
Dow, Diversey and Pebbles Project Collaborate To Bring Soap for Hope to South Africa

Dow, Diversey and Pebbles Project Collaborate To Bring Soap for Hope to South Africa

陶氏、Diversey和Pebbles Project合作爲南非帶來希望肥皂
Accesswire ·  03/27 01:00
  • Soap For Hope (S4H) program recycles discarded soap bars from local hotels helping underserved communities around the world
  • The Pebbles Project has created a partnership to support sustainable sanitation and engage, train, and empower unemployed young adults and women to implement S4H as a small business
  • Soap For Hope(S4H)計劃回收當地酒店廢棄的肥皂棒,幫助世界各地服務不足的社區
  • Pebbles項目建立了夥伴關係,以支持可持續衛生,並參與、培訓和增強失業年輕人和女性的能力,使他們能夠將S4H作爲小型企業實施

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA / ACCESSWIRE / March 26, 2024 / Dow (NYSE:DOW), Diversey - a Solenis company - and Pebbles Project launched today the Soap For Hope program in Cape Town, South Africa. This initiative was one of the seven awarded by Dow within its Business Impact Fund. The annual fund brings together NGOs, nonprofit organizations, and Dow customers to help solve global issues using Dow technology and employees' expertise.

南非約翰內斯堡/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月26日/陶氏(紐約證券交易所代碼:DOW)、索理思旗下公司Diversey和Pebbles Project今天在南非開普敦啓動了Soap For Hope計劃。該計劃是陶氏在其商業影響力基金中授予的七項計劃之一。該年度基金彙集了非政府組織、非營利組織和陶氏客戶,利用陶氏技術和員工的專業知識幫助解決全球問題。

The Soap For Hope program, initiated by Diversey in 2013, has expanded to more than 50 countries globally. Through the recycling of discarded hotel guest soap, this program not only supports local communities by offering livelihood opportunities but also contributes to mitigating infant mortality rates associated with insufficient access to proper sanitation conditions.

由Diversey於2013年發起的Soap For Hope計劃已擴展到全球50多個國家。通過回收廢棄的酒店客用香皂,該計劃不僅通過提供謀生機會來支持當地社區,而且還有助於降低因缺乏適當衛生條件而導致的嬰兒死亡率。

Through its extensive network of local farm operations, the South African NGO Pebbles Project, will launch the Soap For Hope program in Cape Town with these goals:

通過其廣泛的當地農場運營網絡,南非非政府組織Pebbles Project將在開普敦啓動Soap For Hope計劃,其目標是:

  • Divert 10,000 kg of soap bar waste annually away from landfills and incineration towards recycling.
  • Distribute recycled soap bars in communities with a need for hygiene resources and provide training on sanitation best practices.
  • Train and empower young adults to manage the recycling operation as a small business.
  • 每年將10,000千克的肥皂條廢物從垃圾填埋場和焚燒轉移到回收利用。
  • 在需要衛生資源的社區分發回收的肥皂棒,並提供有關衛生最佳實踐的培訓。
  • 培訓並賦予年輕人以小型企業的身份管理回收業務。

"As a materials science company and supplier of raw materials that serve the cleaning market, Dow is proud to be a key collaborator of Soap For Hope that enables sustainable cleaning solutions whilst helping the local communities," said Kevin Pillay, Dow ́s country leader Southern Africa.

陶氏南部非洲國家負責人凱文·皮萊表示:“作爲一家材料科學公司和清潔市場原材料供應商,陶氏很榮幸成爲Soap For Hope的重要合作伙伴,該公司提供可持續的清潔解決方案,同時爲當地社區提供幫助。”

"Soap For Hope is a program that directly engages the local people in helping their own community. At the same time, it helps our hotel customers with diverting tons of solid soap waste to the local landfill. This will contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment in South Africa and create shared value for everyone involved - our company, our customers, and our communities," said Mariette Van Vuuren, sales director South Africa, Diversey, a Solenis Company.

“Soap For Hope是一項直接讓當地人參與幫助他們自己的社區的計劃。同時,它可以幫助我們的酒店客戶將大量的固體肥皂廢物轉移到當地的垃圾填埋場。這將有助於在南非創造更清潔、更健康的環境,併爲所有參與者——我們公司、客戶和社區——創造共享價值。” 索理思公司Diversey南非銷售總監Mariette Van Vuuren說。

"The recycled soap will be made available to communities that do not have access to proper hygiene tools today," said Sophie Warner, founder & CEO, Pebbles Project. "We will train unemployed young adults and women on entrepreneurship to upskill and empower them to run the recycling project as a small business."

Pebbles Project創始人兼首席執行官索菲·華納說:“回收的肥皂將提供給當今無法獲得適當衛生工具的社區。”“我們將對失業的年輕人和女性進行創業培訓,以提高技能,增強她們作爲小型企業經營回收項目的能力。”

"Premier Hotels & Resorts are proud to partner with Dow, Diversey and The Pebbles Project for the Soap For Hope initiative. Recycling and green initiatives along with building the communities in which we operate is extremely important to us. We are proud to join the Soap For Hope Project and look forward to helping this initiative take flight in making a difference in the local community", said Richard Bray, Group Operations manager at Premier Hotels & Resorts.

“Premier Hotels & Resorts很榮幸能與陶氏、Diversey和The Pebbles Project合作開展 “Soap For Hope” 計劃。回收和綠色舉措以及建設我們經營的社區對我們來說極爲重要。Premier Hotels & Resorts集團運營經理理查德·佈雷說,我們很自豪能加入 “Soap For Hope” 項目,並期待幫助這一計劃取得成功,爲當地社區帶來改變。

About Dow


Dow (NYSE:DOW) is one of the world's leading materials science companies, serving customers in high-growth markets such as packaging, infrastructure, mobility and consumer applications. Our global breadth, asset integration and scale, focused innovation, leading business positions and commitment to sustainability enable us to achieve profitable growth and help deliver a sustainable future. We operate manufacturing sites in 31 countries and employ approximately 35,900 people. Dow delivered sales of approximately $45 billion in 2023. References to Dow or the Company mean Dow Inc. and its subsidiaries. Learn more about us and our ambition to be the most innovative, customer-centric, inclusive and sustainable materials science company in the world by visiting .

陶氏(紐約證券交易所代碼:DOW)是全球領先的材料科學公司之一,爲包裝、基礎設施、移動和消費類應用等高增長市場的客戶提供服務。我們的全球廣度、資產整合和規模、專注的創新、領先的業務地位和對可持續發展的承諾使我們能夠實現盈利增長並幫助實現可持續的未來。我們在31個國家設有製造基地,僱用約35,900名員工。陶氏在 2023 年的銷售額約爲 450 億美元。提及陶氏或公司是指陶氏公司及其子公司。訪問以下網站,詳細了解我們以及我們成爲世界上最具創新性、以客戶爲中心、最具包容性和可持續性的材料科學公司的雄心。



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