
Nine Mile Metals Announces Certified Assays of 0.44% Copper Over 136.31m in Drill Hole WD-24-02, Including 1.32% Cu - 8.84 G/t Ag Over 40m, at the Wedge Mine, Bathurst, New Brunswick

Nine Mile Metals Announces Certified Assays of 0.44% Copper Over 136.31m in Drill Hole WD-24-02, Including 1.32% Cu - 8.84 G/t Ag Over 40m, at the Wedge Mine, Bathurst, New Brunswick

Nine Mile Metals 宣佈在新不倫瑞克省巴瑟斯特的 Wedge Mine WD-24-02 鑽孔中對超過 136.31 米的 0.44% 的銅進行了認證化驗,包括 1.32% 的銅-8.84 g/t Ag 超過 40m
newsfile ·  2024/03/26 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 26, 2024) - NINE MILE METALS LTD. (CSE: NINE) (OTCQB: VMSXF) (FSE: KQ9) (the "Company" or "Nine Mile") is pleased to announce it has received certified assays for drill hole WD-24-02 at the Wedge Mine situated in the renowned Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick (BMC).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 26 日)- 九英里金屬有限公司(CSE: NINE) (OTCQB: VMSXF) (FSE: KQ9) (那個”公司“或”九英里“)很高興地宣佈,它已收到位於著名的新不倫瑞克省巴瑟斯特採礦營地(BMC)的楔形礦的 WD-24-02 鑽孔的認證化驗結果。


WD-24-02 亮點:

  • Drill hole WD-24-02 confirms the presence of a new, larger mineralized system at the Wedge VMS Project, intersecting three mineralized zones spanning from 36.74m to 173.05m. This 136.31m width assays 0.44% Cu, 0.07% Pb, 0.54% Zn, 0.06 g/t Au and 3.52 g/t Ag.

  • Three zones of visual mineralization were identified: (1) 36.74m-49.90m, (2) 88.90m-110.00m, and (3) 134.00m-174.00m, with the sulphide mineralogy primarily consisting of pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena.

  • The Main Copper Zone occurs between 134.00m and 174.00m, spanning 40.00m and assaying 1.32% Cu, 0.21% Pb, 1.54% Zn, 8.8g/t Ag, and 0.164 g/t Au (refer to Table 1).

  • Included in the above main copper zone, 157.65m - 173.05m (15.40m) assayed 2.03% Cu, 0.52% Pb, 3.73% Zn, 0.34 g/t Au, and 20.35 g/t Ag (refer to Table 2).

  • The hole was collared on the northeast flank of the historic Wedge Deposit and drilled at an azimuth of 160 degrees and a dip of -50 degrees to a depth of 219.5m.

  • Zinc mineralization coincides with copper, with a distinct higher-grade zone intersected at the base of the main copper zone.

  • Recent acquisition of Cominco Data confirms that the subsurface was not previously mined.

  • The closest Cominco holes in this area of the Wedge are approximately 70m east.

  • WD-24-02 鑽孔證實 Wedge VMS 項目中存在一個新的、更大的礦化系統,該系統橫跨三個礦化區域,橫跨從 36.74m 到 173.05 m。這個 136.31 億 寬度試驗 0.44% 銅、0.07% 鉛、0.54% 鋅、0.06 g/t Au 和 3.52 g/t Ag

  • 確定了三個可視礦化區域:(1)36.74m-49.90m,(2)88.90m-110.00m,以及(3)134.00m-174.00m,硫化物礦物學主要由黃鐵礦和次級黃銅礦、閃鋅礦和方鉛礦組成。

  • 主銅區位於 134.00 米和 174.00 米之間,跨度爲 40.00m,正在進行試驗 1.32% 銅、0.21% 鉛、1.54% 鋅、8.8g/t Ag 和 0.164 g/t Au(參見表 1)。

  • 包括在上述主銅區中,157.65m-173.05m (15.40 米) 化驗 2.03% 銅、0.52% 鉛、3.73% 鋅、0.34 g/t Au 和 20.35 g/t Ag (參見表 2)。

  • 該洞位於歷史悠久的楔形礦牀的東北側,鑽孔方位角爲160度,傾角爲-50度,深度爲219.5米。

  • 鋅礦化與銅重合,在主銅區的底部有一個明顯的高品位區域相交。

  • 最近對Cominco Data的收購證實,該地下空間以前沒有開採過。

  • Wedge 這個區域最近的科明科洞位於向東約 70 米處。

Table 1: Certified Assays (134.00m - 174.00m)

表 1:認證化驗(134.00m-174.00m)

Sample # From (m) To (m) Width (m) Cu % Pb (%) Zn (%) (Pb + Zn) % Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)

283603 134 134.85 0.85 0.025 0.002 0.098 0.1 0.5 0.009
283604 134.85 136 1.15 0.496 0.004 0.397 0.401 1 0.017
283605 136 137 1 0.07 0.005 0.02 0.025 1 0.009
283606 137 138 1 3.73 0.007 0.376 0.383 4 0.028
283607 138 139 1 1.49 0.004 0.245 0.249 2 0.023
283608 139 140 1 2.74 0.006 0.644 0.65 3 0.035
283609 140 141 1 1.93 0.009 0.354 0.363 2 0.046
283610 141 142 1 1.07 0.014 0.226 0.24 2 0.041
283611 142 143 1 0.417 0.004 0.154 0.158 0.5 0.022
283612 143 144 1 0.628 0.004 0.136 0.14 0.5 0.026
283613 144 145 1 1.24 0.005 0.361 0.366 1 0.04
283614 145 146 1 0.806 0.004 0.178 0.182 1 0.041
283615 146 147 1 0.458 0.003 0.061 0.064 1 0.016
283616 147 148 1 0.42 0.009 0.152 0.161 1 0.027
283617 148 149 1 0.18 0.007 0.054 0.061 0.5 0.022
283618 149 150 1 0.554 0.07 0.133 0.203 2 0.073
283619 150 151 1 0.326 0.015 0.111 0.126 1 0.077
281620 STD Blank

281621 151 152 1 0.424 0.037 0.053 0.09 2 0.085
281622 152 153 1 0.466 0.035 0.042 0.077 2 0.121
281623 153 154 1 1.33 0.076 0.057 0.133 3 0.151
281624 154 155 1 1.605 0.161 0.088 0.249 4 0.145
281625 155 156.5 1.5 0.54 0.074 0.036 0.11 3 0.175
281626 156.5 157.65 1.15 0.106 0.006 0.046 0.052 2 0.013
281627 157.65 158.5 0.85 1.5 0.027 0.173 0.2 3 0.041
281628 158.5 159.55 1.05 1.295 0.016 0.265 0.281 4 0.091
281629 159.55 160.5 0.95 4.99 0.025 0.344 0.369 9 0.072
281630 160.5 161.5 1 2.92 0.016 0.229 0.245 5 0.094
281631 161.5 162.5 1 5.52 0.035 0.626 0.661 7 0.078
281632 162.5 163.5 1 3.21 0.08 0.391 0.471 8 0.122
281633 163.5 164.5 1 2.17 0.054 0.256 0.31 5 0.101
281634 164.5 165.5 1 1.1 0.032 0.115 0.147 5 0.343
281635 165.5 166.5 1 2.46 0.145 13.9 14.045 32 0.544
281636 166.5 167.5 1 1.2 2.47 27.7 30.17 52 0.762
281637 167.5 168.5 1 0.834 1.44 5.19 6.63 62 0.779
281638 168.5 169.4 0.9 0.551 1.18 2.12 3.3 35 0.604
281639 169.4 170.25 0.85 0.818 0.121 0.074 0.195 13 0.34
281640 STD Blank

281641 170.25 171.05 0.8 0.037 0.033 0.054 0.087 2 0.019
281642 171.05 172.05 1 1.76 1.07 2.2 3.27 43 0.627
281643 172.05 173.05 1 1.47 1.35 4.13 5.48 35 0.728
281645 173.05 174 0.95 0.017 0.011 0.44 0.451 <1.00 0.012

40 1.32 0.21 1.54 1.75 8.84 0.164
示例 # 從 (m) 到 (m) 寬度 (m) 銅% 鉛 (%) 鋅 (%) (Pb + Zn)% 銀 (g/t) 金 (g/t)

283603 134 134.85 0.85 0.025 0.002 0.098 0.1 0.5 0.009
283604 134.85 136 1.15 0.496 0.004 0.397 0.401 1 0.017
283605 136 137 1 0.07 0.005 0.02 0.025 1 0.009
283606 137 138 1 3.73 0.007 0.376 0.383 4 0.028
283607 138 139 1 1.49 0.004 0.245 0.249 2 0.023
283608 139 140 1 2.74 0.006 0.644 0.65 3 0.035
283609 140 141 1 1.93 0.009 0.354 0.363 2 0.046
283610 141 142 1 1.07 0.014 0.226 0.24 2 0.041
283611 142 143 1 0.417 0.004 0.154 0.158 0.5 0.022
283612 143 144 1 0.628 0.004 0.136 0.14 0.5 0.026
283613 144 145 1 1.24 0.005 0.361 0.366 1 0.04
283614 145 146 1 0.806 0.004 0.178 0.182 1 0.041
283615 146 147 1 0.458 0.003 0.061 0.064 1 0.016
283616 147 148 1 0.42 0.009 0.152 0.161 1 0.027
283617 148 149 1 0.18 0.007 0.054 0.061 0.5 0.022
283618 149 150 1 0.554 0.07 0.133 0.203 2 0.073
283619 150 151 1 0.326 0.015 0.111 0.126 1 0.077
281620 性病 空白

281621 151 152 1 0.424 0.037 0.053 0.09 2 0.085
281622 152 153 1 0.466 0.035 0.042 0.077 2 0.121
281623 153 154 1 1.33 0.076 0.057 0.133 3 0.151
281624 154 155 1 1.605 0.161 0.088 0.249 4 0.145
281625 155 156.5 1.5 0.54 0.074 0.036 0.11 3 0.175
281626 156.5 157.65 1.15 0.106 0.006 0.046 0.052 2 0.013
281627 157.65 158.5 0.85 1.5 0.027 0.173 0.2 3 0.041
281628 158.5 159.55 1.05 1.295 0.016 0.265 0.281 4 0.091
281629 159.55 160.5 0.95 4.99 0.025 0.344 0.369 9 0.072
281630 160.5 161.5 1 2.92 0.016 0.229 0.245 5 0.094
281631 161.5 162.5 1 5.52 0.035 0.626 0.661 7 0.078
281632 162.5 163.5 1 3.21 0.08 0.391 0.471 8 0.122
281633 163.5 164.5 1 2.17 0.054 0.256 0.31 5 0.101
281634 164.5 165.5 1 1.1 0.032 0.115 0.147 5 0.343
281635 165.5 166.5 1 2.46 0.145 13.9 14.045 32 0.544
281636 166.5 167.5 1 1.2 2.47 27.7 30.17 52 0.762
281637 167.5 168.5 1 0.834 1.44 5.19 6.63 62 0.779
281638 168.5 169.4 0.9 0.551 1.18 2.12 3.3 35 0.604
281639 169.4 170.25 0.85 0.818 0.121 0.074 0.195 13 0.34
281640 性病 空白

281641 170.25 171.05 0.8 0.037 0.033 0.054 0.087 2 0.019
281642 171.05 172.05 1 1.76 1.07 2.2 3.27 43 0.627
281643 172.05 173.05 1 1.47 1.35 4.13 5.48 35 0.728
281645 173.05 174 0.95 0.017 0.011 0.44 0.451 0.012

40 1.32 0.21 1.54 1.75 8.84 0.164

Table 2: Certified Assays (157.65m - 173.05m)

表 2:認證化驗(1.5765億至173.05m)

Sample # From (m) To (m) Width (m) Cu % Pb (%) Zn (%) (Pb + Zn) % Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)

281627 157.65 158.50 0.85 1.500 0.027 0.173 0.200 3 0.041
281628 158.50 159.55 1.05 1.295 0.016 0.265 0.281 4 0.091
281629 159.55 160.50 0.95 4.990 0.025 0.344 0.369 9 0.072
281630 160.50 161.50 1.00 2.920 0.016 0.229 0.245 5 0.094
281631 161.50 162.50 1.00 5.520 0.035 0.626 0.661 7 0.078
281632 162.50 163.50 1.00 3.210 0.085 0.391 0.476 8 0.122
281633 163.50 164.50 1.00 2.170 0.054 0.256 0.310 5 0.101
281634 164.50 165.50 1.00 1.100 0.032 0.115 0.147 5 0.343
281635 165.50 166.50 1.00 2.460 0.145 13.9 14.045 32 0.544
281636 166.50 167.50 1.00 1.200 2.470 27.7 30.170 52 0.762
281637 167.50 168.50 1.00 0.834 1.440 5.19 6.630 62 0.779
281638 168.50 169.40 0.90 0.551 1.180 2.12 3.300 35 0.604
281639 169.40 170.25 0.85 0.818 0.121 0.074 0.195 13 0.34
281640 STD Blank

281641 170.25 171.05 0.80 0.037 0.033 0.054 0.087 2 0.019
281642 171.05 172.05 1.00 1.760 1.070 2.2 3.270 43 0.627
281643 172.05 173.05 1.00 1.470 1.350 4.13 5.480 35 0.728

15.40 2.03 0.52 3.73 4.25 20.35 0.34
示例 # 從 (m) 到 (m) 寬度 (m) 銅% 鉛 (%) 鋅 (%) (Pb + Zn)% 銀 (g/t) 金 (g/t)

281627 157.65 158.50 0.85 1.500 0.027 0.173 0.200 3 0.041
281628 158.50 159.55 1.05 1.295 0.016 0.265 0.281 4 0.091
281629 159.55 160.50 0.95 4.990 0.025 0.344 0.369 9 0.072
281630 160.50 161.50 1.00 2.920 0.016 0.229 0.245 5 0.094
281631 161.50 162.50 1.00 5.520 0.035 0.626 0.661 7 0.078
281632 162.50 163.50 1.00 3.210 0.085 0.391 0.476 8 0.122
281633 163.50 164.50 1.00 2.170 0.054 0.256 0.310 5 0.101
281634 164.50 165.50 1.00 1.100 0.032 0.115 0.147 5 0.343
281635 165.50 166.50 1.00 2.460 0.145 13.9 14.045 32 0.544
281636 166.50 167.50 1.00 1.200 2.470 27.7 30.170 52 0.762
281637 167.50 168.50 1.00 0.834 1.440 5.19 6.630 62 0.779
281638 168.50 169.40 0.90 0.551 1.180 2.12 3.300 35 0.604
281639 169.40 170.25 0.85 0.818 0.121 0.074 0.195 13 0.34
281640 性病 空白

281641 170.25 171.05 0.80 0.037 0.033 0.054 0.087 2 0.019
281642 171.05 172.05 1.00 1.760 1.070 2.2 3.270 43 0.627
281643 172.05 173.05 1.00 1.470 1.350 4.13 5.480 35 0.728

15.40 2.03 0.52 3.73 4.25 20.35 0.34

Figure 1: VMS Mineralization - Locally Massive Chalcopyrite Hole WD-24-02 The Wedge

圖 1:VMS 礦化——局部巨大的黃銅礦洞 WD-24-02 The Wedge

Patrick J. Cruickshank, MBA, CEO & Director, expressed, "We are thrilled to release the certified assays for our successful Wedge drill hole WD-24-02 in the Target 1 extension zone of the Historic Wedge Mine, confirming unmined mineralization. The 136.31m mineralization represents a highly positive development, delineating three specific zones and indicating the presence of a larger mineralized system, displaying a larger system exists. Our ongoing mandate to define an expanded footprint and increased tonnage at this Copper Rich Deposit is well underway. The newly acquired Cominco historic drill hole data sets (surface & underground) is currently being modelled for 3D analysis. We will incorporate this summary of the drill program information, including the results, and we are confident it will paint a very compelling picture of the site. The Wedge Project is increasingly becoming a significant asset for Nine Mile Metals, and we look forward to being able to explore our other high priority targets within the Wedge Project area, including the West Wedge, Tribag and Target #6 (Wedge Target North), which was recently acquired and is potentially linked to the same system encountered in our successful California Lake East VMS Drill Program in 2022. The target spans both the California East & Wedge Project Land packages."

工商管理碩士、首席執行官兼董事帕特里克·克魯克申克表示:“我們很高興發佈我們在歷史楔子礦的目標 1 延伸區成功鑽出 Wedge WD-24-02 孔的認證化驗結果,證實了未開採的礦化。136.31米的礦化是一個非常積極的發展,它劃定了三個特定的區域,表明存在更大的礦化系統,表明存在更大的礦化系統,表明存在更大的系統。我們在這個富銅礦牀上擴大佔地面積和增加噸位的持續任務正在順利進行中。新收購的 Cominco 歷史鑽孔數據集(地表和地下)目前正在建模以進行三維分析。我們將整合這份鑽探計劃信息摘要,包括結果,我們相信這將描繪出一幅非常引人注目的現場畫面。Wedge項目越來越成爲Nine Mile Metals的重要資產,我們期待能夠探索我們在Wedge項目區域內的其他高優先目標,包括West Wedge、Tribag和Target #6(Wedge Target North),該項目最近被收購,可能與我們在2022年成功的加利福尼亞東湖VMS鑽探計劃中遇到的相同系統相關。目標涵蓋了加州東部和韋奇項目土地一攬子計劃。”

Figure 2: Base of Massive VMS Mineralization in contact with black sediments, Drill Hole WD-24-02

圖 2:與黑色沉積物接觸的大規模 VMS 礦化底層,鑽孔 WD-24-02

"Drill Hole WD-24-02 demonstrates that significant copper mineralization over substantial widths remain at the historic Wedge mine site to the east and southeast of the previous workings. Subsequent to the start of the 2024 drill program, the Cominco drill data was acquired and is presently being digitized to facilitate 3D modeling. We look forward to merging the 2024 drill data when assaying is complete with the historical information in order to best plan a stage 2 program at the Wedge," commented Gary Lohman, PGO, VP Exploration & Director.

“WD-24-02 鑽孔表明,歷史悠久的 Wedge 礦址在先前開採的東部和東南部,仍有相當大的銅礦化區。在 2024 年鑽探計劃啓動後,Cominco 鑽探數據已獲得,目前正在進行數字化以促進三維建模。我們期待在分析完成後將2024年的鑽探數據與歷史信息合併,以便最好地規劃Wedge的第二階段計劃。” PGO勘探副總裁兼董事Gary Lohman評論道。

Figure 3: Plan View, Drill Hole Locations

圖 3:平面圖、鑽孔位置

The disclosure of technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") and reviewed and approved by Gary Lohman, B.Sc., PGO., VP Exploration and Director who acts as the Company's Qualified Person, and is not independent of the Company.

本新聞稿中的技術信息披露是根據國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)中規定的加拿大監管要求編制的,並由擔任公司合格人員的勘探副總裁兼董事Gary Lohman理學士、PGO理學士學位和董事Gary Lohman的審查和批准,他不是公司的合格人員。

About Nine Mile Metals Ltd.:

關於 Nine Mile Metals Ltd.:

Nine Mile Metals Ltd. is a Canadian public mineral exploration Company focused on VMS (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au) exploration in the renowned Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC), located in New Brunswick, Canada. The Company's primary business objective is to explore its four VMS Projects: Nine Mile Brook VMS Project, California Lake VMS Project, the Canoe Landing Lake (East - West) VMS Project, and the Wedge VMS Project. The Company is focused on Critical Minerals Exploration, positioning itself for the boom in EV and green technologies requiring Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc with a hedge on Gold.

Nine Mile Metals Ltd. 是一家加拿大公共礦產勘探公司,專注於位於加拿大新不倫瑞克省著名的巴瑟斯特礦業營地(BMC)的VMS(銅、鉛、鋅、銀和金)勘探。該公司的主要業務目標是探索其四個VMS項目:九里溪VMS項目、加利福尼亞湖VMS項目、獨木舟登陸湖(東西方)VMS項目和Wedge VMS項目。該公司專注於關鍵礦產勘探,爲電動汽車和綠色技術的繁榮做好準備,這些技術需要銅、銀、鉛和鋅對沖黃金。



"Patrick J. Cruickshank, MBA"
CEO and Director
T: 506-804-6117


Forward-Looking Information:


This press release may include forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business of Nine Mile. Forward-looking information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the management of Nine Mile. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of words such as "will," "may," "would," "expect," "intend," "plan," "seek," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue," "likely," "could" and variations of these terms and similar expressions, or the negative of these terms or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this press release include that (a) the Company will incorporate the Cominco historic drill hole data sets with the summary of the drill program information, including the results, and we are confident it will paint a very compelling picture of the site, (b) we look forward to being able to explore our other high priority targets within the Wedge Project area, including the West Wedge, Tribag and Target #6 (Wedge Target North), which was recently acquired and is potentially linked to the same system encountered in our successful California Lake East VMS Drill Program in 2022, and (c) we look forward to merging the 2024 drill data when assaying is complete with the historical information in order to best plan a stage 2 program at the Wedge. Although Nine Mile believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because Nine Mile can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct.

本新聞稿可能包括加拿大證券立法所指的有關Nine Mile業務的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息基於Nine Mile管理層做出的某些關鍵預期和假設。在某些情況下,您可以通過使用 “將”、“可能”、“將”、“期望”、“打算”、“計劃”、“尋求”、“預測”、“估計”、“預測”、“潛在”、“繼續”、“可能” 等詞語以及這些術語和類似表述的變體,或這些術語或類似表述的否定詞語來識別前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括:(a) 公司將把Cominco的歷史鑽孔數據集與鑽探計劃信息摘要(包括結果)合併,我們相信這將描繪出一幅非常引人入勝的場地畫面,(b)我們期待能夠在Wedge項目區域內探索我們的其他高優先目標,包括West Wedge、Tribag和Target #6(Wedge Target North),這是最近收購的,可能與我們在成功時遇到的相同系統有關2022年加州東湖VMS鑽探計劃,並且(c)我們期待在分析完成後將2024年的鑽探數據與歷史信息合併,以便最好地規劃Wedge的第二階段計劃。儘管Nine Mile認爲此類前瞻性信息所依據的預期和假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性信息,因爲Nine Mile無法保證這些信息將被證明是正確的。

The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.


