
Exclusive Cash-Back Rewards Await In Jane Gold's Cannabis Consumer Program

Exclusive Cash-Back Rewards Await In Jane Gold's Cannabis Consumer Program

Jane Gold 的大麻消費者計劃將提供獨家現金返還獎勵
Benzinga ·  03/26 23:03

Cannabis e-commerce provider Jane Technologies, Inc. announced on Tuesday Jane Gold, a consumer rewards program.

大麻電子商務提供商Jane Technologies, Inc.週二宣佈了一項消費者獎勵計劃Jane Gold。

With this patented technology, cannabis brands that are unable to ship directly to consumers can offer unique cash-back rewards to customers through Jane's network of dispensary partners.


Kaitlin Mackenzie, director of content & strategy at Wana Brands said discovering Jane Gold "offered a breakthrough solution we have yet to see as a brand," as it "addresses long-standing issues, empowering brands to execute targeted discounting strategies and foster direct consumer connections."

Wana Brands內容與戰略董事凱特琳·麥肯齊表示,發現Jane Gold “提供了一個我們尚未看到的突破性解決方案”,因爲它 “解決了長期存在的問題,使品牌能夠執行有針對性的折扣策略並促進直接的消費者聯繫”。

Mackenzie's colleagues, Joe Hodas, chief marketing officer for Wana Brands and Co-Founder and CEO Nancy Whiteman will join a slew of other top CEOs, executives and industry stakeholders next month at Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, which returns to Florida on April 16 and 17.

麥肯齊的同事、Wana Brands首席營銷官喬·霍達斯和聯合創始人兼首席執行官南希·懷特曼將於下個月與其他衆多頂級首席執行官、高管和行業利益相關者一起參加4月16日和17日在佛羅里達州舉行的Benzinga大麻資本會議。

Jane Gold allows consumers to easily and securely connect their bank accounts to instantly receive cash-back rewards from brands...all this with no hassle on the dispensary's end.

Jane Gold允許消費者輕鬆、安全地連接他們的銀行賬戶,立即獲得品牌的現金返還獎勵... 所有這些在藥房方面都沒有麻煩。

By joining for free, consumers can earn exclusive cash-back rewards from their top brands and uncover new products they love through a customized shopping experience.


See also: Jane Technologies Launches Cannabis POS Platform To Provide Personalized Shopping Experience

另見:Jane Technologies推出大麻POS平台以提供個性化購物體驗

Jane Technologies said the brands that took part in the program are seeing some positive results:

Jane Technologies表示,參與該計劃的品牌取得了一些積極成果:

  • Brands that participated in the beta launch of the Jane Gold program saw an average increase of 7% in overall sales, with 60% of those sales coming from first-time shoppers.
  • Dispensaries on the Jane Gold network received brand-subsidized discounts without reducing their margins, resulting in a 30% increase in average order value (AOV) per customer.
  • Dispensaries that participated in the beta launch of the Jane Gold program experienced a 12% increase in sales, while non-participating dispensaries in the same geographic market saw an 18% decrease in sales.
  • 參與Jane Gold計劃測試版發佈的品牌的總銷售額平均增長了7%,其中60%的銷售額來自首次購物者。
  • Jane Gold網絡上的藥房在不降低利潤率的情況下獲得了品牌補貼的折扣,從而使每位客戶的平均訂單價值(AOV)增加了30%。
  • 參與Jane Gold計劃測試版發佈的藥房的銷售額增長了12%,而同一地域市場的非參與藥房的銷售額下降了18%。

"Jane Gold is truly a groundbreaking innovation that unlocks a new paradigm for omnichannel e-commerce – something the likes of which Uber, Shopify, and Amazon have yet to implement in the retail verticals they serve," Socrates Rosenfeld, CEO and co-founder of Jane, said. "We built this program in the spirit of creating a win-win-win model that serves the customer, brand and retailer equally, and it furthers our mission of expanding legal cannabis access to as many people as we possibly can."

Jane首席執行官兼聯合創始人蘇格拉底·羅森菲爾德表示:“Jane Gold確實是一項突破性的創新,它爲全渠道電子商務開闢了新的模式——優步、Shopify和亞馬遜尚未在其服務的零售垂直領域實施這樣的創新。”“我們本着創建雙贏模式的精神制定了這項計劃,爲客戶、品牌和零售商提供平等的服務,它進一步推動了我們的使命,即儘可能擴大合法大麻的供應範圍。”

The Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is returning to Florida, in a new venue in Hollywood, on April 16 and 17, 2024. The two-day event at The Diplomat Beach Resort will be a chance for entrepreneurs, both large and small, to network, learn and grow. Renowned for its trendsetting abilities and influence on the future of cannabis, mark your calendars – this conference is the go-to event of the year for the cannabis world.


Get your tickets now on – Prices will increase very soon!

立即購買門票 — 價格很快就會上漲!

