
Legal Hurdles Don't Deter Isiah Thomas' Hemp Empire, Announces New Collab In Colombia

Legal Hurdles Don't Deter Isiah Thomas' Hemp Empire, Announces New Collab In Colombia

Benzinga ·  03/26 03:08

One World Products (OWP) (OTCQB:OWPC) has entered into an exclusive agreement with Procepack Corp., which gives OWP the perpetual exclusive rights to buy advanced PreRoll-Er fully automated pre-roll filler systems within Colombia.

One World Products(OWP)(場外交易代碼:OWPC)已與Procepack Corp. 簽訂了獨家協議,該協議賦予OWP在哥倫比亞購買先進的Preroll-er全自動預輥灌裝系統的永久專有權。

Under the terms of the deal, Procepack agreed to support OWP's expansion in the growing global cannabis market by ensuring access to cutting-edge technology that streamlines the production process.


NBA Hall of Famer and sports legend-turned-cannabis entrepreneur, Thomas runs the largest Black-controlled, licensed hemp and cannabis producer in Colombia.


Thomas called hemp "life-changing" at a recent Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, which is returning to Florida this April 16-17. Thomas called hemp "an opportunity not only to impact and change lives today but also down the road."

托馬斯在最近的一次本辛加大麻資本會議上稱大麻 “改變了生活”,該會議將於今年4月16日至17日重返佛羅里達州。托馬斯稱大麻 “不僅是影響和改變當今生活的機會,也是未來生活的機會。”

Procepack, known for its portfolio of innovative machinery, brings expertise in labelers, cappers, liquid fillers and other complementary machines, all of which is made in the company's Quebec factory.

Procepack 以其創新機械產品組合而聞名,帶來了貼標機、封蓋機、液體灌裝機和其他輔助機器方面的專業知識,所有這些機器都是在該公司的魁北克工廠生產的。

Francis Bouchard, marketing director at PreRoll-Er, said the collaboration with OWP would allow them to open a "brand-new market for our machines."

Preroll-er的營銷總監弗朗西斯·布沙德表示,與OWP的合作將使他們能夠 “爲我們的機器開闢一個全新的市場”。

The PreRoll-Er 400 system can produce up to 2,200 pre-rolls per hour – that's over 4.5 million annually.

Preroll-er 400 系統每小時最多可生產 2,200 份預卷,相當於每年超過 450 萬份。

Isiah Thomas, OWP's CEO and chairman, is enthused about the deal that went into effect on Feb. 26, 2024.


"Partnering with PreRoll-Er represents a significant leap forward for OWP in our production technology," Thomas said. "The model 400 system will dramatically enhance our efficiency and output, helping us keep pace with the growing demand for our products."


Despite a measure to legalize marijuana in Colombia being put on hold in December during its fourth round of eight obligatory debates to pass the constitutional amendment, Thomas said the lack of cannabis regulatory changes does not affect the company's operations and business prospects.


To that, Bouchard said Colombia is a "very interesting market."

對此,布沙德說,哥倫比亞是一個 “非常有趣的市場”。

All things hemp and cannabis are on the docket at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Florida April 16-17, 2024. The two-day event at The Diplomat Beach Resort is a chance for entrepreneurs, both large and small, to network, learn and grow. Renowned for its trendsetting abilities and influence on the future of cannabis, mark your calendars – this conference is the go-to event of the year for the cannabis world.


Get your tickets now on – Prices will increase very soon!

立即購買門票 — 價格很快就會上漲!

