
Lion Group Holding Set To Launch AI-driven Multi-currency Account Services By End Of March

Lion Group Holding Set To Launch AI-driven Multi-currency Account Services By End Of March

Lion Group Holding將在3月底之前推出人工智能驅動的多幣種賬戶服務
Benzinga ·  03/19 20:31

Lion Group Holding Ltd. ("Lion" or "the Company") (NASDAQ:LGHL), operator of an all-in-one trading platform that offers a wide spectrum of products and services, today announced it is in the final stage of upgrades to an advanced AI multi-currency trading account service planned to launch by the end of this month.

提供廣泛產品和服務的多合一交易平台的運營商獅子集團控股有限公司(“Lion” 或 “公司”)(納斯達克股票代碼:LGHL)今天宣佈,計劃於本月底推出的高級人工智能多幣種交易賬戶服務的升級已進入最後階段。

While financial transactions are traditionally settled in Hong Kong dollars, Lion's newly launched service will accommodate pricing and settlements in an array of currencies, including offshore RMB and US dollars. The system will adjust to different currency accounts in real-time and offer a suite of user-friendly investment tools and trading services to accommodate diverse investment strategies.


Targeting global users across multiple industries, Lion's new services are designed to allow customers enjoy significant cost savings and enhanced efficiency. For example, within the derivatives landscape, particularly in the Hong Kong-based Over-The-Counter (OTC) stock options segment, foreign investments in China A-shares are often susceptible to exchange rate volatility, which can materially affect net returns.


The adoption of offshore RMB settlement in Lion's new trading services, however, mitigates these currency fluctuations and substantially supports the liquidity and flexibility of customers' financial strategies.


"Our new suite of enhanced AI-driven products and services will not only address but also anticipate the evolving needs of our customers," said Lion CEO Mr. Chunning (Wilson) Wang. "Going forward, Lion will leverage pioneering technologies like AI and web3.0 to empower the technology-business fusion, creating an intelligent digital operational ecosystem, enhancing our development potentials, and generating substantial value growth for our shareholders."


