
Montana Cannabis Revenue Bill Veto On Thin Ice, State's Supreme Court Defies Gov With Ruling To Clear Legislative Path

Montana Cannabis Revenue Bill Veto On Thin Ice, State's Supreme Court Defies Gov With Ruling To Clear Legislative Path

Benzinga ·  03/20 10:13

The Montana Supreme Court rejected the state's request to halt a lower court's mandate. This directive compels Governor Greg Gianforte (R) and Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen to proceed with an override poll concerning a vetoed cannabis revenue bill.


The court's decision grants lawmakers a renewed opportunity to reassess Senate Bill 442, which Gianforte vetoed at the 2023 session's conclusion.


Bipartisan Support Clashes With Governor's Veto


At the heart of the dispute is the proposed redistribution of recreational cannabis tax revenues. The bill, demonstrating substantial bipartisan approval, sought to funnel more funds toward habitat conservation and county infrastructure.


However, Governor Gianforte's veto has ignited a constitutional and political debate, highlighting the delicate balance of power within Montana's governmental framework, as Blair Miller reported in The Daily Montanan. "We are thankful to the Montana Supreme Court for upholding the constitution and requiring the governor and secretary of state to issue the override poll with haste," said Noah Marion, political and state policy director for Wild Montana. "We look forward to helping Sen. (Mike) Lang and the Legislature finally make SB 442 law; benefitting infrastructure, veterans, mental health, agriculture and timber industries, wildlife, public access, hunter and anglers."

但是,正如布萊爾·米勒在《蒙大拿日報》上報道的那樣,州長吉安福爾特的否決權引發了憲法和政治辯論,凸顯了蒙大拿州政府框架內微妙的權力平衡。Wild Montana政治和州政策董事諾亞·馬裏恩說:“我們感謝蒙大拿州最高法院維護憲法,要求州長和國務卿匆忙發佈推翻民意調查。”“我們期待幫助參議員(邁克)朗和立法機關最終制定SB 442法律;使基礎設施、退伍軍人、心理健康、農業和木材工業、野生動物、公共通道、獵人和垂釣者受益。”

A Unanimous Court Decision Amid Legal Wrangling


The unanimous decision from six judges, with only Dirk Sandefur abstaining, signifies a clear path forward. Despite arguments suggesting the poll's potential to moot the governor's legal challenges, the court maintained its ability to address these concerns separately.


Notably, this development marks a significant victory for proponents of SB 442, including environmental and community groups that have championed the bill's objectives. "Despite ongoing attempts to stall, the courts have upheld the necessity for legislative involvement in the veto override process," said Eric Bryson, executive director of the Montana Association of Counties. "We appreciate and commend the Supreme Court for promptly addressing the matter."

值得注意的是,這一事態發展標誌着SB 442的支持者取得了重大勝利,其中包括支持該法案目標的環境和社區團體。蒙大拿州縣協會執行董事埃裏克·布賴森說:“儘管一直試圖拖延局面,但法院堅持立法機構參與否決權推翻程序的必要性。”“我們讚賞並讚揚最高法院迅速處理此事。”

A Defining Moment For Montana's Legislative Process


This Supreme Court ruling facilitates an immediate step towards potentially overturning the governor's veto and also sets a precedent for the legislative process in Montana. The court's decision to allow the appeal to continue while the override poll is conducted speaks to the judiciary's ability to navigate complex constitutional and procedural issues.


As the override poll is distributed, the bipartisan support initially garnered by SB 442 will be put to the test. With more than 10 months having passed since Gianforte's veto, the upcoming legislative action could redefine Montana's approach to cannabis tax revenue distribution and broader environmental and infrastructure policies.

隨着推翻民意調查的發佈,SB 442最初獲得的兩黨支持將受到考驗。自Gianforte否決以來已經過去了10個多月,即將出臺的立法行動可能會重新定義蒙大拿州的大麻稅收收入分配方式以及更廣泛的環境和基礎設施政策。

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