
AMD 'The Nice Ugly Stepsister Of Hot Bae Nvidia': Redditor Sees Stock Reaching $450 By Year End

AMD 'The Nice Ugly Stepsister Of Hot Bae Nvidia': Redditor Sees Stock Reaching $450 By Year End

AMD “Hot Bae Nvidia的漂亮醜繼妹”:Redditor預計到年底股票將達到450美元
Benzinga ·  03/21 04:12

In a post echoing their triumphant Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) prediction, Reddit user 1ncehost turns to Advanced Micro Devices Inc (NASDAQ:AMD), calling it "the nice ugly step sister of hot bae Nvidia."

在一篇回應英偉達公司(納斯達克股票代碼:NVDA)勝利預測的帖子中,Reddit用戶1ncehost求助於先進微設備公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AMD),稱其爲 “辣妹英偉達漂亮的醜陋繼妹”。

Expect the stock to soar to $450, 1ncehost wrote.


DD: I DD'd the nvidia run up last year ($250->$700) and was right. Now I have a new prediction
byu/1ncehost inwallstreetbets
DD:我去年 nvidia 上漲了(250 美元->700 美元),說得對。現在我有了一個新的預測
byu/1ncehost inwallstreetbets

Backed by their track record and due diligence, 1ncehost challenges skepticism surrounding AMD's valuation and Nvidia's dominance.


Also Read: What's Going On With AMD Stock?

另請閱讀:AMD 股票怎麼了?

AI To Fuel 50% Surge In AMD Revenue

人工智能將推動 AMD 收入激增 50%

The Redditor's thesis hinges on AMD's potential for exponential revenue growth, narrowing the income gap with Nvidia. They anticipate a remarkable 50% surge in revenue, fueled by the burgeoning demand for AI accelerators.


1ncehost highlights the imminent release of MI300X reviews as a potential game-changer. "AMD is capable of being as fast or faster than Nvidia," they asserted.

1ncehost 強調即將發佈的 MI300X 評論可能改變遊戲規則。他們斷言:“AMD能夠與Nvidia一樣快或更快。”

Capitalizing On Surging Demand For AI Accelerators

利用對 AI 加速器的激增需求

Furthermore, they view Nvidia's supply constraints as an opening for AMD to seize market share. With Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META) poised as a major customer, AMD stands to capitalize on the surging demand for AI accelerators.

此外,他們將Nvidia的供應限制視爲AMD奪取市場份額的機會。隨着Meta Platforms Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:META)有望成爲主要客戶,AMD將利用對人工智能加速器激增的需求。

The Redditor underscores AMD's scalability and competitiveness as catalysts for significant market penetration.


15-20% Market Share To Lead AMD Stock To $450


Central to 1ncehost's forecast is AMD's potential to capture a substantial portion of the AI accelerator market. They posit that securing 15-20% market share could propel AMD's stock to $450 by year-end. Anticipation mounts for the post-MI300X reviews, with Q2 anticipated as a pivotal period for AMD's earnings growth.


The Redditor is invested in two call option contracts: one with a strike price of $190 and an expiration date of June 21 and the other with a strike price of $200 and an expiration date of Oct. 18.


It remains to be seen whether AMD will deliver on the bullish ascent that the user anticipates.

AMD 是否會實現用戶預期的看漲勢頭還有待觀察。

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