
Academy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey Narrates MacGillivray Freeman's 3D Documentary for IMAX and Giant Screen Theaters "Superhuman Body: World of Medical Marvels"

Academy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey Narrates MacGillivray Freeman's 3D Documentary for IMAX and Giant Screen Theaters "Superhuman Body: World of Medical Marvels"

奧斯卡金像獎得主馬修·麥康納講述麥吉利夫雷·弗里曼爲 IMAX 和巨幕影院拍攝的 3D 紀錄片《超人身體:醫學奇蹟世界》
PR Newswire ·  03/27 02:38

Giant screen film celebrates the wonders of the human body and the scientific breakthroughs that are transforming human health when it opens in select theatres starting April 12


LOS ANGELES, March 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MacGillivray Freeman Films is pleased to announce that Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey will narrate the company's newest 3D giant screen film, Superhuman Body: World of Medical Marvels, for release in select IMAX and giant screen theatres starting April 12, 2024.

洛杉磯,2024 年 3 月 26 日 /PRNewswire/ — MacGillivray Freeman Films 很高興地宣佈該奧斯卡金像獎-獲獎演員馬修·麥康納將講述該公司最新的3D大銀幕電影, 超人身體:醫學奇蹟世界,用於在精選 IMAX 中發佈 以及2024年4月12日開始的大銀幕影院。

Matthew McConaughey narrates "Superhuman Body: World of Medical Marvels" -- hitting IMAX and giant screens April 12!

馬修·麥康納講述《超人身體:醫學奇蹟世界》——將於 4 月 12 日登陸 IMAX 和大銀幕!

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"The inner workings of the human body are astonishing and complex, and audiences will be fascinated to learn about its resilience and ability to bounce back with the help of the exciting new medical innovations seen in Superhuman Body," - Matthew McConaughey
“人體的內部運作既驚人又複雜,在《超人體》中令人興奮的新醫學創新的幫助下,觀衆將着迷於了解其韌性和反彈能力,”-Matthew McConaughey
Superhuman Body is about not only the awe-inspiring workings of the human body but also the compelling human stories behind some of the most significant medical breakthroughs of the past decade. This film will inspire you, move you, empower you, and you'll be amazed by what your superhuman body can do." - Shaun MacGillivray, producer, co-director and president of MacGillivray Freeman Films
Superhuman Body 不僅講述了人體令人敬畏的運作方式,還講述了過去十年來一些最重要的醫學突破背後的引人入勝的人類故事。這部電影將激勵你,感動你,賦予你力量,你會對你的超人身體所能做的事情感到驚訝。” ——肖恩·麥吉利夫雷,MacGillivray Freeman Films製片人、聯合導演兼總裁

Combining state-of-the-art CGI with live action cinematography and the immersive 3D giant screen experience, Superhuman Body explores the inner workings of the human body and reveals some of the incredible scientific breakthroughs that are changing the course of human health, as told through the inspiring stories of people who have benefitted from these groundbreaking innovations and the scientists and bioengineers who brought these innovations to life. Watch the teaser trailer.

將最先進的 CGI 與真人電影攝影和身臨其境的 3D 巨幕體驗相結合, 超人的身體 探討人體的內部運作,揭示一些正在改變人類健康進程的令人難以置信的科學突破,這些突破性創新受益的人們以及將這些創新變爲現實的科學家和生物工程師的鼓舞人心的故事講述了這一點。觀看 預告片預告片

"Matthew McConaughey is a super talent, and his storytelling artistry will add warmth and personality to our film about the marvels of the human body and the human ingenuity behind these new technologies that are allowing us to live longer, healthier lives," said director Greg MacGillivray, two-time Academy Award nominee and chairman of MacGillivray Freeman Films.

導演說:“馬修·麥康納是一位超級天才,他的講故事藝術性將爲我們的電影增添溫暖感和個性,講述人體的奇蹟以及這些使我們能夠活得更長、更健康的新技術背後的人類聰明才智。” 格雷格·麥吉利夫雷,曾兩次獲得奧斯卡金像獎提名,也是麥吉利夫雷·弗里曼電影公司董事長。

"The inner workings of the human body are astonishing and complex, and audiences will be fascinated to learn about its resilience and ability to bounce back with the help of the exciting new medical innovations seen in Superhuman Body," said Matthew McConaughey.

“人體的內部運作方式既驚人又複雜,觀衆將着迷於了解其韌性和在激動人心的新醫學創新的幫助下反彈的能力 超人的身體,” 說 馬修·麥康納

Added Shaun MacGillivray, producer, co-director and president of MacGillivray Freeman Films, "Superhuman Body is about not only the awe-inspiring workings of the human body but also the compelling human stories behind some of the most significant medical breakthroughs of the past decade. This film will inspire you, move you, empower you, and you'll be amazed by what your superhuman body can do."

已添加 肖恩·麥吉利夫雷,MacGillivray Freeman Films的製片人、聯合導演兼總裁,”超人的身體 不僅講述了人體令人敬畏的運作方式,還講述了過去十年來一些最重要的醫學突破背後的引人入勝的人類故事。這部電影將激勵你,打動你,賦予你力量,你會對你的超人身體所能做的事情感到驚訝。”

"We are thrilled to partner with MacGillivray Freeman Films to bring this story of these amazing medical breakthroughs to a global audience," said Larry Wood, corporate vice president at Edwards Lifesciences, a global presenting sponsor of the film. "We are delighted to have the talented Matthew McConaughey add his distinctive voice to the project."

他說:“我們很高興能與MacGillivray Freeman Films合作,將這些驚人的醫學突破的故事帶給全球觀衆。” 拉里·伍德,愛德華茲生命科學的公司副總裁,愛德華茲生命科學是這部電影的全球放映贊助商。“我們很高興才華橫溢的馬修·麥康納爲該項目增添他獨特的聲音。”

Texas native Matthew McConaughey is one of Hollywood's most sought-after leading men. He has appeared in more than 40 feature films, including the cult classic "Dazed and Confused" which launched his career, and he received an Academy Award for his portrayal of Ron Woodruff in "Dallas Buyers Club." He is also a best-selling author, producer and philanthropist with his just keep livin Foundation – all the while sticking to his Texas roots and "jk livin" philosophy.

得克薩斯州本地人馬修·麥康納是好萊塢最受歡迎的領軍人物之一。他出演了40多部故事片,其中包括開啓他職業生涯的經典電影《茫然與困惑》,他還因在《達拉斯買傢俱樂部》中飾演羅恩·伍德拉夫而獲得奧斯卡金像獎。他還是一位暢銷書作家、製片人和慈善家,擁有他的 just keep livin 基金會,同時堅守他在德克薩斯州的根源和 “jk livin” 理念。

Superhuman Body introduces audiences to the science and human ingenuity behind such medical breakthroughs as the revolutionary CAR T-cell immunotherapy that is saving the lives of people with leukemia; a pioneering technology called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) so advanced that patients can be treated for heart valve disease without open heart surgery; and major advances in medical robotics and prosthetics.

超人的身體 向觀衆介紹醫學突破背後的科學和人類獨創性,例如拯救白血病患者生命的革命性CAR T細胞免疫療法;一項名爲經導管主動脈瓣置換(TAVR)的開創性技術,該技術非常先進,患者無需開胸手術即可治療心瓣膜疾病;以及醫療機器人和修復學的重大進展。

Superhuman Body was made possible by the generous support of global presenting sponsors Edwards Lifesciences and Griffin Catalyst, the civic engagement initiative of Citadel Founder and CEO Kenneth C. Griffin. The film will be accompanied by a widespread outreach and education program designed to amplify the film's mission of inspiring the next generation of scientists and innovators, including virtual learning experiences; events where the audience will meet real scientists; a social media campaign to promote science and health; and educational materials that will be distributed in classrooms, virtual settings and science centers.

超人的身體 之所以成爲可能,要歸功於全球主辦贊助商愛德華茲生命科學和Citadel創始人兼首席執行官肯尼思·格里芬的公民參與計劃Griffin Catalyst的慷慨支持。影片將伴隨一項廣泛的宣傳和教育計劃,旨在擴大影片激勵下一代科學家和創新者的使命,包括虛擬學習體驗;觀衆與真正的科學家見面的活動;促進科學和健康的社交媒體活動;以及將在教室、虛擬環境和科學中心分發的教育材料。

Added executive producer Michael Langer, "Superhuman Body and its educational programs have the potential to reach millions of people with its inspirational message about the power of human ingenuity and the high-tech medical advances that are saving human lives. My family, and especially my father Dr. Robert Langer, who is an MIT Professor and co-founder of Moderna, have long been advocates for getting kids excited about science and careers in STEM, and this project is the perfect platform for inspiring the next generation of doctors, scientists and researchers."

增加了執行製片人 邁克爾·蘭格,”超人的身體 其教育項目有可能向數百萬人傳遞其關於人類聰明才智的力量和拯救人類生命的高科技醫學進步的鼓舞人心的信息。我的家人,尤其是我的父親羅伯特·蘭格博士,他是麻省理工學院的教授,也是Moderna的聯合創始人,長期以來一直倡導讓孩子們對STEM領域的科學和職業感到興奮,這個項目是激勵下一代醫生、科學家和研究人員的完美平台。”

The film's educational outreach program is supported by an illustrious group of organizations including Kenneth C. Griffin and Griffin Catalyst, The Ambrose Monell Foundation, Richard King Mellon Foundation, Merkin Family Foundation, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, The Citadel Foundation, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, Silicon Valley Bank, a Division of First Citizens Bank and 12-plus individuals who are leaders in the life sciences industry. Other educational partners include the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Women in Science and The Galien Foundation.


Distribution for Superhuman Body will include a theatrical run in IMAX and giant screen theatres located in the world's most prestigious museums and science centers as well as ancillary distribution on television and streaming broadcast services.

的分發 超人的身體 將包括在IMAX和位於世界上最負盛名的博物館和科學中心的大屏幕影院上映,以及電視和流媒體廣播服務的輔助發行。

Superhuman Body is a MacGillivray Freeman film presented by Edwards Lifesciences and Griffin Catalyst. For more information, visit

超人的身體 是一部由愛德華茲生命科學和格里芬催化劑主演的 MacGillivray Freeman 電影。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

About MacGillivray Freeman Films
MacGillivray Freeman Films is the world's foremost independent producer and distributor of giant screen 70mm films with more than 45 films for IMAX and giant screen theaters to its credit. Throughout the company's 50-year history, its films have won numerous international awards including two Academy Award nominations and three films inducted into the IMAX Hall of Fame, including Everest, the highest grossing giant screen film of all time. MacGillivray Freeman's films are known for their artistry and celebration of science and the natural world. It is the first documentary film company to reach the one-billion-dollar benchmark for worldwide box office.

關於 MacGillivray Freeman Films
麥吉利夫雷弗里曼電影公司 是世界上最重要的巨屏70mm電影的獨立製片人和發行商,爲IMAX提供超過45部電影 還有大銀幕影院,值得稱讚。縱觀公司50年的歷史,其電影贏得了無數國際獎項,包括兩項奧斯卡金像獎 提名和三部入選 IMAX 名人堂的電影,包括 珠峯,有史以來票房最高的巨幕電影。麥吉利夫雷·弗里曼的電影以其藝術性以及對科學和自然世界的讚美而聞名。它是第一家達到全球票房十億美元基準的紀錄片公司。

SOURCE MacGillivray Freeman Films

來源 MacGillivray Freeman Films

