
Life on the Road as a Subaru and Leave No Trace Traveling Team

Life on the Road as a Subaru and Leave No Trace Traveling Team

Accesswire ·  03/25 23:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / March 25, 2024 / Subaru of America, Inc.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 3 月 25 日/美國斯巴魯公司

By Genevieve Bookwalter


Subaru partners with Leave No Trace to send teams across the U.S. in a Subaru, providing hands-on training for how to reduce one's impact when recreating outdoors.

斯巴魯與Leave No Trace合作,派遣團隊乘坐斯巴魯在美國各地,爲如何在戶外活動中減少衝擊提供實踐培訓。

Most nights of the year, Becca and Luke McGraw sleep in a tent perched on top of their Subaru Outback Wilderness, typically parked at a campsite in a beautiful natural setting. But sometimes, depending on where work takes them, they might sleep on top of their vehicle parked in the lot of a Cabela's outdoor supply store or take advantage of an Airbnb to do some laundry.

一年中的大多數夜晚,貝卡和盧克·麥格勞都睡在斯巴魯Outback Wilderness頂部的帳篷裏,帳篷通常停在自然環境優美的露營地。但是有時候,視工作地點而定,他們可能會睡在停在 Cabela 停車場的車輛頂部 戶外用品商店或利用愛彼迎來洗衣服。

The married couple make up one of three Leave No Trace Traveling Teams, which road trip across the United States teaching outdoor enthusiasts the best ways to enjoy trails and trees while also preserving the resources for others to enjoy. Their reach stretches coast to coast and anywhere from urban parks to the nation's vast wilderness areas.

這對已婚夫婦組成了三個 Leave No Trace 旅行隊之一,他們穿越美國,向戶外運動愛好者傳授享受小徑和樹木的最佳方式,同時保護資源供其他人享用。它們的覆蓋範圍從一個海岸延伸到另一個海岸,從城市公園到全國廣闊的荒野地區。

Former teachers, the McGraws love being outside and applied for the job on a whim during the pandemic. Now, they reach the growing and diverse numbers of hikers, campers, dog walkers and others who cultivated a love for the outdoors during the pandemic and continue to enjoy it.


They also delight in showing others how a person with a disability can both lead and enjoy the outdoors. Luke McGraw says he has about 30% vision, and Becca does all the driving.


Public lands are "getting much more engagement from people who have not traditionally spent time outdoors - especially people of color, people with disabilities, all sorts of people who have not traditionally spent time outside. We're seeing a lot more engagement and a lot more participation," Luke says.

公共土地 “吸引了傳統上不在戶外度過時光的人們的參與,尤其是有色人種、殘疾人以及各種傳統上不在戶外度過時光的人。我們看到了更多的參與度和更多的參與度,” 盧克說。

How It All Got Started


Based in Boulder, Colorado, Leave No Trace began unofficially in 1987 with a pamphlet to instruct those traveling in federally owned wilderness and backcountry about how to do so with minimum impacts on the land. The program grew in the early 1990s when the National Outdoor Leadership School was asked to develop training for nonmotorized recreation. In 1993, Leave No Trace formed as an independent organization, incorporating in 1994.

Leave No Trace總部設在科羅拉多州博爾德,於1987年以非正式方式開始發行,當時出版了一本小冊子,旨在指導那些在聯邦擁有的荒野和偏遠地區旅行的人如何在對陸地的影響最小的情況下這樣做。該計劃發展於20世紀90年代初,當時國家戶外領導力學校被要求爲非機動娛樂活動開展培訓。1993 年,Leave No Trace 作爲一個獨立組織成立,於 1994 年成立。

Five years later, Subaru became a Leave No Trace partner, working together with the organization to create the Traveling Trainer Program. Since then, Leave No Trace trainers have reached more than 220 million people in 49 states nationwide.

五年後,斯巴魯成爲Leave No Trace的合作伙伴,與該組織合作創建了旅行培訓計劃。從那時起,Leave No Trace的培訓人員已經爲全國49個州的2.2億多人提供了培訓。

Leave No Trace Principles


  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
  1. 提前計劃並做好準備
  2. 在耐用表面上旅行和露營
  3. 妥善處置廢物
  4. 留下你發現的東西
  5. 儘量減少篝火的影響
  6. 尊重野生動物
  7. 體諒其他訪客

Leave No Trace:


Leave No Trace Training


In addition to the education offered by Traveling Teams, Leave No Trace offers free online education. The introductory LNT 101 Course provides 47 lessons, and their Backcountry Course consists of 39 lessons, including a 101 Course Recap. There are also in-person courses for instructor training and a Youth Program Accreditation.

除了旅行隊提供的教育外,Leave No Trace還提供免費的在線教育。LNT 101 入門課程提供 47 節課,他們的野外課程包括 39 節課,包括 101 節課程回顧。還有講師培訓和青年項目認證的面對面課程。

As for the McGraws, "They've completed the newest, latest and greatest Leave No Trace training," says Faith Overall, community engagement manager for Leave No Trace. The couple is currently driving across the U.S. leading events from a Girl Scout program to a "communication workshop with land managers to teach them how to talk to visitors."

至於 McGraws,“他們已經完成了最新、最新、最棒的 Leave No Trace 培訓,” Leave No Trace 社區參與經理 Faith Overal 說。這對夫婦目前正駕車穿越美國,從女童子軍項目到 “與土地管理人員一起舉辦的溝通研討會,教他們如何與遊客交談” 等活動。

What Do Traveling Teams Do?


Traveling Trainer Teams road trip across the country in their Subaru vehicles providing hands-on educational training, workshops and outreach programs for children and adults.

Traveling Trainer Teams 乘坐斯巴魯汽車在全國各地進行公路旅行,爲兒童和成人提供動手教育培訓、研討會和宣傳計劃。

The teams visit big festivals, Subaru WinterFest events and camp more than 250 nights of the year, Overall says. A local Colorado artist designed the wrap that encompasses and decorates the vehicles that each team occupies for about nine months.


Their outreach is important, Overall says, as community leaders and land managers ask Leave No Trace to help them reach the influx of new visitors who got active outside for the first time during or after the pandemic.

Overall表示,他們的外聯活動很重要,因爲社區領袖和土地管理者要求Leave No Trace幫助他們吸引在疫情期間或之後首次在戶外活動的新訪客。

"The majority of folks don't want to create impacts outdoors - they just don't understand how their behaviors are causing impacts," Overall says. "Even some folks who are seasoned. I run into people who have been outdoors their whole life, and I have to tell them to pick up their dog poop."


Some visitors might be taking up a new activity, such as hikers who start rock climbing, and need to learn best practices for that hobby, e.g., how to scale a rock with minimal impact to the stone. Or maybe they know Leave No Trace practices for a rainy deciduous forest and then visit the Utah desert and need to learn the least invasive spots to urinate and pitch a tent, Overall says.


Leave No Trace works with the biggest federal land management agencies in the United States, including the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service.

Leave No Trace 與美國最大的聯邦土地管理機構合作,包括美國林業局、土地管理局 (BLM)、美國魚類和野生動物管理局以及國家公園管理局。

In 2007, leaders partnered with the National Association of State Park Directors. Now, efforts stretch far beyond the backcountry to reach those walking on a neighborhood rail trail, to mountain biking in a county park, to running trails on BLM land.


The two-person Traveling Teams host multiday Spotlight events, focusing on community conservation and education in popular outdoor destinations, and lead multiday programs at designated Hot Spots, popular outdoor areas that have been overused but still can be restored.


A Former Advocate Reports Back


Gillian Rossi, parks and recreation director for the city of Manitou Springs, Colorado, says she served as a LNT Colorado state advocate for more than two years. The lessons she learned have helped her in her current job and her previous position with the city of Colorado Springs.


"It's really important to not come off like you're shaming people or yelling at them, nothing negative," Rossi says. "That's the reason I like to go with the LNT model. It's all about positivity and giving people the benefit of the doubt. No one is outside to maliciously harm our parks and outdoor spaces. They just don't have the experience and knowledge of how to take care of them sometimes."


In both communities she reached out to the local parks friends' groups for help putting the practices in place. In turn, those groups began doing trail work and cleaning up dog feces and trash. She said she's still learning new things from Leave No Trace.

在這兩個社區,她聯繫了當地的公園之友團體,尋求幫助以實施這些做法。反過來,這些團體開始進行越野工作,清理狗糞和垃圾。她說她仍在從 Leave No Trace 中學習新東西。

"It's what you don't see that kind of speaks the loudest," Rossi says. "You notice when things are out of place or if there's a complaint or if a park has been destroyed by a large group. When the park looks great, sometimes it just blends into the background."




Genevieve Bookwalter is a freelance writer based in Chicago. A former reporter for the Chicago Tribune, her work also has appeared in The Washington Post, Wired and National Geographic News, among other publications. Bookwalter is a graduate of the UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Master's Program, and she earned her BS in biology and BA in creative writing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. When she's not writing, you can often find her hiking with her family or swimming in Lake Michigan.

吉納維芙·布克沃爾特是一位居住在芝加哥的自由撰稿人。曾是該報的記者 《芝加哥論壇報》,她的作品也出現在 《華盛頓郵報》,《連線》 國家地理新聞, 除其他出版物外。Bookwalter畢業於加州大學聖克魯斯分校科學傳播碩士課程,並在伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校獲得生物學學士學位和創意寫作學士學位。當她不寫作時,你經常會發現她和家人一起徒步旅行或在密歇根湖游泳。

Photo: Leave No Trace
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SOURCE: Subaru of America, Inc.


