
AppYea Launches E-Commerce Store on Amazon Broadening Distribution

AppYea Launches E-Commerce Store on Amazon Broadening Distribution

AppYea 在亞馬遜上推出電子商務商店擴大分銷範圍
Accesswire ·  03/20 23:45
  • AppySleep smart wristband now available on Amazon
  • Successful fulfillment of all pre-orders
  • Entering the 17.9 Billion Sleep Tech Device Market
  • AppySleep 智能腕帶現已在亞馬遜上市
  • 成功配送所有預購訂單
  • 進入179億美元的睡眠科技設備市場

GAN YAVNE, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / March 20, 2024 / AppYea, Inc. (OTCQB:APYP), developer of an innovative and accurate wearable monitoring solution to treat sleep apnea and snoring, today announced the launch of its new e-commerce store on Amazon.

GAN YAVNE,以色列 /ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 3 月 20 日/AppYea, Inc. (OTCQB: APYP)是治療睡眠呼吸暫停和打鼾的創新而精確的可穿戴監測解決方案的開發者,今天宣佈推出其 亞馬遜上的新電子商務商店。

AppYea recently commenced its commercial phase, with the first deliveries of AppySleep to customers in the United States. In January 2024, the Company also launched its new direct sales website,, showcasing the brand identity for its product ineup.

AppYea最近開始了其商業階段,AppySleep首次向美國客戶交付了AppySleep。2024年1月,該公司還推出了新的直銷網站,, 展示其產品陣容的品牌標識。

According Global Market Insights, the Sleep Tech Devices Market size surpassed 17.9$ Billion in 2022 and is expected to register 18.2% CAGR between 2023 and 2032 to 95.2$ Billion. An increasing number of patients suffering from sleep apnea and related disorders will influence the demand for sleep tech devices. The testing market for sleep apnea is also shifting to home-based testing and moving away from sleep labs as smartphone apps that monitor sleep patterns have rose in popularity. These smart apps have compiled millions of users who are actively looking for smart solutions like AppySleep.


AppYea is committed to disrupting the multi-billion-dollar sleep apnea business with its innovative design and low-cost alternative. Not only does the AppySleep device help diagnose snoring, but it contains a proprietary AI driven solution that helps people sleep better. It's broad patent coverage provides a significant competitive advantage over the monitoring apps. The products user-centric watch design marks a new era in sleep wellness. AppySleep is a compact, lightweight, and comfortable smart wristband designed for use during sleep. This wristband seamlessly incorporates multiple sensors and interfaces with the AppySleep smartphone app via Bluetooth. The app, utilizing the smartphone's microphone, actively monitors breathing patterns during sleep. When it detects several consecutive snores, the wristband responds with a gentle vibration, prompting the user to adjust their sleeping position and naturally cease snoring. The key to AppySleep's effectiveness lies in its user-friendly design and gradual training approach. Over continuous use spanning several weeks, users typically acclimate to sleeping in a correct and healthy position, significantly reducing, or eliminating snoring.

AppYea致力於通過其創新的設計和低成本替代方案顛覆價值數十億美元的睡眠呼吸暫停業務。AppySleep設備不僅可以幫助診斷打鼾,而且還包含專有的人工智能驅動解決方案,可以幫助人們睡得更好。與監控應用程序相比,它廣泛的專利覆蓋範圍提供了顯著的競爭優勢。該產品以用戶爲中心的手錶設計標誌着睡眠健康進入了一個新時代。AppySleep 是一款小巧、輕便、舒適的智能腕帶,專爲睡眠期間使用而設計。這款腕帶通過藍牙與 AppySleep 智能手機應用程序無縫整合了多個傳感器和接口。該應用程序利用智能手機的麥克風主動監控睡眠期間的呼吸模式。當它檢測到連續幾次打鼾時,腕帶會以輕微的振動做出響應,提示用戶調整睡眠姿勢並自然停止打鼾。AppySleep 有效的關鍵在於其用戶友好的設計和漸進式訓練方法。持續使用數週後,用戶通常會適應以正確健康的姿勢睡覺,從而顯著減少或消除打鼾。

"The feedback the Company has received for AppySleep has been overwhelmingly positive," said Adi Shemer, AppYea CEO.


"For example, one buyer stated that he had purchased one hoping it would alleviate his son's snoring, which is due to sleep apnea. It not only reduced his son's snoring, but now he and his wife can enjoy a full night's sleep. Such encouraging responses have motivated AppYea to further innovate in the sleep market and to launch the e-commerce store on Amazon. The store was designed and planned by Amazon experts, with experience in boosting company sales."



立即購買並獲得 33% 的折扣

Launching the Amazon store for the marketing of AppySleep is a significant milestone and part of the Company's strategic marketing plan. After in-depth market research and analysis of multiple Amazon searches for solutions to treat snoring, we concluded that this platform could morph into a significant growth driver for the Company. The company is also making good progress on its 510-K application. An approval would create a significant value inflection point for the Company. We also wanted to inform the public that all pre-orders for the product have been fulfilled. It is important to note that the Company is actively exploring additional marketing channels and collaborations for its products", continued Mr. Shemer.

啓動 亞馬遜店鋪 因爲AppySleep的營銷是一個重要的里程碑,也是公司戰略營銷計劃的一部分。在對亞馬遜多次搜索治療打鼾的解決方案進行了深入的市場研究和分析之後,我們得出結論,該平台可能會成爲公司重要的增長動力。該公司在510-K應用程序方面也取得了良好的進展。批准將爲公司創造一個重要的價值轉折點。我們還想告知公衆,該產品的所有預購均已完成。值得注意的是,該公司正在積極探索其產品的更多營銷渠道和合作”,Shemer先生繼續說道。

About AppYea

關於 AppYea

AppYea is a Healthtech company commercializing innovative wearable technology for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. It's mission is to develop wearable solutions that diagnose and treat sleep apnea. The Company is harnessing the power of AI and sensing technologies in order to track and analyze breathing patterns, vital signs, and other physiological parameters during sleep. The Company has amassed a proprietary IP portfolio of 8 patents tied to the processing power of the smartphone that was designed for greater accuracy and affordability over the existing standard of care. For more information on AppYea please go to

AppYea是一家健康科技公司,致力於將創新的可穿戴技術商業化,用於治療打鼾和睡眠呼吸暫停。它的使命是開發診斷和治療睡眠呼吸暫停的可穿戴解決方案。該公司正在利用人工智能和傳感技術的力量來跟蹤和分析睡眠期間的呼吸模式、生命體徵和其他生理參數。該公司已經積累了專有資產知識產權組合 其中8項專利與智能手機的處理能力有關,該智能手機旨在比現有護理標準更高的準確性和可負擔性。有關 AppYea 的更多信息,請訪問。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements relating to the future performance of AppYea are subject to many factors including, but not limited to, the sufficiency or working capital and our 2022, lity to raise the capital needed to fund our development efforts, the going concern qualification in our financials, timing of product development, customer acceptance of our products in the market, the introduction of competitive products, the effectiveness of our product distribution networks, the impact of any product liability or other adverse litigation, commercialization and technological difficulties, and the other risks identified in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 31, 2023, as further updated. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information, or otherwise.

1995 年的《訴訟改革法》。與AppYea未來業績相關的聲明受許多因素的影響,包括但不限於充足的營運資金和我們的2022年、籌集發展資金所需的資金的能力、財務狀況的持續經營資格、產品開發的時機、客戶對我們產品在市場的接受程度、競爭產品的推出、我們的產品分銷網絡的有效性、任何產品責任或其他不利訴訟的影響、商業化和技術等不利訴訟困難以及公司於2023年3月31日向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至2022年12月31日止年度的10-K表年度報告中確定的其他風險,該報告已進一步更新。此類陳述基於管理層當前的信念和期望,存在重大風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中列出的結果有所不同。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,我們沒有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於未來事件、新信息還是其他原因。



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資料來源:APPYEA, Inc.

