
Interra Copper Issues Letter to Shareholders

Interra Copper Issues Letter to Shareholders

Interra Copper向股東發出信函
newsfile ·  03/20 05:55

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 19, 2024) - Interra Copper Corp. (CSE: IMCX) (OTCQB: IMIMF) (FSE: 3MX) ("Interra" or the "Company") is pleased to issue the following letter from its Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Rick Gittleman, updating shareholders on the Company's plans for unlocking value from its assets while executing on a prudent yet strategic work plan in 2024.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 19 日)- 英特拉銅業公司(CSE:IMCX)(場外交易代碼:IMIMF)(FSE:3MX) (”Interra“或者”公司“)很高興發佈其董事長、總裁兼首席執行官裏克·吉特爾曼的以下來信,向股東通報了公司在執行2024年審慎而戰略性的工作計劃的同時釋放其資產價值的最新計劃。

To our fellow shareholders of Interra Copper Corp.,


I'm writing to you today with great enthusiasm for a busy and productive 2024. Over the year, Interra's leadership will be focused on maximizing shareholder value through exploration on multiple projects and initiatives. The team has spent time prioritizing and re-evaluating the Company's projects - re-interpreting data to identify the best targets and regions within those projects. The overall goal was to determine optimal exploration programs and to also eliminate non-productive assets and costs that are generating no real value for the Company.


We ended 2023 on a positive note - closing on a multi-round non-brokered flow-through private placement financing raising C$1.14 million in December 2023 and positioning the Company for near term exploration work in British Columbia. We are especially excited to put this money to work and commence exploration at the Rip Copper-Molybdenum Project, the newest addition to our exploration assets. In December 2023, in connection with the Rip Project, we acquired an option for up to an 80% earn-in and joint venture agreement with ArcWest Exploration Inc. Rip's geological attributes make a compelling case for prioritized exploration. The fully permitted exploration project is located in central British Columbia (BC), an established mining region on Canada's west coast, and situated in a prolific belt of Late Cretaceous intrusions (Bulkley Plutonic Suite), host to numerous past producing mines and well-known Copper and Molybdenum deposits, such as Huckelberry, Endako, Granisle and Granduc.

我們在2023年結束時表現樂觀——2023年12月完成了多輪非經紀流通私募融資,籌集了114萬加元,爲公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省的短期勘探工作做好了準備。我們特別高興能將這筆錢投入使用,並開始在Rip Copper-Molymonshing項目進行勘探,這是我們勘探資產的最新成員。2023年12月,我們在Rip項目中收購了高達80%的收益期權,並與ArcWest Exploration Inc.簽訂了合資協議。Rip的地質特性爲優先勘探提供了令人信服的理由。這個完全獲准的勘探項目位於加拿大西海岸的一個成熟礦區不列顛哥倫比亞省中部(BC),位於白堊紀晚期入侵的多產地帶(Bulkley Plutonic Suite),這裏有許多過去生產的礦山和著名的銅鉬礦牀,例如哈克爾伯裏、恩達科、格拉尼斯爾和格蘭杜克。

Together with our partner, ArcWest, we have begun to develop a significant exploration plan for the Rip Project. New work, completed in late 2023, included a modest till cover geochemical sampling program. Follow-up work to aid with drill target definition will include a drone supported high resolution magnetic survey in addition to a 3D Induced Polarization survey this summer. The Rip technical committee is also currently in the process of finalizing options and costs for a modest drill program based on an assumption of success with the early exploration. Interra has flow-through qualified CEE "Canadian Exploration Expenses" funds available to support both of our BC projects, with funds not going to Rip in 2024 to be dedicated to our other exciting BC porphyry project, the Thane Project.

我們已經開始與我們的合作伙伴ArcWest一起爲Rip項目制定一項重要的勘探計劃。新工作於2023年底完成,包括一項規模不大的直至封面的地球化學採樣計劃。輔助確定鑽探目標的後續工作將包括無人機支持的高分辨率磁場測量,以及今年夏天的三維誘導極化測量。基於早期勘探成功的假設,Rip技術委員會目前也在敲定一項適度鑽探計劃的選項和成本。Interra擁有符合條件的中歐和東歐的 “加拿大勘探費用” 資金可用於支持我們的兩個不列顛哥倫比亞省項目,2024年資金不會用於Rip的資金專門用於我們另一個令人興奮的不列顛哥倫比亞斑岩項目——塔那項目。

Our 100% owned Thane Project is a district scale copper-gold project covering a 20,658-hectare concession within the Quesnel Terrane in Northern British Columbia. The Quesnel Terrane is a prolific porphyry belt with significant copper, gold, silver, molybdenum mineralization. Thane sits amongst existing mines and other known significant deposits, such as Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Mine and Kemess North Deposits, North-west Copper's Kwanika and Stardust and Pacific Ridge's Kliyul Deposits and the Company classifies it as underexplored. Six mineralized copper-gold target areas have been identified to date and in late 2023 Interra engaged in an independent review to re-assess past work and re-interpret the project data with a view to an integrated life of project dataset and a new strategy for discovery. Our consultant has extensive and relevant experience with Northern Cordillera copper-gold systems both as a senior exploration specialist with major mining companies and with specific direct experience in the district surrounding Thane Project as a technical adviser on the same style of deposits Thane has the potential to host.

我們 100% 控股的Thane項目是一個區域規模的銅金項目,佔地20,658公頃,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的Quesnel Terrane。Quesnel Terrane 是一個多產的斑岩帶,有大量的銅、金、銀、鉬礦化。Thane 位於現有礦山和其他已知的重要礦牀之間,例如 Centerra Gold 的 Mt.米利根礦和凱梅斯北部礦牀、西北銅業的Kwanika和Stardust以及太平洋嶺的克利尤爾礦牀,該公司將其歸類爲未充分勘探。迄今爲止,已經確定了六個礦化銅金目標區域,2023年底,Interra進行了一項獨立審查,以重新評估過去的工作並重新解釋項目數據,以期整合項目數據集的生命週期和新的發現策略。我們的顧問在Northern Cordillera銅金系統方面擁有豐富的相關經驗,既是大型礦業公司的高級勘探專家,又是塔那項目周邊地區的具體直接經驗,曾擔任塔那可能擁有的相同類型礦牀的技術顧問。

Based upon the results of the review, we are anticipating work contemplated for 2024 will include both ortho-imagery and high-resolution topographical surveys to support field reviews and targeted rock geochemistry to help vector towards mineral centres. This work will be focused on maximizing the use of previously invested data and ensuring a well thought out systematic discovery program can be developed for the next phase of work. This next stage of work is expected to include detailed magnetic geophysical surveys and focused geological mapping of the mineralization and alteration of specific copper-gold target zones to prepare for discovery drilling.


Given the large size of the property and multiple mineral centres identified to date, Interra has also begun a search for a senior company partner in order to accelerate these plans and provide support to a longer-term discovery strategy to maximize the value of the asset. Exploration plan details for 2024 will be shared with the market in the coming weeks.


While Thane is fully permitted for all planned work in 2024, ahead of this work, we have continued previous discussions with local First Nations representatives to ensure open and transparent communication with the Nations and local communities and to allow for integration of traditional territories. Interra is committed to responsible exploration in the regions in which we operate and we look forward to working closely with local First Nations and partners as we further advance our assets in this region.


Chile has proven to be of decreasing attractiveness especially over the past twelve to eighteen months, culminating with what amounts to a burdensome "tax" on exploration ventures and capital. Management does not see this policy improving anytime soon. Our drilling program at Tres Marias yielded no positive results. Pitbull and Zenaida are greenfield projects in very early stages of exploration which technically rank lower than our BC exploration portfolio. Unfortunately, the government of Chile this year increased significantly the annual claim fees that need to be paid to maintain the concessions; claim fees that amount to unacceptable overhead costs to the Company and that represent a drastic increase from previous years. Accordingly, based upon the results at Tres Marias, the Interra board of directors (Board) has consented to divesting these projects for nominal compensation or to return the claims to the government. Nonetheless, we are very excited about both Rip and Thane. We need to use our resources prudently. Accordingly, these projects will be pursued with much greater focus and resources. We believe that our funds can and must be better spent in jurisdictions like BC, Canada.

事實證明,智利的吸引力正在下降,尤其是在過去的十二到十八個月中,最終對勘探企業和資本徵收了相當於沉重的 “稅”。管理層認爲該政策不會在短期內得到改善。我們在特雷斯瑪麗亞斯的鑽探計劃沒有產生任何積極的結果。Pitbull和Zenaida是處於勘探初期階段的新建項目,從技術上講,其排名低於我們在不列顛哥倫比亞省的勘探組合。不幸的是,智利政府今年大幅增加了維持特許權所需的年度索賠費;索賠費相當於公司不可接受的管理費用,與往年相比大幅增加。因此,根據Tres Marias的結果,Interra董事會(董事會)已同意剝離這些項目以獲得名義補償或將索賠退還給政府。儘管如此,我們對Rip和Thane都感到非常興奮。我們需要謹慎地使用我們的資源。因此,將以更大的重點和更多的資源開展這些項目。我們認爲,我們的資金可以而且必須更好地用於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省等司法管轄區。

Interra anticipates 2024 will be a pivotal year for the Company, both in terms of improving market conditions, and with new discovery focused programs initiating at two projects in British Columbia. With the backdrop of strong metals prices, particularly copper and gold, we look forward to unlocking the potential of our highly prospective exploration assets located in a great jurisdiction. Additionally, consistent with our corporate strategy, the Company continues its search for brownfield and resource-level copper development project opportunities with the potential for high impact. We continue to seek out special opportunities that will prove valuable to the Company and our shareholders.


Finally, and on a personal note, it has been a great pleasure working with my colleagues on the Interra Board and with the Interra management team. I have also been extremely impressed by our shareholders who stand by and support the Company. The support I have received is meaningful to me personally. Originally it was not my intent to take on the role of the Chief Executive Officer on a permanent basis as recently announced, however, the past six months have convinced me that the Interra team and vision is the right one and that the shareholders of Interra need a CEO fully committed to the Company's success. Moreover, I have, along with other Board members, increased our shareholdings in Interra and financially invested in the Company through participating in the recent and current private placements.


Thank you again to you, the shareholders, for your ongoing support coming out of what has been a very tough market. Interra has a very skilled and dedicated leadership team with a long track record of success. We remain committed to creating value through our focused copper-gold discovery programs.




Rick Gittleman

Rick Gittleman

Chairman of the Board, President & Chief Executive Officer
Interra Copper Corp.


About Interra Copper Corp.

關於 Interra 銅業公司

Interra Copper Corp. is focused on building shareholder value through the exploration and development of its portfolio of early-stage exploration copper assets located in British Columbia, Canada and Chile.

Interra Copper Corp. 專注於通過勘探和開發其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省、加拿大和智利的早期勘探銅資產組合,建立股東價值。

The Company's portfolio includes three exploration projects in British Columbia: Thane, Chuck Creek and Rip. The Thane Project located in the Quesnel Terrane of Northern BC spans over 20,658 ha with 6 high-priority targets identified demonstrating significant copper and precious metal mineralization. Chuck Creek is an early-stage exploration project located within the Eagle Bay Assemblage. The Company has an earn-in option up to 80% and joint-venture agreement on the Rip Project located in Stikine Terrane in a prolific belt of Late Cretaceous (bulkley plutonic suite), known for copper-molybdenum deposits. The Company also owns three copper projects located the Central Volcanic Zone, within a prolific Chilean Copper belt: Tres Marias and Zenaida in Antofagasta Region, and Pitbull in Tarapaca Region.

該公司的投資組合包括不列顛哥倫比亞省的三個勘探項目:Thane、Chuck Creek和Rip。塔那項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的奎斯內爾地形,佔地超過20,658公頃,確定了6個高度優先目標,表明銅和貴金屬礦化作用顯著。查克·克里克是一個早期勘探項目,位於鷹灣組合區內。該公司擁有高達80%的收益期權,並就Rip項目簽訂了合資協議,該項目位於以銅鉬礦牀聞名的晚白堊紀多產地帶(bulkley plutonic套件)。該公司還擁有三個銅礦項目,位於中央火山區,位於多產的智利銅礦帶內:安託法加斯塔地區的特雷斯瑪麗亞斯和澤奈達以及塔拉帕卡地區的比特布爾礦區。

Interra Copper's leadership team is comprised of senior mining industry executives who have a wealth of technical and capital markets experience and a strong track record of discovering, financing, developing, and operating mining projects on a global scale. Interra Copper is committed to sustainable and responsible business activities in line with industry best practices, supportive of all stakeholders, including the local communities in which we operate. The Company's common shares are principally listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the symbol "IMCX". For more information on Interra Copper, please visit our website at .

Interra Copper的領導團隊由採礦業的高級管理人員組成,他們擁有豐富的技術和資本市場經驗,並在全球範圍內發現、融資、開發和運營採礦項目方面有着良好的記錄。Interra Copper致力於按照行業最佳實踐開展可持續和負責任的商業活動,支持所有利益相關者,包括我們運營所在的當地社區。該公司的普通股主要在加拿大證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲 “IMCX”。有關Interra Copper的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Interra Copper Corp.

代表 Interra Copper Corp. 董事會

Rick Gittleman
Chairman, President & CEO

Rick Gittleman

For further information contact:
Katherine Pryde
Investor Relations
+1 (778) 949-1829

+1 (778) 949-1829

Forward-Looking Information


Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, relating to the Company's plans on the Thane and Rip Projects, and the potential results of exploration work on the projects, as well as the Company's intent and ability to divest its Chile assets. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "aims," "potential," "goal," "objective," "prospective," and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "can," "could" or "should" occur, or are those statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions that forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made, and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Except to the extent required by applicable securities laws and the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include risks associated with mineral exploration operations, the risk that the Company will encounter unanticipated geological factors, the possibility that the Company may not be able to secure permitting and other governmental clearances necessary to carry out the Company's exploration plans, the risk that the Company will not be able to raise sufficient funds to carry out its business plans, and the risk of regulatory or legal changes that might interfere with the Company's business and prospects. The reader is urged to refer to the Company's reports, publicly available on SEDAR+ at and the Company's website. We seek safe harbor.

前瞻性陳述:本新聞稿包含加拿大證券立法所指的某些 “前瞻性陳述”,與公司的Thane和Rip項目計劃、項目勘探工作的潛在結果以及公司剝離其智利資產的意圖和能力有關。儘管該公司認爲此類陳述是合理的,但它無法保證此類預期會被證明是正確的。前瞻性陳述是不是歷史事實的陳述;它們通常以 “期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“目標”、“潛力”、“目標”、“目標”、“目標”、“前景” 和類似的表述來識別,或者事件或條件 “將”、“可能”、“可能”、“可能”、“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,“可能”,” “可能” 或 “應該” 出現,或者這些言論,就其性質而言,是指未來的事件。公司警告說,前瞻性陳述基於公司管理層在陳述發表之日的信念、估計和觀點,涉及許多風險和不確定性。因此,無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期有重大差異。除非適用的證券法和加拿大證券交易所的政策有要求,否則如果管理層的信念、估計或觀點或其他因素髮生變化,公司沒有義務更新這些前瞻性陳述。可能導致未來業績與這些前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異的因素包括與礦產勘探業務相關的風險、公司遇到意想不到的地質因素的風險、公司可能無法獲得執行公司勘探計劃所需的許可和其他政府許可的可能性、公司無法籌集足夠資金來執行其業務計劃的風險以及監管或法律變更的風險可能會干擾公司的業務和前景。敦促讀者參考公司的報告,這些報告可在SEDAR+和公司網站上公開發布。我們尋求安全港。

