
Revenue Downgrade: Here's What Analysts Forecast For Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMO)

Revenue Downgrade: Here's What Analysts Forecast For Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMO)

收入下調:以下是分析師對Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SGMO)的預測
Simply Wall St ·  03/23 03:06

Today is shaping up negative for Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMO) shareholders, with the analysts delivering a substantial negative revision to this year's forecasts. There was a fairly draconian cut to their revenue estimates, perhaps an implicit admission that previous forecasts were much too optimistic. Bidders are definitely seeing a different story, with the stock price of US$0.97 reflecting a 24% rise in the past week. With such a sharp increase, it seems brokers may have seen something that is not yet being priced in by the wider market.

Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SGMO)的股東今天的表現爲負數,分析師對今年的預測進行了大幅的負面修正。他們對收入的估計進行了相當嚴厲的削減,這可能意味着他們承認先前的預測過於樂觀。競標者看到的肯定是另一回事,0.97美元的股價反映了過去一週的24%的漲幅。隨着如此大幅的增長,看來經紀商可能已經看到了尚未被整個市場定價的東西。

Following the latest downgrade, the current consensus, from the eight analysts covering Sangamo Therapeutics, is for revenues of US$37m in 2024, which would reflect a sizeable 79% reduction in Sangamo Therapeutics' sales over the past 12 months. The loss per share is anticipated to greatly reduce in the near future, narrowing 65% to US$0.50. However, before this estimates update, the consensus had been expecting revenues of US$43m and US$0.48 per share in losses. Ergo, there's been a clear change in sentiment, with the analysts administering a notable cut to this year's revenue estimates, while at the same time increasing their loss per share forecasts.

繼最近的評級下調之後,涵蓋Sangamo Therapeutics的八位分析師目前的共識是,2024年的收入爲3700萬美元,這將反映出Sangamo Therapeutics在過去12個月中銷售額大幅下降79%。預計每股虧損將在不久的將來大幅減少,縮小65%,至0.50美元。但是,在本次估算更新之前,共識一直預計收入爲4300萬美元,每股虧損0.48美元。因此,市場情緒發生了明顯的變化,分析師大幅下調了今年的收入預期,同時提高了每股虧損的預期。

NasdaqGS:SGMO Earnings and Revenue Growth March 22nd 2024
納斯達克股票代碼:SGMO 收益和收入增長 2024 年 3 月 22 日

Analysts lifted their price target 11% to US$3.50, implicitly signalling that lower earnings per share are not expected to have a longer-term impact on the stock's value.


Looking at the bigger picture now, one of the ways we can make sense of these forecasts is to see how they measure up against both past performance and industry growth estimates. We would highlight that sales are expected to reverse, with a forecast 79% annualised revenue decline to the end of 2024. That is a notable change from historical growth of 17% over the last five years. By contrast, our data suggests that other companies (with analyst coverage) in the same industry are forecast to see their revenue grow 18% annually for the foreseeable future. So although its revenues are forecast to shrink, this cloud does not come with a silver lining - Sangamo Therapeutics is expected to lag the wider industry.

從現在的大局來看,我們可以理解這些預測的方法之一是看看它們如何與過去的業績和行業增長預期相比較。我們要強調的是,預計銷售將逆轉,預計到2024年底,年化收入將下降79%。與過去五年17%的歷史增長相比,這是一個顯著的變化。相比之下,我們的數據表明,在可預見的將來,預計同一行業的其他公司(有分析師報道)的收入每年將增長18%。因此,儘管預計其收入將萎縮,但這種雲並沒有帶來一線希望——預計Sangamo Therapeutics將落後於整個行業。

The Bottom Line


The most important thing to note from this downgrade is that the consensus increased its forecast losses this year, suggesting all may not be well at Sangamo Therapeutics. Regrettably, they also downgraded their revenue estimates, and the latest forecasts imply the business will grow sales slower than the wider market. There was also an increase in the price target, suggesting that there is more optimism baked into the forecasts than there was previously. Given the stark change in sentiment, we'd understand if investors became more cautious on Sangamo Therapeutics after today.

從此次降級中需要注意的最重要一點是,該共識增加了今年的預期虧損,這表明Sangamo Therapeutics可能並非一切都很好。遺憾的是,他們還下調了收入預期,最新的預測表明該業務的銷售增長將慢於整個市場。目標股價也有所提高,這表明預測中的樂觀情緒比以前更加樂觀。鑑於市場情緒的明顯變化,我們可以理解投資者在今天之後是否對Sangamo Therapeutics變得更加謹慎。

As you can see, the analysts clearly aren't bullish, and there might be good reason for that. We've identified some potential issues with Sangamo Therapeutics' financials, such as dilutive stock issuance over the past year. For more information, you can click here to discover this and the 2 other warning signs we've identified.

如你所見,分析師顯然並不看漲,這可能是有充分理由的。我們已經發現Sangamo Therapeutics的財務狀況存在一些潛在問題,例如過去一年的稀釋股票發行。欲了解更多信息,您可以單擊此處查看此警告信號以及我們已確定的其他兩個警告信號。

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