
IonQ And South Carolina Quantum Enter Strategic Agreement To Advance A Quantum Ecosystem In South Carolina

IonQ And South Carolina Quantum Enter Strategic Agreement To Advance A Quantum Ecosystem In South Carolina

ionQ 和南卡羅來納州量子達成戰略協議,以推進南卡羅來納州的量子生態系統
Benzinga ·  03/19 20:14

South Carolina becomes the latest state to accelerate the advancement of quantum computing


IonQ (NYSE:IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, today announced it has entered a strategic agreement with South Carolina Quantum (SC Quantum) to provide world-class quantum computing capabilities and professional services to SC Quantum partners, including academic institutions. As part of the agreement, IonQ and SC Quantum will partner to develop quantum-specific academic coursework for training future members of the quantum economy. SC Quantum will also partner with IonQ to accelerate the introduction of quantum technologies within enterprises, startups, and industries across South Carolina.

量子計算行業的領導者IonQ(紐約證券交易所代碼:IONQ)今天宣佈,它已與南卡羅來納州量子(SC Quantum)簽訂戰略協議,爲包括學術機構在內的SC Quantum合作伙伴提供世界一流的量子計算能力和專業服務。作爲協議的一部分,ionQ和SC Quantum將合作開發量子專項學術課程,以培訓量子經濟的未來成員。SC Quantum還將與ionQ合作,加速在南卡羅來納州的企業、初創企業和行業中引入量子技術。

With today's announcement, SC Quantum becomes the latest U.S. state effort to partner with IonQ, joining other states like Maryland and Washington in recognizing the need for quantum skill sets across business, government, and academia. In 2023, South Carolina earmarked millions for SC Quantum to develop a quantum-focused workforce and build quantum-smart technologies in the state.

隨着今天的宣佈,SC Quantum成爲美國與IonQ合作的最新州,與馬里蘭州和華盛頓州等其他州一起認識到企業、政府和學術界對量子技能的需求。2023 年,南卡羅來納州爲 SC Quantum 撥款數百萬美元,用於在該州培養一支以量子爲中心的員工隊伍並開發量子智能技術。

"SC Quantum's partnership with IonQ establishes a clear path for training and supporting the quantum workforce through academia and industry collaborations," said Peter Chapman, CEO and President of IonQ. "International interest in quantum computing has grown exponentially in recent years, driven by government-backed initiatives and support. Today's announcement signifies a momentous achievement in ensuring the United States – through projects like SC Quantum – maintains its leadership position in the quantum industry."

IonQ首席執行官兼總裁彼得·查普曼表示:“SC Quantum與ionQ的合作爲通過學術界和行業合作培訓和支持量子勞動力開闢了明確的道路。”“在政府支持的舉措和支持的推動下,近年來,國際上對量子計算的興趣呈指數級增長。今天的宣佈標誌着在確保美國通過SC Quantum等項目保持其在量子行業的領導地位方面取得了重大成就。”

"It is becoming increasingly clear that quantum information science and quantum computing have the potential to directly impact every aspect of South Carolina's economy," said Joe Queenan, Executive Director of SC Quantum. "We believe this collaboration can inspire technical discoveries that transform our region's economy. Today's partnership between IonQ and SC Quantum ensures our state is offering the most dynamic and globally competitive destination for quantum discovery, education, and entrepreneurship.

SC Quantum執行董事喬·昆南說:“越來越明顯的是,量子信息科學和量子計算有可能直接影響南卡羅來納州經濟的方方面面。”“我們相信,這種合作可以激發技術發現,改變我們地區的經濟。IonQ 和 SC Quantum 如今的合作關係確保了我們的州爲量子發現、教育和創業提供最具活力和全球競爭力的目的地。

Today's announcement is the latest in a series of regional and international developments for IonQ. This year, IonQ announced the opening of the first dedicated quantum manufacturing facility in the U.S., located in Seattle, Washington. In 2023, IonQ and the University of Maryland announced the grand opening of the National Quantum Laboratory (QLab) to provide people with access to the world's most powerful quantum computers. IonQ also announced an international partnership with QuantumBasel in Switzerland to establish a European quantum data center, in addition to signing Memorandum of Understandings with significant South Korean universities and institutions – South Korea's Ministry of Science and ICT (Information and Communications Technology), Sungkyunkwan University, and Seoul National University's Center for Quantum Information Science Education.

今天的公告是IonQ一系列地區和國際發展中的最新一項。今年,IonQ宣佈在美國華盛頓州西雅圖開設首個專門的量子製造工廠。2023 年,ionQ 和馬里蘭大學宣佈國家量子實驗室 (QLab) 盛大開幕,爲人們提供訪問世界上最強大的量子計算機的機會。IonQ 還宣佈與瑞士的 QuantumBasel 建立國際合作夥伴關係,以建立歐洲量子數據中心,此外還與韓國重要的大學和機構——韓國科學與信息通信部(信息和通信技術)、成均館大學和首爾國立大學量子信息科學教育中心簽署了諒解備忘錄。

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