
Colgate Wants Everyone to Know Your Smile Is Your Superpower With New Campaign

Colgate Wants Everyone to Know Your Smile Is Your Superpower With New Campaign

PR Newswire ·  03/25 22:21

Actress and mom Uzo Aduba partners with Colgate to encourage everyone to smile with confidence


NEW YORK, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Colgate believes in celebrating differences—in people and their smiles. But today's media landscape tends to tell a different story, as most online and TV personalities boast nearly identical sets of straight, gleaming teeth with no gaps. It's no wonder why 65% of Gen Z respondents reported that pressure to have a perfect smile negatively impacts their confidence, and 85% would like to change their smiles.*

紐約,2024年3月25日 /PRNewswire/ — 高露潔相信慶祝差異——人與人之間的微笑。但是當今的媒體格局往往講述一個不同的故事,因爲大多數網絡和電視名人擁有幾乎相同的筆直、閃閃發光的牙齒,沒有間隙。難怪爲什麼有65%的Z世代受訪者表示,擁有完美笑容的壓力會對他們的信心產生負面影響,而85%的受訪者希望改變自己的笑容。*

The Beauty of Gaps, a Colgate Story

Colgate wants to remind people everywhere, especially Gen Z, that the most beautiful smile is the one they own. That's why today, Colgate is launching the My Smile is My Superpower campaign by unveiling an original music video: "The Beauty of Gaps." It celebrates a range of smiles and includes a whistled take on the empowering anthem, "Roar." Through this campaign, Colgate aims to show everyone, once and for all, that all smiles are beautiful smiles, no matter their size, shape or shade.

高露潔想提醒世界各地的人們,尤其是Z世代,最美麗的笑容是他們擁有的笑容。這就是爲什麼高露潔今天推出了一段原創音樂視頻:“The Beauty of Gaps”,發起 “我的微笑就是我的超級力量” 活動。它慶祝了一系列的笑容,其中包括對賦權國歌 “Roar” 的吹口哨演奏。通過這項活動,高露潔旨在一勞永逸地向所有人表明,所有笑容都是美麗的笑容,無論它們的大小、形狀或陰影。

Award-winning actress Uzo Aduba, who proudly sports a gap in her stunning smile, is joining the campaign with a passion for empowering confidence in others. Together, Uzo and Colgate are setting out to remind people that uniformity does not equal beauty—individuality does.

屢獲殊榮的女演員烏佐·阿杜巴(Uzo Aduba)自豪地在她燦爛的笑容中露出了差距,她熱衷於增強對他人的信心。Uzo和高露潔共同着手提醒人們,統一不等於美,個性確實如此。

"When I was younger, I fixated on the gap in my teeth—so much so that it kept me from smiling and being authentically myself," said Aduba. "It wasn't until I discovered that my smile is representative of my family's Anyaoku heritage that I started to see it as a source of confidence and pride. I'm excited to be partnering with Colgate to share my smile story in the hopes of inspiring others to own their smiles just the way they are."


To help the next generation tackle life head-on with a confident smile, Colgate is committed to reaching 250,000 kids in the US with smile confidence resources by the end of 2024 through its Bright Smiles, Bright Futures (BSBF) program. Established in 1991, the BSBF program has reached approximately 1.7 billion children in more than 100 countries across the world. The program strategically partners to reach underserved children and their families where they are born, live, work, learn and play. BSBF promotes health equity, optimal health and well-being, and leads global social impact efforts that empower children and families to achieve healthy and bright futures.

爲了幫助下一代帶着自信的微笑直面生活,高露潔承諾到2024年底通過其微笑信心資源爲美國25萬名兒童提供微笑信心資源 燦爛的笑容,光明的未來 (BSBF) 節目。BSBF計劃成立於1991年,已惠及全球100多個國家的約17億兒童。該計劃戰略性地合作,爲得不到充分服務的兒童及其家庭提供服務,幫助他們在那裏出生、生活、工作、學習和娛樂。BSBF 促進健康公平、最佳健康和福祉,並領導全球社會影響力工作,幫助兒童和家庭實現健康光明的未來。

"Our research has shown that when your smile doesn't match the idealized version portrayed in the world, it's easy to doubt its beauty," said Diana Haussling, SVP & GM of Consumer Experience & Growth at Colgate. "We at Colgate know that there is power in every smile, and I am proud that with this initiative we are providing resources to help kids smile with confidence wherever they go."


Join Colgate in its efforts to build smile confidence by sharing this Activity Sheet and Brushing Tips Sheet with your community and watching "The Beauty of Gaps" music video here. Additionally, stay connected with us on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

與您的社區分享這份活動表和刷牙技巧表,並在此處觀看 “The Beauty of Gaps” 音樂視頻,加入高露潔,努力建立微笑信心。此外,請隨時與我們保持聯繫 優酷Instagram抖音Facebook

*Smile survey by Censuswide (1000 Gen Z consumers aged 11-26), January 2024. Results represent those surveyed who shared an opinion.

*Censuswide(1000 名 11-26 歲的 Z 世代消費者)的微笑調查,2024 年 1 月。結果代表持有相同觀點的受訪者。

About Colgate-Palmolive
Colgate-Palmolive Company is a caring, innovative growth company that is reimagining a healthier future for all people, their pets and our planet. Focused on Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition, we sell our products in more than 200 countries and territories under brands such as Colgate, Palmolive, elmex, hello, meridol, Sorriso, Tom's of Maine, EltaMD, Filorga, Irish Spring, PCA SKIN, Protex, Sanex, Softsoap, Speed Stick, Ajax, Axion, Fabuloso, Soupline and Suavitel, as well as Hill's Science Diet and Hill's Prescription Diet. We are recognized for our leadership and innovation in promoting sustainability and community wellbeing, including our achievements in decreasing plastic waste and promoting recyclability, saving water, conserving natural resources and improving children's oral health through the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program, which has reached approximately 1.7 billion children and their families since 1991. For more information about Colgate's global business and how we are building a future to smile about, visit .

關於 Colgate-Palmolive
Colgate-Palmolive Company是一家充滿愛心、創新的成長型公司,正在爲所有人、他們的寵物和我們的星球重新構想更健康的未來。我們專注於口腔護理、個人護理、家庭護理和寵物營養,以 Hellogate、Palmolive、elmex、hello、meridol、Sorriso、緬因州的湯姆斯、eltaMD、Filorga、愛爾蘭之春、PCA SKIN、Protex、Sanex、Softsoap、Speed Stick、Ajax、Axion、Fabuloso、Soupline 等品牌在 200 多個國家和地區銷售產品 Suavitel,以及希爾的 Science Diet 和 Hill's 處方飲食。我們因其在促進可持續發展和社區福祉方面的領導力和創新而獲得認可,包括我們在減少塑料垃圾、提高可回收性、節約用水、保護自然資源和改善兒童口腔健康方面取得的成就,該計劃自1991年以來已惠及約17億兒童及其家庭。有關高露潔全球業務以及我們如何建設一個值得微笑的未來的更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Colgate

來源 Colgate

