
Shovels Ready: Foremost Lithium Begins Drilling In Manitoba

Shovels Ready: Foremost Lithium Begins Drilling In Manitoba

鏟子準備好了:Forest Lithium 開始在曼尼托巴省鑽探
Benzinga ·  2024/03/25 04:10
Foremost Lithium Resource & Technology Ltd (NASDAQ:FMST) has begun drilling at its Snow Lake, Manitoba development in Canada.
Forest Lithium Resource & Technology Ltd(納斯達克股票代碼:FMST)已開始在加拿大曼尼托巴省雪湖的開發項目進行鑽探。
Jason Barnard, president and CEO of Foremost Lithium, told Benzinga at the recent Prospectors And Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference in Toronto, that the company was awaiting approval on a C$10 million grant from the Canadian government's Critical Mineral Infrastructure Fund (CMIF).
Foreast Lithium總裁兼首席執行官傑森·巴納德在最近在多倫多舉行的加拿大勘探者和開發商協會(PDAC)會議上告訴本辛加,該公司正在等待加拿大政府關鍵礦產基礎設施基金(CMIF)的1000萬加元撥款的批准。
"The [CMIF] fund is to help onshore lithium production for the North American electric vehicle and battery supply chain," said Barnard.
巴納德說:“[CMIF] 基金旨在幫助北美電動汽車和電池供應鏈的陸上鋰生產。”
He added: "There's a strong government initiative to help create that here in North America...

