
Planet Fitness Under Fire For Overlooking Women's Safety In Ad Campaign Mocking Locker Room Concerns

Planet Fitness Under Fire For Overlooking Women's Safety In Ad Campaign Mocking Locker Room Concerns

Planet Fitness因在嘲笑更衣室擔憂的廣告活動中忽視女性安全而受到抨擊
Benzinga ·  03/22 11:38

The Planet Fitness (NYSE:PLNT) commercial has sparked outrage, with critics accusing the gym of neglecting women's safety.

Planet Fitness(紐約證券交易所代碼:PLNT)的廣告引發了憤怒,批評者指責該健身房忽視了女性的安全。

What Happened: An X (formerly Twitter) account, Libs of TikTok, recently shared a Planet Fitness commercial on the social media platform, raising concerns about women's safety at the gym. The commercial appears to be making light of the issue and has drawn strong criticism.

發生了什麼:一個 X(前身爲 Twitter) TikTok的Libs賬號最近在社交媒體平台上分享了Planet Fitness的廣告,引發了人們對女性在健身房安全的擔憂。這則廣告似乎在揭露這個問題,並引起了強烈的批評。

Holy shlit! This is an actual Planet Fitness commercial. They really don't know which locker room men and women are supposed to use. They make a mockery of women. It's a joke to them.
Their own policies even proudly state that men can use...

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 21, 2024


— 抖音庫 (@libsoftiktok) 2024 年 3 月 21 日

The post read, "Holy shlit! This is an actual Planet Fitness commercial. They really don't know which locker room men and women are supposed to use. They make a mockery of women. It's a joke to them. WOMEN ARE NOT SAFE AT PLANET FITNESS!! Their own policies even proudly state that men can use the women's locker rooms. Unbelievable."

帖子寫道:“天哪!這是一則真正的 Planet Fitness 廣告。他們真的不知道男人和女人應該使用哪個更衣室。他們是在嘲弄女人。對他們來說這是個玩笑。女性在 PLANET FITNESS 上並不安全!他們自己的政策甚至自豪地指出,男性可以使用女性的更衣室。難以置信。”

This incident follows a series of controversies surrounding Planet Fitness' inclusive policies, which led to a decline in company stock.

該事件是在圍繞Planet Fitness的包容性政策引發了一系列爭議之後發生的,這些爭議導致公司股票下跌。

Why It Matters: The gym's policy, which allows members to use the locker room corresponding to their gender identity, has been a topic of heated debate. This policy has been criticized for potentially compromising women's safety, as seen in a recent incident at a Planet Fitness location in Alaska, where a man was found in the women's locker room with underage girls present. After the incident was reported, the woman's membership was canceled. The gym's stock has also taken a hit amid these growing concerns.

爲何重要:體育館的政策一直是激烈爭論的話題,該政策允許會員使用與其性別認同相對應的更衣室。這項政策因可能危及女性安全而受到批評,最近在阿拉斯加Planet Fitness的一家分店發生的一起事件就是明證,當時一名男子被發現在女子更衣室裏,有未成年女孩在場。事件報道後,該名女子的會員資格被取消。在這些擔憂日益增加的情況下,體育館的股票也受到衝擊。

Price Action: According to data from Benzinga Pro, Planet Fitness experienced a 3.43% increase to $58.86, yet its stock has declined by 1.90% over the past five days and is down by 19.33% over the last year.

價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,Planet Fitness上漲了3.43%,至58.86美元,但其股票在過去五天中下跌了1.90%,比去年下降了19.33%。

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