
Jackpot Digital Signs Distribution Agreement To Enter Casino Market in Asia

Jackpot Digital Signs Distribution Agreement To Enter Casino Market in Asia

Jackpot Digital簽署分銷協議以進入亞洲賭場市場
Accesswire ·  03/26 20:37

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 26, 2024 / Jackpot Digital Inc. (the "Company" or "Jackpot Digital") (TSXV:JJ)(TSXV:JJ.WT.B)(TSXV:JJ.WT.C)(OTCQB:JPOTF)(FRA:LVH3), a leading manufacturer of electronic multiplayer dealerless poker tables, announces it has signed a distribution agreement with Jade Entertainment and Gaming Technologies, Inc. ("Jade Group"), a diversified slots and gaming machine distributor with a presence in key Asian casino markets.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE /2024年3月26日/領先的電子多人無經銷商撲克牌桌製造商Jackpot Digital Inc.(“公司” 或 “Jackpot Digital”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:JJ.WT.B)(TSXV: JJ.WT.C)(OTCQB: JPOTF)(FRA: LVH3)(TSXV: JJ.WT.B)(OTCQB: JPOTF)(FRA: LVH3)宣佈已與傑德簽署了分銷協議娛樂和遊戲技術有限公司(“Jade Group”),一家多元化的老虎機和遊戲機分銷商,業務遍及亞洲主要賭場市場。

The partnership is aimed at accelerating sales and deployment of Jackpot Digital's revolutionary Jackpot Blitz electronic multiplayer dealerless poker machines into casinos throughout Asia. It represents a synergy of expertise, innovation, and shared values. Together, Jade Group and Jackpot Digital will leverage their respective strengths to drive growth, foster innovation, and enhance customer experiences in Asia.

該合作伙伴關係旨在加快Jackpot Digital革命性的Jackpot Blitz的銷售和部署 電子多人無莊家撲克機進入亞洲各地的賭場。它代表了專業知識、創新和共同價值觀的協同作用。翡翠集團和Jackpot Digital將共同利用各自的優勢來推動增長、促進創新並增強亞洲的客戶體驗。

"We are very excited to be working with Jade Group, an established gaming machine distributor based in Asia. The collaboration marks a significant milestone in our expansion strategy and our first formal distribution agreement to enter the Asian marketplace" states Mr. Jake Kalpakian, President of Jackpot Digital.

“我們很高興能與Jade Group合作,這是一家總部位於亞洲的知名遊戲機分銷商。Jackpot Digital總裁傑克·卡爾帕基安先生表示:“此次合作標誌着我們擴張戰略的重要里程碑,也是我們進入亞洲市場的首份正式分銷協議。”

"We expect this partnership will open new markets for us throughout Asia. The combined expertise and resources of both companies will propel casino adoption of Jackpot Blitz to new heights, thanks to our shared vision and commitment to innovation", Mr. Kalpakian continued.

“我們預計,這種夥伴關係將爲我們在整個亞洲開闢新的市場。兩家公司的專業知識和資源相結合,將推動賭場對Jackpot Blitz的採用達到新的高度,這要歸功於我們共同的願景和對創新的承諾”,卡爾帕基安先生繼續說道。

Jade Group CEO Mr. Joe Pisano states "This partnership underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in the gaming industry. By joining forces with Jackpot Digital, we are poised to unlock new opportunities in new markets especially India, Sri Lanka and Nepal where Poker is classified as a skill game, and in Vietnam where the Jackpot Blitz product meets the local regulations. These new markets will accelerate our growth trajectory and deliver even greater value to our customers. Jackpot Blitz is a versatile 'casino smart table', and is well suited to the diverse market in Asia."

翡翠集團首席執行官喬·皮薩諾表示:“這種夥伴關係凸顯了我們對遊戲行業卓越和創新的承諾。通過與Jackpot Digital聯手,我們有望在新市場開啓新的機會,尤其是印度、斯里蘭卡和尼泊爾,那裏的撲克被歸類爲技巧遊戲,在越南,Jackpot Blitz產品符合當地法規。這些新市場將加快我們的增長軌跡,爲我們的客戶帶來更大的價值。Jackpot Blitz是一款多功能的'賭場智能牌桌',非常適合亞洲的多元化市場。”

In addition to Jackpot's cruise ship customers, which include Carnival Cruises, Virgin Voyages, Princess Cruises, Holland America, AIDA, and Costa Cruises, Jackpot has announced land-based installations or orders in 12 states and territories in the U.S. and growing, including California, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Washington, as well as several international jurisdictions.

除了Jackpot的遊輪客戶(包括嘉年華郵輪、維珍航空、公主郵輪、荷美郵輪、AIDA和Costa Cruises)外,Jackpot還宣佈在美國12個州和地區安裝陸基設施或訂單,包括加利福尼亞州、堪薩斯州、路易斯安那州、密歇根州、明尼蘇達州、密西西比州、蒙大拿州、內華達州、俄勒岡州、南達科他州、美屬維爾京群島、華盛頓州以及多個國際司法管轄區。

Please click the thumbnail below to view a short video of Jackpot Brand Ambassador and Pro Football Hall of Fame coach Jimmy Johnson describing the advantages of the world leading Jackpot Blitz.

請點擊下面的縮略圖觀看 Jackpot 品牌大使兼職業足球名人堂教練吉米·約翰遜的簡短視頻,他描述了世界領先的大獎閃電戰的優勢。

About Jade Entertainment and Gaming Technologies, Inc.
Jade Group was established in 2009 and duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines. It has earned accreditation as a supplier to the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). As a reputable distributor, Jade Group provides slot machines, gaming systems, paraphernalia, and technical support to premier casinos and esteemed gaming venues in the Philippines and throughout Southeast Asia, including India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

關於 Jade 娛樂和遊戲科技公司
翡翠集團成立於2009年,並在菲律賓證券交易委員會正式註冊。它已獲得菲律賓娛樂和博彩公司(PAGCOR)供應商的認證。作爲信譽良好的分銷商,Jade Group爲菲律賓和整個東南亞(包括印度、尼泊爾、斯里蘭卡和越南)的頂級賭場和受人尊敬的遊戲場所提供老虎機、遊戲系統、用具和技術支持。

For more information about the Jade Group, visit

有關 Jade Group 的更多信息,請訪問

About Jackpot Digital Inc.
A positive disruptor in the casino business, Jackpot Digital Inc. is a leading manufacturer of dealerless multiplayer electronic poker tables for the cruise ship and land-based regulated casino industries. The Company specializes in dealerless poker which is complemented by a robust suite of backend tools for casino operators to efficiently control and optimize their poker business.

Jackpot Digital Inc. 是賭場業務的積極顛覆者,是遊輪和陸上監管賭場行業的無經銷商多人電子撲克牌桌的領先製造商。該公司專門生產無經銷商撲克,並輔以一套強大的後端工具,供賭場運營商有效控制和優化其撲克業務。

For more information on the Company, please contact Jake H. Kalpakian, President and CEO, at (604) 681- 0204 ext. 6105, or visit the Company's website at .

有關公司的更多信息,請致電 (604) 681-0204 分機 6105 聯繫總裁兼首席執行官 Jake H. Kalpakian,或訪問公司網站,網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Jackpot Digital Inc.

代表 Jackpot Digital Inc. 董事會

"Jake H. Kalpakian"


Jake H. Kalpakian
President & CEO


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Certain statements contained herein are "forward-looking". Forward-looking statements may include, among others, statements regarding Jackpot's future plans, the obtaining of customary regulatory approvals, projected or proposed financings, costs, objectives, economic or technical performance, or the assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. In this News Release, words such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "likely", "enable", "feel", "seek", "project", "predict", "potential", "should", "might", "objective", "believe", "expects", "propose", "anticipate", "intend", "plan", "plans" "estimate", "in due course" and similar words are used to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, projections and estimations, there can be no assurance that these assumptions, projections or estimations are accurate. Readers, shareholders and investors are therefore cautioned not to place reliance on any forward-looking statements as the plans, assumptions, intentions or expectations upon which they are based might not occur.

此處包含的某些陳述是 “前瞻性的”。除其他外,前瞻性陳述可能包括有關Jackpot未來計劃的陳述,獲得 慣常的監管批准、預計或擬議的融資、成本、目標、經濟或技術績效,或上述任何內容所依據的假設。在本新聞稿中,諸如 “可能”、“將”、“可能”、“將”、“可能”、“啓用”、“感覺”、“尋求”、“項目”、“預測”、“潛力”、“應該”、“可能”、“目標”、“相信”、“期望”、“提議”、“預期”、“打算”、“計劃”、“估計” 等詞,“在適當的時候” 和類似的詞語被用來識別前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述受各種風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與明示或暗示的事件或結果存在重大差異。儘管管理層認爲此類前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是基於合理的假設、預測和估計,但無法保證這些假設、預測或估計是準確的。因此,提醒讀者、股東和投資者不要依賴任何前瞻性陳述,因爲這些陳述所依據的計劃、假設、意圖或預期可能不會出現。

SOURCE: Jackpot Digital Inc.

來源:Jacpot Digital Inc

