
UiPath Announces FedRAMP Authorization for Its Automation Cloud Public Sector

UiPath Announces FedRAMP Authorization for Its Automation Cloud Public Sector

UiPath 宣佈其自動化雲公共部門獲得 FedRAMP 授權
Uipath ·  03/26 20:00

UiPath Announces FedRAMP Authorization for Its Automation Cloud Public Sector

UiPath 宣佈其自動化雲公共部門獲得 FedRAMP 授權

March 26, 2024 8:00am EDT Download as PDF

美國東部時間 2024 年 3 月 26 日上午 8:00 以 PDF 格式下載

UiPath helps U.S. federal government digitize and transform operations through secure AI and automation offerings

UiPath 通過安全的人工智能和自動化產品幫助美國聯邦政府實現運營數字化和轉型

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UiPath (NYSE: PATH), a leading enterprise automation and AI software company, today announced that UiPath Automation Cloud Public Sector achieved authorized status in the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), the entity charged with standardizing security and risk assessment for cloud services accessed by federal government agencies.

紐約--(美國商業資訊)--領先的UiPath(紐約證券交易所代碼:PATH) 企業自動化和 AI 軟件 公司,今天宣佈,UiPath Automation Cloud 公共部門已獲得授權身份 聯邦風險和授權管理計劃 (FedRAMP),該實體負責對聯邦政府機構訪問的雲服務的安全和風險評估進行標準化。

As an authorized provider of AI-powered automation within FedRAMP, UiPath offers public sector agencies a viable and secure method to achieve digital modernization imperatives. UiPath enables government employees to deliver improved citizen services, modernize IT and other functions for digital resilience, digitize data, automate processes, and deploy in the cloud. UiPath AI and automation solutions are already securely increasing accuracy, capacity, and resilience in U.S. federal agencies, U.S. state governments, and hundreds of international public sector organizations.

作爲內部人工智能自動化的授權提供商 FedRAMP,UiPath 爲公共部門機構提供了一種可行且安全的方法,以實現數字現代化的當務之急。UiPath 使政府僱員能夠提供更好的公民服務、實現 IT 和其他功能的現代化以實現數字彈性、數字化數據、自動化流程以及在雲端部署。UiPath 人工智能和自動化解決方案已經安全地提高了美國聯邦機構、美國州政府和數百個國際公共部門組織的準確性、容量和彈性。

"Our FedRAMP authorized status is a significant achievement which will allow more public sector organizations to enhance their operations through the power of AI and automation," said Mike Daniels, Senior Vice President of Public Sector at UiPath. "UiPath provides the ease and flexibility of a secure and compliant cloud-based automation platform, the combination of Generative AI and Specialized AI, and the agility and speed of end-to-end automation. With UiPath's leading business automation platform, public sector agencies can put intelligence to work to streamline processes, eliminate errors, and deliver better experiences to government employees and citizens."

UiPath公共部門高級副總裁邁克·丹尼爾斯表示:“我們的FedRAMP授權身份是一項重大成就,它將使更多的公共部門組織能夠通過人工智能和自動化的力量加強其運營。”“UiPath 提供了安全合規的基於雲的自動化平台的易用性和靈活性、生成式人工智能和專業人工智能的組合,以及端到端自動化的敏捷性和速度。藉助UiPath領先的業務自動化平台,公共部門機構可以利用情報來簡化流程,消除錯誤,爲政府僱員和公民提供更好的體驗。”

Available on the FedRAMP Marketplace, the UiPath Business Automation Platform can be used to securely and transparently process data, speed operations, and empower government workers. UiPath offers FedRAMP-certified core management, governance, analytics, idea capture and management, and support for self-hosted automations on-premises or in the cloud. UiPath also offers public sector agencies continuous testing capabilities for apps and automations.

可在 FedRAMP 市場,UiPath 業務自動化平台可用於安全透明地處理數據、加快運營速度並賦予政府工作人員權力。UiPath 提供經過 FedRAMP 認證的核心管理、治理、分析、想法採集和管理,並支持本地或雲端的自託管自動化。UiPath 還爲公共部門機構提供應用程序和自動化的持續測試功能。

UiPath Automation Cloud is a SaaS offering that makes it easy for customers to deploy, operate, and scale their digital workforce, and add an increasing number of services directly from the Automation Cloud with no local infrastructure. It offers the UiPath platform as a service and supports hybrid scenarios with client components for Robots and Studio.

UiPath Automation Cloud 是一款 SaaS 產品,可讓客戶輕鬆部署、運營和擴展其數字化勞動力,並直接從自動化雲添加越來越多的服務,無需本地基礎架構。它提供 UiPath 平台即服務,並通過機器人和 Studio 的客戶端組件支持混合場景。

The UiPath AI Trust Layer helps assure customers their data is diligently safeguarded as they use new UiPath GenAI experiences. The UiPath AI Trust Layer extends the same level of security and control that UiPath provides across all its offerings and AI-based services to GenAI models and tools to tackle diverse business challenges more easily with AI and automation.

這個 UiPath AI 信任層 有助於確保客戶在使用新的 UiPath GenAI 體驗時他們的數據得到嚴格保護。UiPath AI 信任層將 UiPath 在其所有產品和基於人工智能的服務中提供的相同級別的安全和控制擴展到 GenAI 模型和工具,從而通過人工智能和自動化更輕鬆地應對各種業務挑戰。

"UiPath is best positioned to improve public sector modernization because of our expertise in discovering automation opportunities, rapidly deploying automations that seamlessly connect people and systems, and operating mission-critical automation programs at high scale. We are a trusted, reliable partner delivering secure automation in the cloud for faster, secure, and cost-efficient workflows," Daniels said.

“UiPath最有能力改善公共部門的現代化,因爲我們在發現自動化機會、快速部署無縫連接人員和系統的自動化以及大規模運行關鍵任務自動化程序方面的專業知識。我們是一個值得信賴、可靠的合作伙伴,在雲端提供安全的自動化,以實現更快、更安全、更具成本效益的工作流程,” 丹尼爾斯說。

FedRAMP is a government-wide program that promotes the adoption of secure cloud services across the federal government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment for cloud technologies and federal agencies. The program seeks to reduce duplicative efforts, inconsistencies, and cost inefficiencies, and establish a public-private partnership to promote innovation and the advancement of more secure information technologies. FedRAMP is codified as the authoritative, standardized approach to security assessment and authorization for cloud computing products and services that process unclassified federal information.

FedRAMP 是一項政府範圍的計劃,通過爲雲技術和聯邦機構提供標準化的安全和風險評估方法,促進聯邦政府採用安全的雲服務。該計劃旨在減少重複工作、不一致和成本效率低下的情況,並建立公私合作伙伴關係,以促進創新和更安全的信息技術的進步。FedRAMP 被編纂爲處理未保密聯邦信息的雲計算產品和服務的權威、標準化安全評估和授權方法。

UiPath Automation Cloud Public Sector is available to public sector customers. For more information, please contact To learn more about UiPath solutions for the public sector, please visit here.

UiPath 自動化雲公共部門可供公共部門客戶使用。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫。要了解有關公共部門的 UiPath 解決方案的更多信息,請 訪問這裏

About UiPath
UiPath (NYSE: PATH) is on a mission to uplevel knowledge work so more people can work more creatively, collaboratively, and strategically. The AI-powered UiPath Business Automation Platform combines the leading robotic process automation (RPA) solution with a full suite of capabilities to understand, automate, and operate end-to-end processes, offering unprecedented time-to-value. For organizations that need to evolve to survive and thrive through increasingly changing times, UiPath is The Foundation of Innovation.

關於 UiPath
UiPath(紐約證券交易所代碼:PATH)的使命是提升知識工作水平,讓更多的人能夠更具創造性、協作性和戰略性地工作。人工智能驅動的 UiPath 業務自動化平台將領先的機器人流程自動化 (RPA) 解決方案與一整套用於理解、自動化和操作端到端流程的功能相結合,提供了前所未有的價值實現時間。對於需要不斷髮展才能在日益變化的時代中生存和發展的組織來說,UiPath 是創新的基礎。

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Pete Daly

Pete Daly

Investor Relations
Kelsey Turcotte

Kelsey Turcotte

Source: UiPath


Released March 26, 2024

2024 年 3 月 26 日發佈

