
Delmarva Power Boosts Efforts With Diverse Suppliers, Purchasing a Record $190 Million in 2023

Delmarva Power Boosts Efforts With Diverse Suppliers, Purchasing a Record $190 Million in 2023

Delmarva Power 加大了與多元化供應商的合作,在 2023 年購買了創紀錄的 1.9 億美元
Accesswire ·  03/26 00:15

Company's supplier diversity efforts highlight dedication to its local and diverse communities


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / March 25, 2024 / Delmarva Power purchased $190 million in goods and services from diversity-certified suppliers in 2023, accounting for 40 percent of the company's total purchases for the year. This expenditure, a $50 million increase from 2022, is the most spent with diverse suppliers in the company's more than 100-year history and reflects Delmarva Power's ongoing efforts to support local and diverse communities.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月25日/ Delmarva Power在2023年從多元化認證供應商那裏購買了1.9億美元的商品和服務,佔該公司當年總採購量的40%。這筆支出比2022年增加了5000萬美元,是該公司100多年曆史上在多元化供應商上的支出最多的一次,反映了德爾瑪瓦電力爲支持當地和多元化社區所做的持續努力。

"Supplier diversity is just one of the ways we support our customers and local communities with more than energy," said Rodney Oddoye, senior vice president of Government, Regulatory and External Affairs at Pepco Holdings, which includes Delmarva Power. "Our continued increase in investments with these valuable partners reinforces our commitment to the local communities that we proudly serve and supports local business growth, helping our communities thrive."

包括德爾瑪瓦電力在內的Pepco Holdings政府、監管和對外事務高級副總裁羅德尼·奧德多耶說:“供應商多元化只是我們爲客戶和當地社區提供不僅僅是能源支持的方式之一。”“我們對這些寶貴合作伙伴的投資持續增加,增強了我們對當地社區的承諾,我們很自豪地爲當地社區提供服務,並支持當地業務增長,幫助我們的社區蓬勃發展。”

In line with Delmarva Power's dedication to enhancing procurement efforts with local diversity-certified suppliers, the Empowerment Academy, formerly known as Target 25, offers prospective suppliers a chance to gain insights into Delmarva Power's procurement procedures and those of its parent company, Exelon. This initiative contributes to the growth and development of each vendor's relationship with the energy company. Since the establishment of the Empowerment Academy, Delmarva Power has graduated 10 diversity-certified suppliers and is eager to broaden this opportunity to additional local, diverse suppliers.

Delmarva Power致力於加強與當地多元化認證供應商的採購工作,這與之相一致,賦權學院(前身爲Target 25)爲潛在供應商提供了深入了解德爾瑪瓦電力及其母公司Exelon的採購程序的機會。該計劃有助於每個供應商與能源公司的關係的增長和發展。自賦權學院成立以來,Delmarva Power已有10家獲得多元化認證的供應商畢業,並渴望將這一機會擴大到更多本地多元化供應商。

In 2022, Exelon, Delmarva Power's parent company, launched the Community Impact Capital Fund (CICF) in partnership with RockCreek, one of the world's largest diverse-owned global investment firms, which has invested more than $8.4 billion in diverse firms over the last two decades. The CICF, formerly known as the Racial Equity Capital Fund, expands capital access to businesses that have traditionally been challenged in accessing and securing funding so they can create more jobs, grow their companies and reinvest in their neighborhoods and communities.

2022年,Delmarva Power的母公司Exelon與全球最大的多元化持股全球投資公司之一RockCreek合作啓動了社區影響力資本基金(CICF),該公司在過去二十年中向多元化公司投資了超過84億美元。CICF,前身爲種族股權資本基金,它擴大了傳統上在獲得和獲得資金方面面臨挑戰的企業的資本渠道,使他們能夠創造更多就業機會,發展公司並在社區和社區進行再投資。

Companies interested in working with Delmarva Power and other Exelon companies can register and provide pertinent information, including their diversity status, at

有興趣與Delmarva Power和其他Exelon公司合作的公司可以在上註冊並提供相關信息,包括其多元化狀況。

To learn more about Delmarva Power, visit The Source, Delmarva Power's online newsroom. Find additional information by visiting, on Facebook at and on X, formerly known as Twitter, at Delmarva Power's mobile app is available at

要了解有關 Delmarva Power 的更多信息,請訪問 來源, Delmarva Power 的在線新聞編輯室。要了解更多信息,請訪問、Facebook 上的 和 X(前身爲 Twitter)上的。Delmarva Power 的移動應用程序可在 上使用。

Delmarva Power is a unit of Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), a Fortune 250 company and the nation's largest utility company, serving more than 10 million customers. Delmarva Power provides safe and reliable energy service to approximately 561,500 electric customers in Delaware and Maryland and approximately 140,000 natural gas customers in northern Delaware.

Delmarva Power是Exelon(納斯達克股票代碼:EXC)旗下的子公司,該公司是一家財富250強公司,也是美國最大的公用事業公司,爲超過1000萬客戶提供服務。Delmarva Power爲特拉華州和馬里蘭州的大約561,500名電力客戶以及特拉華州北部的約14萬名天然氣客戶提供安全可靠的能源服務。

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在 上查看 Delmarva Power 提供的更多多媒體和更多ESG故事。

Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Delmarva Power

發言人:Delmarva Power

SOURCE: Delmarva Power

來源:Delmarva Power

