
与吉利旗下朗歌科技达成战略合作 万马科技智能驾驶算力在手订单规模已超8000P

A strategic cooperation was reached with Geely's Langge Technology. Wanma Technology's intelligent driving computing power order scale has already exceeded 8000 P ·  Mar 22 00:00

① Up to now, the total intelligent driving computing power planned by Youka Technology, FAW and Geely has exceeded 8000 P. ② Looking at the industry market space, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that the size of China's connected car market will grow from 212.6 billion yuan in 2021 to 800 billion yuan in 2026, nearly tripling in five years, and the space for the Internet of Vehicles is huge.

Financial Services Association, March 21 (Reporter Wang Bin) Following Dongfeng Motor, Shanghai Youka Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Youka”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wanma Technology (300698.SZ), has added another car boss to the strategic cooperation camp.

This evening, Wanma Technology announced that Shanghai Youka signed a “Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement” with Hangzhou Langge Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Langge Technology”). According to the agreement, the two sides will establish a strategic partnership in the closed-loop field of autonomous driving data and advance cooperation projects that meet the common interests of both parties in stages.

According to the announcement, the two sides are cooperating in the field of autonomous driving data and intelligent computing centers. Among them, Uka Technology will provide a corresponding large computing power platform as technical support for the cooperation, and will provide no less than 6000P of total computing power for the next three years. The first stage of this will have a support capacity of at least 2000P.

The signing of this cooperation framework means that Wanma Technology and Geely have reached a deep bond on the intelligent driving circuit. Wanma Technology said that the details of the transaction agreed in this framework contract meet the business development needs of Shanghai Youka, and the two sides will give full play to the advantages of their respective fields and form complementary advantages.

According to Tianyancha data, Langge Technology is a subsidiary of Geely. Among them, Li Shufu directly holds 16.8% of the shares, and Zhejiang Geely and Geely Group both hold 41.6% of the shares. After the equity penetration, Li Shufu held 92.4% of Langke Technology's shares.

Lanco Technology was founded in September 2021. According to the official website, the company's vision and mission is to become an intelligent driving and smart travel service provider, relying on Geely's tens of millions of mass-produced cars and millions of operating vehicles on Geely's various travel platforms to create an intelligent map data platform with a full link of diverse data collection, data processing, data commercialization, and data services through deep learning, image recognition, 3D vision, intelligent robot map construction technology, and big data clouds based on this.

It is worth mentioning that Youka Technology is a newcomer to the domestic connected car circuit. It mainly provides car companies with front-loading network connection management and operation services, and released cloud platform and tool chain products developed by moped companies for autonomous driving in November of last year.

Furthermore, according to the official website of Uka Technology on February 7, Youka Technology and Changchun FAW Fusheng Group Co., Ltd. will cooperate in the field of autonomous driving, including data cloud platform construction, data compliance, autonomous driving simulation, and large-scale intelligent computing center deployment (according to typical car company construction, the bicycle company market is expected to exceed 2000P, and this demand is increasing year by year with the development needs of high-level autonomous driving).

According to this calculation, up to now, the total amount of intelligent driving computing power planned by Youka Technology in cooperation with FAW and Geely has exceeded 8,000 P.

Four years ago, Wanma Technology officially transformed into the Internet of Vehicles through the establishment of Uka Technology. According to Wanma Technology's announcement, Uka Technology has signed a cooperation framework agreement with the targets of Gaoxing IoT Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huanfu Technology Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Passenger Vehicle Company, and the Ya'an Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee.

Looking at the market space of the industry, according to the forecast of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, the sales scale of connected vehicles in China will reach 28 million units and 38 million vehicles in 2025 and 2030, respectively. Furthermore, according to the “Internet of Vehicles Industry Development Insights” published by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the size of China's connected car market will grow from 212.6 billion yuan in 2021 to 800 billion yuan in 2026, nearly tripling in five years, and there is huge space for the Internet of Vehicles.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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