, President and CEO. "We are creating a future where our 360(R) smart bed will be the hub for consumers' health and wellness with individualized digital health as core to our business."
Third Quarter Overview
-- Net sales increased 14% to a record $475 million, including a 10%
comparable sales gain
-- Prior year's reported results were impacted by one week of deliveries
($24 million of net sales and 23 cents of EPS) which shifted from the
third to the fourth quarter; refer to the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP
Financial Measures tables on page 10 of our fourth quarter 2018 earnings
press release
-- Gross profit rate increased 200 basis points to 62.4% of net sales
compared with 60.4% for the same period last year
-- Operating income increased 55% to $39 million, or 8.2% of net sales, up
210 basis points versus the prior year's third quarter
-- Earnings per diluted share increased 81% to $0.94, compared with $0.52
for the prior year
Cash Flows and Liquidity Review
-- Generated $190 million in net cash from operating activities year to date,
up 41% versus the same period last year
-- Invested $47 million in capital expenditures year to date of the $60
million expected for 2019
-- Returned $121 million to shareholders year to date through share
repurchases, out of approximately $145 million expected for 2019
-- Announced replenishment of $500 million share repurchase authorization
effective the beginning of the fiscal fourth quarter
-- Ended the third quarter with a leverage ratio of 2.6x EBITDAR; continue
to operate with a targeted range of 2.5x to 3.0x EBITDAR with seasonal
fluctuations expected
-- Return on invested capital increased 470 basis points year over year to
18.4% for the trailing twelve month period
Financial Outlook
The company raised its 2019 earnings per diluted share outlook to a range of $2.45 to $2.75. The outlook includes up to 10% net sales growth for the full-year and a 25% effective income tax rate for the fourth quarter.
Conference Call Information
Management will host its regularly scheduled conference call to discuss the company's results at 5 p.m. EDT (4 p.m. CDT; 2 p.m. PDT) today. To listen to the call, please dial 800-593-9959 (international participants dial 517-308-9340) and reference the passcode "Sleep." To access the webcast, please visit the investor relations area of the Sleep Number website at The webcast replay will remain available for approximately 60 days.
About Sleep Number Corporation
As a purpose-driven company, Sleep Number's mission is to improve lives by individualizing sleep experiences. Our revolutionary Sleep Number 360(R) smart beds deliver proven, quality sleep through effortless, adjustable comfort. Our integrated SleepIQ(R) operating system captures over nine billion biometric data points every night and delivers actionable insights to improve your overall sleep health and wellness. Sleep Number ranked #1 in J.D. Power's 2018 Mattress Satisfaction Report*.
To experience proven quality sleep, visit or one of over 600 Sleep Number(R) stores. More information is available on our newsroom and investor relations site.
*Sleep Number received the highest score in the J.D. Power 2015, 2016 and 2018 Mattress Satisfaction Reports of customers' satisfaction with their mattress. Visit
Forward-looking Statements
Statements used in this news release relating to future plans, events, financial results or performance are forward-looking statements subject to certain risks and uncertainties including, among others, such factors as current and future general and industry economic trends and consumer confidence; the effectiveness of our marketing messages; the efficiency of our advertising and promotional efforts; our ability to execute our company-controlled distribution strategy; our ability to achieve and maintain acceptable levels of product and service quality, and acceptable product return and warranty claims rates; our ability to continue to improve and expand our product line; consumer acceptance of our products, product quality, innovation and brand image; industry competition, the emergence of additional competitive products, and the adequacy of our intellectual property rights to protect our products and brand from competitive or infringing activities; the potential for claims that our products, processes, advertising, or trademarks infringe the intellectual property rights of others; availability of attractive and cost-effective consumer credit options; pending and unforeseen litigation and the potential for adverse publicity associated with litigation; our manufacturing processes with minimal levels of inventory, which may leave us vulnerable to shortages in supply; our dependence on significant suppliers and our ability to maintain relationships with key suppliers, including several sole-source suppliers; the vulnerability of key suppliers to recessionary pressures, labor negotiations, liquidity concerns or other factors; rising commodity costs and other inflationary pressures; risks inherent in global sourcing activities, including tariffs and the potential for shortages in supply; risks of disruption in the operation of either of our two primary manufacturing facilities; increasing government regulations; the adequacy of our and third party information systems to meet the evolving needs of our business and existing and evolving risks and regulatory standards applicable to data privacy and security; the costs, distractions and potential disruptions to our business related to upgrading our management information systems; the vulnerability of our and third-party information systems to attacks by hackers or other cyber threats that could compromise the security of our systems, result in a data breach or disrupt our business; and our ability to attract, retain and motivate qualified management, executive and other key employees, including qualified retail sales professionals and managers. Additional information concerning these and other risks and uncertainties is contained in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other periodic reports filed with the SEC. The company has no obligation to publicly update or revise any of the forward-looking statements in this news release.
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(unaudited -- in thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended
September 28, % of September 29, % of
2019 Net Sales 2018 Net Sales
------------- ---------- ------------- ----------
Net sales $ 474,778 100.0% $ 414,779 100.0%
Cost of sales 178,388 37.6% 164,262 39.6%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Gross profit 296,390 62.4% 250,517 60.4%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Sales and
marketing 213,133 44.9% 188,458 45.4%
General and
administrative 35,098 7.4% 29,385 7.1%
Research and
development 9,007 1.9% 7,353 1.8%
--------- ------ --------- ------
expenses 257,238 54.2% 225,196 54.3%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Operating income 39,152 8.2% 25,321 6.1%
Interest expense,
net 3,131 0.7% 1,836 0.4%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Income before
income taxes 36,021 7.6% 23,485 5.7%
Income tax expense 7,967 1.7% 5,228 1.3%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Net income $ 28,054 5.9% $ 18,257 4.4%
========= ====== ========= ======
Net income per
share -- basic $ 0.96 $ 0.53
========= =========
Net income per
share -- diluted $ 0.94 $ 0.52
========= =========
Reconciliation of
outstanding 29,085 34,231
Dilutive effect
of stock-based
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
October 15, 2019 16:01 ET (20:01 GMT)
新聞稿:Sleep Number宣佈創紀錄的2019年第三季度業績並提高收益展望
Sleep Number宣佈創紀錄的2019年第三季度業績並提高收益預期
Sleep Number Corporation(納斯達克市場代碼:SNBR)今天公佈了截至2019年9月28日的第三季度和今年至今的創紀錄業績。
公司總裁兼首席執行官Shelly Ibach説:“我們革命性的Sleep Number 360(R)智能牀正在提供改變生活的睡眠,並在前一年的兩位數需求增長的基礎上推動了兩位數的需求增長。我們的多年計劃正在導致我們預期的銷售和利潤增長。”我們正在創造一個未來,在那裏我們的360(R)智能牀將成為消費者健康和健康的中心,個性化的數字健康是我們業務的核心。“
以2.5x至3.0x EBITDAR的目標範圍進行操作,季節性EBITDAR
管理層將在下午5點主持定期的電話會議,討論公司的業績。美國東部時間(下午4點CDT;下午2點PDT)今天。要收聽電話,請撥打800-593-9959(國際參與者撥打517-308-9340)並參考密碼“睡眠”。如需觀看網絡廣播,請訪問Sleep Number網站的投資者關係區,網址為http:/。網絡廣播重播將保留約60天。
關於Sleep Number Corporation
作為一家目標驅動的公司,Sleep number的使命是通過個性化的睡眠體驗來改善生活。我們革命性的Sleep Number 360(R)智能牀通過輕鬆、可調的舒適性提供久經考驗的優質睡眠。我們集成的SleepIQ(R)操作系統每晚捕獲超過90億個生物特徵數據點,並提供可操作的見解,以改善您的整體睡眠健康和健康狀況。睡眠數量在J.D.Power 2018年牀墊滿意度報告中排名第一*。
要體驗經過驗證的高質量睡眠,請訪問SleepNumber.com或600多家Sleep Number(R)商店中的一家。更多信息請訪問我們的新聞編輯室和投資者關係網站。
*在J.D.Power 2015、2016和2018年牀墊滿意度報告中,Sleep Number獲得了客户對其牀墊滿意度的最高評分。請訪問。
本新聞稿中使用的與未來計劃、事件、財務結果或業績有關的陳述均為前瞻性陳述,受某些風險和不確定因素的影響,其中包括但不限於當前和未來的總體和行業經濟趨勢以及消費者信心;我們的營銷信息的有效性;我們的廣告和促銷活動的效率;我們執行公司控制的分銷戰略的能力;我們實現和保持可接受的產品和服務質量水平,以及可接受的產品退貨和保修索賠率的能力;我們繼續改進和擴展我們的產品線的能力;消費者對我們產品的接受程度,產品質量行業競爭,其他競爭性產品的出現,以及我們的知識產權是否足以保護我們的產品和品牌免受競爭或侵權活動的影響;我們的產品、流程、廣告或商標侵犯他人知識產權的可能性;有吸引力和具有成本效益的消費者信貸選項的可用性;未決和不可預見的訴訟以及與訴訟相關的負面宣傳的可能性;我們的製造工藝庫存最少,這可能使我們容易出現供應短缺;我們對重要供應商的依賴以及我們與關鍵供應商保持關係的能力,包括幾家唯一的供應商。主要供應商易受衰退壓力、勞資談判、流動性問題或其他因素的影響;不斷上升的商品成本和其他通脹壓力;全球採購活動中固有的風險,包括關税和供應短缺的潛在風險;我們兩個主要製造設施之一的運營中斷的風險;不斷增加的政府法規;我們和第三方信息系統是否足以滿足我們不斷髮展的業務需求,以及適用於數據隱私和安全的現有和不斷變化的風險和監管標準;與升級我們的管理信息系統相關的成本、干擾和對我們業務的潛在干擾;我們和第三方信息系統易受黑客攻擊或其他網絡威脅的影響,這些攻擊可能危及我們系統的安全性,導致數據泄露或擾亂我們的業務;我們吸引、留住和激勵合格的管理人員、執行人員和其他關鍵員工的能力,包括合格的零售專業人員和經理。有關這些和其他風險和不確定性的更多信息包含在公司提交給證券交易委員會(SEC)的文件中。, 包括Form 10-K上的年度報告,以及向SEC提交的其他定期報告。公司沒有義務公開更新或修改本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述。
Three Months Ended
September 28, % of September 29, % of
2019 Net Sales 2018 Net Sales
------------- ---------- ------------- ----------
Net sales $ 474,778 100.0% $ 414,779 100.0%
Cost of sales 178,388 37.6% 164,262 39.6%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Gross profit 296,390 62.4% 250,517 60.4%
--------- ------ --------- ------
marketing 213,133 44.9% 188,458 45.4%
administrative 35,098 7.4% 29,385 7.1%
development 9,007 1.9% 7,353 1.8%
--------- ------ --------- ------
expenses 257,238 54.2% 225,196 54.3%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Operating income 39,152 8.2% 25,321 6.1%
net 3,131 0.7% 1,836 0.4%
--------- ------ --------- ------
income taxes 36,021 7.6% 23,485 5.7%
Income tax expense 7,967 1.7% 5,228 1.3%
--------- ------ --------- ------
Net income $ 28,054 5.9% $ 18,257 4.4%
========= ====== ========= ======
share -- basic $ 0.96 $ 0.53
========= =========
share -- diluted $ 0.94 $ 0.52
========= =========
outstanding 29,085 34,231
October 15, 2019 16:01 ET (20:01 GMT)